• Spazz@lemmynsfw.com
      3 months ago

      They’re liars, they know full well what he’s accomplished, but they refuse to acknowledge it because their peers would ostracize them

    • OpenStars@discuss.online
      3 months ago

      Tbf, society used to have “news”, and many people are slow to realize that while the media still call themselves by that name, they no longer live up to that truth. i.e., not everyone who is blind is purposefully ignoring the truth - there is a whole spectrum of people in the middle.

        • OpenStars@discuss.online
          3 months ago

          I do not know much about those, as I do not have any special-purpose devices that can receive those signals. Do they not also follow the “if it bleeds, then it leads” mantra? e.g. did they report when Biden “betrayed” the railway workers by preventing them from striking at the busiest time of year (Christmas 2022), and if so did they also report when Biden spent MONTHS of effort after that to get those workers basically every single thing that they had asked for from their employers if they had been allowed to go ahead with their strike? B/c the for-profit media definitely did the former, though conveniently forgot all about the latter, despite how crucial such info as “how the current President is doing” and “whether the current President lives up to his promises” are to the upcoming election this year.

          But even if the only fact that I knew about public radio and TV at all was that they require special devices to access them, they still seem to me to be handicapped, even if differently than the for-profit media sources.

          Anyway, what percentage market share are public sources compared to private ones? To use the Fediverse as a readily-accessible example since anyone who reads this is definitely here (hehe, by definition:-P), how many news stories shared in some community such as !PoliticalMemes@lemmy.world are from “public” sources? If all that needs to be done to save journalistic integrity would be to create a new Lemmy community, and put public journalism onto it, then I will definitely subscribe and be a big fan of it! Though I doubt it is anywhere close to being as easy as all that… :-(

          Still, your point was worth mentioning.

      • Aceticon@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        As the New York Times’ coverage of the Israeli Genocide has made obvious to even the blindest most tribalist of people, the “liberal” media was and is just as hard spouting propaganda as the far-right one.

        Personally I think that the decay from Journalism into “Opinion Forming” in the traditional more liberal Press long predates the Fox-News Age and their destruction of the trust in the Traditional Press for temporary political gains of “their side” created the prime conditions for the rise of the made-up-outrage “Press” that so well fits the modus operandi of far-right populism and hence fed and was fed by made-up-outrage far-right populist politicians like Trump.

        • OpenStars@discuss.online
          3 months ago

          I mean… not equally though, unless you mean in the sense that both are incorrect. Liberal media in particular always tried to at least make their BS sound like it wasn’t nonsense, as opposed to e.g. MTG’s Jewish Space Laser rants. I appreciate the effort that goes into making a chart when I am lied to, rather than just some short pithy saying - it’s the effort that wins my heart! :-P (/s btw)

          I have heard it said that the only true way to spot a counterfeit message is to know the real thing backwards and forwards so well that nobody can pull a fast one on you when they try to sell you short (or long). e.g. we know that 1+1=2, but if Democrats tell us it is =11 whereas old-school Republicans say that it is =-100000000000000000, newer ones say that it is the sqrt of stfu, and the most modern ones of all have already shot your mom and fucked your dog, and hold everything else you hold dear hostage until you tell them that you LIKED it… then who is to blame the most if you did not know the answer in the first place?

          The answer, I believe, is that MOST of the blame goes to the people who did the WORST attrocity(-ies), but at least part of it falls onto us, for letting it happen.

          Therefore I do not blame older liberal media, or at least not nearly so much as I do what followed that got significantly worse. Though yeah, I do put some of the blame onto it as well, ofc.

          More important is what we do in response to it all?

          • Aceticon@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            It’s all about Trust.

            People used to believe in the Press - it was what is called an Authoritative Source.

            What the breaking of Trust in the Press - the greatest most influential of Autoritative Sources - did was create an environment were most people don’t believe in Authoritative Sources, hence were each individual - ignorant, untrained in analytical thinking, with neither the time, the access or the knowledge to trully dig down on a subject - is on his or her own to figure out what is true and is not.

            This new environment didn’t just open the doors for the likes of Fox News, it openned the doors for Anti-Vaxing, Russian interference, countless Internet conspiracies and an Era were Politics is essentially professional scam artists managing scams - the damage is way vaster than merelly their some sleazy manipulative “news” pieces.

            I absolutelly blame them for that: for the sake of momentary political gains for their team, newsmedia which for decades were trusted and respected broke the entire Trust Hierarchy and created the conditions for chaos and what looks more and more like Fascism.

            The other side, that of assholes being assholes, is nothing compared to the betrayal by those you trusted.

            • OpenStars@discuss.online
              3 months ago


              I have likened it to an immune system: fighting bacteria is way easier than fighting cancer. The ratio of sizes of Bacterial cells to Human cells is like a football to a football stadium, and their surfaces look extremely different, nor do bacteria even so much as try to blend in to look like their host cells (though they do put out a slimy coating to obscure their origins in the more general sense). So when the human immune system sees non-human cells somewhere they shouldn’t, like inside your anatomical tissues, it goes all-out WAR on those bitches, and just obliterates everything.

              In contrast, cancer cells not only look like, but they actually are YOUR CELLS - they are YOU! With just one tiny little alteration, hardly worth noticing, in that they no longer pay attention to the signals to halt, cease & desist growing anymore. They do what they fucking want, when they want, how they want, and never mind that their actions will (not offer “a chance of”, but a 100% certainty guarantee) kill themselves, it will also kill the organism as well, essentially taking it down with it. So all that “foreign detection apparatus”, which can eliminate bacteria, mold, non-human eukaryotes like amoeba, nonliving particles like dust, also the in-between stuff like viruses, none of that helps, when fighting against cancer.

              And that hasn’t even begun to get into HIV, where those immune processes are themselves subverted… when the police refuse to police the police, then how can the work of policing happen? (answer: it does not, and the body dies, far more often than not, unless some external intervention can prevent that outcome)

              There is a reason why people say that the only party slightly less worse than Republicans are Democrats. Although that might have something to do with the whole “2-party” system…:-P - but it does convey that neither party aim to be correct, so much as to just win. Also, whatever happened to just being “Americans”? Like, regardless of what party put you into office, once you get there, don’t (or rather, shouldn’t) you belong to the citizenry at large and need to represent all of your people, even those who voted for your opponent(s)? So like a Senator would represent a single state’s interests, and a President or Supreme Court Justice would represent the entire nation’s at large, etc. Enshittification is not just a term for capitalistic corporations, but applies to society at large - i.e. whatever higher functions were once meant to happen, have now been subverted by more basic lower processes like greed and corruption and such.

              Which makes sense - entropy doesn’t decrease for simply no reason (although that said, an open system does have quite a bit of wiggle room to play around in), and Maslov’s hierarchy of needs tends to revert to the lower, more basic ones when necessary, the higher ones only opening up when the lower ones are already met.

              How all this relates to what you said: people are stupid, and more importantly short-sighted. When the people entrusted with something become no longer worthy of that trust… that is the most dangerous thing of all to the survival of an organism. On the other hand, what are we going to do about it - just sit back and watch it die? For my part, I promote video sources such as Innuendo Studios, Kurzgesagt, Crash Course, etc. that have acted to step up in the wake of the demise of trust in our “official” media, but ofc there is no magic bullet, no one-solution-fits-all that is going to solve the enormous scope of the problem (and if there were, it would likely be taken out by an aggressive competitor or malicious actor, so would not last for long). Meh, oh well, I’ve made my peace that I cannot hold out even the remotest hope that it can all be solved, yet I still do my part b/c that is all that I can, and therefore must, do.

              • Aceticon@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                Well, having lived in a country with actual Proportional Vote, I would say that the “just win” mindset is derived from the two party system you get in First Past The Post representative allocation systems like the US, probably with a pinch of the higher aggressiveness of baseline American culture.

                That said, I don’t think the aggressive “just win” posture we see reflects them being different, quite the contrary: it’s Theatre for the masses because the two sides of the Power Duopoly are too similar, so lots of posturing with loud disagreements serves to both keep their own tribe (the people whose relation to politics is similar to their relation to sports: they have chosen a “team”) inspired and acting as unthinking supporters and keeping the rest of people thinking there is true competition when there really isn’t. This is why most of the fight is happening in the Moral field (stuff like LGBT rights) rather than anything to do with Power, Wealth and Quality Of Life - in the things that matter the most for those politicians both parties think the same, leaving only the things they don’t genuinelly care about as the field in which put one a very loud, very dramatic theatrical play about how difference they are.

                By the way, I liked your idea of using “enshittification” for Society and Politics and I hope you don’t mind if I use it in my own posts.

                Personally my own approach to help change things is to go around pointing the inconsitencies out to get at least some people thiking about it. I’m also a member of a small political party in the country I lived in and was also in one back when I lived in Britain (though there it’s a lot like the US and, frankly, at best things will need to get a lot worse before people are pissed of enough to change them).

                • OpenStars@discuss.online
                  3 months ago

                  I understand what you are saying, and in the past I would have agreed with you, except for two more recent alterations. Nothing is ofc all entirely one way or another, everything is on a continuum, and so even those alterations are based upon the backdrop of… yes, what you said: “political theater”.

                  First, looking not at the words that candidates say but rather at their actions following the election, politicians from the 70s, 80s, and 90s were as you describe. e.g. George W. Bush, despite running on the “conservative” ticket, was a progressive! And Hillary Rodham Clinton was the most pro-war, pro-big business Democrat that I have ever even so much as heard of. What you are saying used to be true, back in the day. Say whatever you need to in order to get elected, then go about the real business at hand, of getting shit done.

                  The first change though was the Tea Party (e.g. Ted Cruz, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, there’s a whole list if you expand the right-hand show/hide boxes on that wikipedia page link). They got radicalized somehow, and replaced the old-guard who actually knew how to compromise, instead doing things like sending letters overseas to sabotage ongoing negotations (I am not a lawyer, but looking up the old-timey definition, the word “treason” literally includes exactly that scenario as part of its definition!), and ofc the imfamous “shutting down the entire government” trick, holding the budget hostage until and unless they get their way - not the “American” way, no not that, but their way specifically b/c that is all that matters to them. Obviously prior Republicans had done all that this new breed were also looking to do, but the difference seems to be in the degree of obstinancy, and the eagerness to immediately knaw off the USA’s own legs just in order to spite the head - like for them, it is not the absolute last, final choice, but rather their second choice every time. They have done more filibustering, more blocking, more obstructionism than any modern party in the history of anyone alive in the USA (I have heard), and fun fact: even the Congress that functioned during the Civil War managed to pass more bills than a Congress involved with the Tea Party (obviously due to a technicality, where the southern democrats left in a huff, leaving the northern republicans to pass whatever they wanted free of interference:-P). Thus began the major Power Creep trend of modern obstructionism & enshittification - yes please feel free to use as you like, b/c if the shoe fits…:-D

                  But even before that trend could either snuff itself out or be subsumed by more old-guard politicians who actually want the government to be functional, the Alt-Right started to rise to power. This new breed… seems less concerned with “getting their way”, and more about simply burning everything to the fucking ground. Donald Trump has moved beyond obstructionism, to the point where if he does not get his way, a literal (if horribly inept) coup attempt was tried, and it remains to be seen if he, or one of the other followers of that movement will start a literal, actual, physical Civil War. e.g. Marjorie Taylor Greene has literally called for this - in a not-joking manner.

                  This is far past theater is what I am saying, yes in the past it was that, but now, at this point, we are well past that. America could literally fall as a democratic nation - and most experts (I have read) seem to agree that some kind of “constitutional crisis event” is imminent in the next 5-10 years. These people are far past playing around.

                  Kudos for being part of the solution where you are at. Similar to the UK, where I don’t know what could possibly reverse the effects of Brexit - that damage seems irreparable and permanent, it only remains to move forward from here on out and try to avoid further harm (in that case, not the end of a nation, but metrics are already revealing that it ushered in a sharp decline of its prominence?) - in the USA I don’t know what can be done to save it from its self-inflited injuries, given how many people seem hell-bent on ending it.

                  At a minimum though, it seems like it would have to begin with education, since currently the major differences seem to be about alternate sets of “facts” - e.g. does the COVID vaccine work, or does it rather harm you, making boys infertile, etc.? “Trust” in the media has been lost, in large part b/c literal pastors/priests/ministers have been promoting politics from behind their pulpits, thus mixing in the messages from religion to the point where it is becoming more of a “christian holy jihad” war than a logically-reasoned one where both sides are attempting to “get their way”. For that, pointing out inconsisties might help, but even then, people seem to already KNOW that they are wrong, and yet simply do not care.

                  Like if you look at Trump, there is simply no way to honestly call him “God’s man” (plus, if anyone who is placed in charge can be that, then why wasn’t Obama “God’s man” too?), but there seems to be a sense of “even though that’s not fully true, still supporting him is the right thing to do regardless”. A LOT of people seem to value “argument by authority” over what they see literally with their own eyes. And I get it: these matters - economics, geopolitics, treaties, climate change, pandemics - they can get quite complex, and many just want daddy to take care of them. Which in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. they legit did do! B/c the interests of the wealthy happened to align with the interests of the nation overall - other countries were bombed by Germany and the USA was riding high, so its success meant their own personal success too, plus all the engineers & scientists were creating wonderful new gadgets that were fun & helpful too. However, with globalization and automation that alignment is no longer true, and they are instead taking whatever they can get, seemingly with an exit strategy in place to sit back and watch as climate change happens and the world simply burns.

                  It seems extremely short-sighted to me - especially if a nation such as the USA could bend its enormous might towards literally halting or even reversing the effects of climate change? But, such thinking is a remnant of past days, and now multi-national corporations such as Alphabet and Apple and Meta are more powerful than the US government itself, so it seems that they now see it as a competitor and are at least allowing, sometimes rooting, occasionally even participating in taking it down. e.g. FaceBook’s sources of “alternative facts” helping to shatter the, as you pointed out, already quite brittle remaining trust that people had in the news media.

                  This is all a lot, but I hope it has been an interesting read? :-D

      • Asafum@feddit.nl
        3 months ago

        Now we have hate boner political infotainment. It’s disgusting.

        We need a free press, but we need to figure out how to deal with those that take advantage of their status… In this case, all of them…

        • OpenStars@discuss.online
          3 months ago

          Even my absolute favorites of all time - e.g. Jon Stewart - still does it. It is the nature of the game, which we hate rather than the playa. :-(

          Though in his case, some of it he does b/c it is necessary, a lot is rather tongue-in-cheek, and anyway he seems to be aware and definitely tries to use his power as responsibly as he can. Also, it may be hate-boning to e.g. watch a politician say something like “never in my entire life have I held this position”, then 2s later watch a different video showing that same politician a few years before where they espouse precisely that position that they later claimed that they never had - like yeah, it produces a “reaction” in us, but like… shouldn’t it, to watch such a blatant and bold-faced lie?

          The difference, imho, is that he doesn’t do such things purely for the sake of that reaction, and instead uses that reaction as the vehicle to convey his point, which is that that politician is a bad person, and should be replaced by someone who may perhaps be less bad. And, hate-engendering as it may be, it is also The Truth so… there’s that. Which stands in stark contrast to e.g. Alex Jones who also tries to engender hate, but not using Truth, and instead rather for the sake of personal profits.:-(

    • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      “saving democracy” tho; lol. if he wanted to do that, why the fuck is he running again?

      edit: that feels more like ‘dangling democracy over a trumpian abyss to jack off his own geriatric ego’.

        • RealFknNito@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          He’s certainly not destroying it

          Oh, yes, the only two options. Death or life support. No way to improve it.

          • nexguy@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            How could someone improve democracy and who would it be?

            Edit: weird that I would be down voted for asking who and how to improve democracy.

              • nexguy@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                Great, a usual list of improvements but you didn’t answer who. Who will be so much better than Biden and would accomplish this?

                • Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  Lawrence Lessig…

                  The problem isn’t that we don’t have solutions. The problem is that, collectively, we don’t have the will to implement them. It’s like effective Climate Change policy or Covid policies. At best, we’re getting half measures because people rather have their popcorn and circuses than saving their children. Biden doesn’t represent a solution, he represents a theater of a solution.

            • Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              3 months ago

              Okay, while I think the other person’s complaints are unreasonable and dishonest, I really need to answer this sincerely, because it’s genuinely important that people understand.

              Ways that American democracy can be improved:

              1. Eliminating lobbyists

              2. Capping how much money can be spent on political campaigns

              3. Capping individual donation sizes

              4. Capping donation frequency

              5. Implementing a cardinal or ordinal voting system (such as approval or single transferable vote)

              6. Making voting more accessible

              7. Removing the possibility of gerrymandering

              8. Outlawing political parties

              9. Making voting mandatory

              10. Several other things who’s scope mean they probably don’t count (like better education, which would help citizens perform democracy better, but also clearly falls outside the scope of the list) or that I am otherwise forgetting.


              Edit2: I never intended to answer “who” because that question doesn’t have a single answer; the president can’t do those things, and it’s silly to expect them to.

              • AA5B@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                Unfortunately, I don’t see how any president can do any of those. The best he can do is appoint competent justices and try to persuade Congress

                • Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  3 months ago

                  Correct; the president can’t do those things, hence why the other commentor’s complaints didn’t make sense. I was answering the question of how.

              • nexguy@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                You didn’t answer who. Who is so much better than Biden that they would be able to do all of this.

                • explodicle@sh.itjust.works
                  3 months ago

                  Despite his age, Bernie Sanders is still the most qualified person to be president. He would get more done and made election reform a focus of his campaigns.

                • Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org
                  3 months ago

                  Not only did they not answer the question of “who”, they instead listed off a wish list of things no president is able to do unilaterally. Like, those are all good things, but blaming the current incumbent / candidate for not doing those is a completely ignorant take (if not intentionally moving the goalposts).

                  We need better civics lessons both in K-12 and maybe some kind of adult education classes.

            • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
              3 months ago

              he’s the worst dipshit that could be running here, sucking up all the support for the smallest permissible ‘better’, when you have enough bipartisan issues to get support from both the left and sane-right if you ran anyone else. biden is not defending democracy; he’s dangling it over a cliff with Donald trump at the bottom.

              • nexguy@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                Neirher West nor Stein would do anything different. In fact both of them want to give in to Putin and weaken democracy world wide. Who could do it better?

                • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
                  3 months ago

                  anyone. else. literally anyone on my block, including many of the pets.

                  and if ‘west’ and ‘stein’ wouldn’t do anything different than biden, they’re shit too. your whole argument is that the entire democratic party is worthless, that none of them have any virtue to counter trump, just the exact same calculated amount of vice less, the smallest amount so we can say they’re not quite the same, following them down the intellectual lacuna, using them as a wind break?

                  that seems like a party I’m literally never going to vote for.

    • Empricorn@feddit.nl
      3 months ago

      But… he’s old! And not perfect!!! So obviously, we should stay home and see how much better our lives will be under Trump when it’s his last (legal) term and literally what keeps him out of prison… Duh.

      • PugJesus@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Look, I know the opposition is worse in quite literally every conceivable sense, but BOTH SIDES! Ha, take that, LIBS!

    • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      Good to see the ratio favoring logic and reason. Seems the anti-Biden propagandists are being run off finally.

        • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          Yep. I don’t know why they aren’t deferderated along with Hexbear. It’s pretty much the same people. They’re just circumventing the block via .ml.

          • someguy3@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            Yeah I’m pretty close to seeing if I can block the whole instance, right now I’m all blocking certain communities. (I was banned from worldnews.ml for saying NATO was a defensive treaty lol.)

      • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        Everyone cares about genocide, just not everyone is dumb enough to think that a president of another country has the ability to stop it from happening.

        And before you go off and dumb shit about how he’s supplying them with arms, go ahead and look up how much arms they already had before this started, and how what Biden is sending is pretty much irrelevant in comparison.

        • SuddenDownpour@sh.itjust.works
          3 months ago

          Everyone cares about genocide, just not everyone is dumb enough to think that a president of another country has the ability to stop it from happening.

          Do you have any idea about the nature of the existence of Israel? Iran hates them, Irak hates them, Syria hates them, Lebanon hates them, Egypt and the Saudis hold up their noses because they’re pragmatic enough to look the other way as long as that gets them the favor of the US. It’s a tiny country with a small population which viability as a state is dependent on several European and North American countries being willing to give them full military support. If the US threatens them with a blockade, it would be possible to negotiate Palestinian statehood (not just stopping the genocide) within weeks, and a two state solution would no longer be a pipe dream. Instead, the US has been protecting them from any potential reprisal against their crimes.

          There are great arguments about why you should vote for Biden, but flaunting this much ignorance is certainly not doing his camp any favors.

  • Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    3 months ago

    Don’t you know if a president doesn’t want to lick daddy Stalin’s blood-strained boots they’re no better than Hitler? Clearly, none of these facts matter.

    Edit: either y’all don’t understand sarcasm or tankies are pissed and I can’t tell which.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    If you only compare democrats to republicans, every Democrat is going to look amazing.

    Like comparing a large McDonalds combo meal to a literal shit sandwich.

    I’ll always take some Mickey D’s in that choice. Even though it’s probably been a decade since I’ve actually ate that trash.

    But if those are my only two options for every meal, I know on a long enough timeline the McDonald’s is going to kill me. Eventually I got to start asking why my only options are something bad for me and something that’s drastically worse for me.

    I just want a fucking salad for once. Like, let’s just give it a chance, see how it works out.

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Disclaimer- I know about the Dixie Flip and how the parties are not what they were a hundred years ago. However you said every Democrat. I am legally obligated to mention this.

      Abraham Lincoln.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      3 months ago

      Sounds fuckin great; if you know how to navigate in the direction of the salad please let me know.

      In the meantime I do think it makes sense to request the burger instead of telling the waiter to just bring whatever

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Sounds fuckin great; if you know how to navigate in the direction of the salad please let me know

        I used to say voting in the party from the ground up. But that hasn’t worked and the more we try the more the parties fight it.

        The 2020 DNC “fund” changes is even worse than Citizen’s united, but no one ever mentions that.

        The DNC outright says if they don’t like a primary they can ignore the results. And they’re already taking delegates from states.

        But it’s a different age now, debates rarely even get held and haven’t mattered for decades. Which was the big thing that used to hold third parties back: access to debates and tv interviews. The parties are nothing more than agents at the end of the day. Just middle men who hand money between people and keep some while enjoying the high life.

        What matters now is internet exposure and buzz.

        For good candidates that can be almost free, for shit candidates that can cost over a billion dollars even against someone as hated as trump. And Bernie showed us that even with small donors, you can run a pretty big campaign.

        A third party president only takes getting people on the same page.

        Political change is rarely slow and gradual, shit happens quick, even though the people who were in power always says change will take forever right up till it happens

      • PugJesus@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        No don’t worry, THIS time when we eat shit it will TOTALLY encourage everyone to agree to not eating shit next time!

        Unlike, you know, the last 20 or so times this happened.

        • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          I dunno, I think the establishment burgercrats need a 9-0 against voting rights for non-property owners to really learn their lesson!

    • ricecake@sh.itjust.works
      3 months ago

      It’s because if too many people ask for salads without enough asking for a salad, then everyone has to eat the shit.

      So are you confident enough that enough people want salads to risk eating shit if you’re wrong, when the alternative is one more burger?

      Point being, we need to move to some type of ranked choice voting instead of first past the post in order for it to be safe for people to say what they really want, and still not risk “horror” if not enough people agree.

      • bdonvr@thelemmy.club
        3 months ago

        What and you think that’s just gonna happen? Why would the Dems ever want to implement ranked choice voting when FPTP is exactly what keeps you in this ridiculous situation?

        Just keep voting for Dems, that’s how we’ll eventually reform the system into one where we don’t have to vote for Dems… Yeah

        • ricecake@sh.itjust.works
          3 months ago

          Wow, look at all those rebuttals to all those things I never said!

          I’ll definitely myopically ignore the realities of our political system and do something vaguely cathartic but ultimately pointless and let the people I entirely disagree with win to spite the people I only kind of agree with.

          Not sarcastically, you’re forgetting that the parties are ultimately made of people who are elected by people.
          Democratic politicians tend to be Democrats, and Democrats tend to be more positive towards electoral representation.
          That’s why places are actually adopting ranked choice systems, albeit usually at more local levels where it’s easier to change systems and politicians.

          Politicians want to get elected, and they don’t really care about the party. If supporting a popular initiative that hurts the party later helps you, you coincidentally agree with it, and on paper it aligns with your party ideals, why wouldn’t you vote in favor of it?
          It’s one of those game theory situations where each individual operating in their own interests creates a situation that’s worse for the collective.

    • Optional@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      Excellent. Changing the electoral system and changing the FPTP ranking is going to take a lot of work, but that’s the way to go!

      Until then though, we got the McDonalds (now with 30% less plastic!), or the shit sandwich which wasn’t refrigerated properly. So. Make your choice. Oh and If we could maybe not kill the planet, like, real soon that’d be swell.

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        You act like the only two parties America has had is D and R…

        And that the parties are the important part not the voters.

        Before we’re able to kick all the neoliberals at of the dem party and beat back republicans to have the numbers to really change our political system, we’ll see the parties shake up. Marc Cuban has been getting his name out there for four years. He’s coming in 2028. And regardless of who wins 2024, the majority of Americans will be upset about it and there won’t be an incumbent.

        “Beating the system from within” doesn’t mean just using the two existing parties, it means using the party system to replace the FPTP.

        • Optional@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          You act like the only two parties America has had is D and R…

          It is the case, because the Constitution says whoever gets the most votes wins, i.e. First Past The Post (and yes the electoral college screwed with that immediately).

          Okay, as an old I gotta tell you - you’re right, but you’re wrong. A third party win is a pipe dream that is never going to happen BECAUSE you’ll never get a third party to outvote one of the two existing. Unless the mutated GQP does something even more upsetting and unfortunate, I guess. You might get a third nazi party that outvotes “moderates”, that’s possible I guess. National Socialists. Ugh.

          But getting a more progressive, liberal party to peel away enough Democrats AND Republicans to win a federal election in order to change the voting structure - I mean, just wish for a pot of gold, or a new washer & dryer combo. Work towards it, of course - vote towards it, yes. But pining for it and pretending it’s a viable option is going to waste decades of your political interested life for nothing. Ask everyone else who has been doing that since the 1800s. (no I’m not that old, but national politics are.)

      • bdonvr@thelemmy.club
        3 months ago

        If McD’s knows you’ll always buy whatever they put out because you essentially have no choice, why would they EVER want to implement something like eliminating FPTP voting that locks you into this ridiculous choice?

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      3 months ago

      For Biden it’s only an acceptable outcome (for some godforsaken fuckin reason which I won’t defend in the slightest)

      For Trump, punishing brown people is a core value he makes a priority of. Remember Muslim ban / family separation / moving the embassy to Jerusalem / “finish the job”?

    • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      Hi, Palestinian American here, stop fetishizing our corpses as an excuse to let the guy who wants the genocide to come here too into office.

      Badna N3aesh.

      Edit: fuckin’ love the full mask off reply of

      “The genocide of your people isn’t about your people!”

      Whitest bougeyvik bullshit I have ever witnessed put to keyboard, PoC aren’t even allowed ownership of being genocided anymore if whitey doesn’t like how we decide to respond to it.

      • Topipolous@lemmy.ml
        3 months ago

        Thanks for saying this. The comments are crazy. Like it would be more convenient if you could be genocided after the election, because you know this genocide is kind of in the way of some other domestic issues we’re having. So if you could just let Biden have this one until after the election that’d be great.

        I take back everything. This guy makes no sense and I completely misunderstood the comment. And I don’t think he speaks Arabic but claims to speak for Palestinian Americans. L take.

        • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          No I’m talking about you.

          Those “other domestic issues” is the other guy wanting to bring the genocide here that you seem to have glossed over.

          Palestinian corpses are not a set piece for white leftists to ignore their duty to mitigate harm in the US and still feel like they get to play ally at all the grammable marches and rallies.

          You’ll not find one Palestinian American who thinks Biden is a good president right now, and you’ll just as soon find one who won’t look at you like a complete moron for thinking letting Trump win over it would be of any help to our cause in the slightest, in fact, they’d probably assume you were an Israeli agent agitating on Bibi’s behalf. Who else would side against keeping Trump out of office after he gave Israel a free hand on The West Bank, East Jerusalem, and The Golan Heights?

          Edit: claims to be Arab, but swears they and all their totally Arabic family members are gonna let Trump win because “but Dems bad too!” When Trump brings the genocide here, Palestinians will remember all the help “Arabs” such as yourself showed us by laying the red carpet out for him.

          Either you’re a liar or a knowing collaborator, either way you are no ally to Palestinians here in America, nor are you any help to them in the homeland.

          Go ahead keeping on feeling righteous about letting fascism win to “punish” people you’ve probably ranted a hundred times now would rather lose than let a progressive win, meaning Trump winning is literally just giving them what they want in your backwards line of thinking…

          • Topipolous@lemmy.ml
            3 months ago

            عفكرة ما حدا غير انا وإياك رح يقرأ ايش بتكتب وبالصراحة بتحكيلي انو مش مصدق انو أنا عربي بس بشوفكش ترد غير انو كتبت بدنا نعيش… طب ماشي عايشين بس كيف بتعيش أهل غزة… احنا مستقبلنا ولا بيدن ولا الترمب رح يتحسن علينا و وأولاد عمنا رح يخلصو شغلهم قبل ما أي حد عندو فرصة لغير اشي

            احكيلي كمان مرة انو أنا ندل وجاسوس بس انت مقاومتك انك بتساعد لبيدين عن جد؟ مش عارف وينتا جيت على أمريكا ووينتا اخير مرة بقيت انت بالبلاد بس تحكيش عني أو عن اهلي أو صحابي إذا بدك تمص لإلي احتلنا وقتلنا ولو سمحت رد علي بالعربي إذا عروبتك على هالدرج انك بتعرف مين عربي ومين لا هيك عالسريع

          • Topipolous@lemmy.ml
            3 months ago

            وأنا عربي يا زلمه بعرفش مع مين بتحكي بس ولا حدا من حواليي بدو الترمب يفوز وبنفس الوقت ولا واحد منهم رح ينخب لبيدن

            None of my relatives, Palestinian / Arab / muslim friends is gonna vote for Biden. And none of them want Trump to win. In the end the same people who are now refusing to vote for Biden aren‘t in America because that was always the dream. We ended up here because of the geopolitical games and the support of the settler colonial Zionist project that forced us to abandon our homes because there’s no future. And if my relatives who died from American and European ammunition could have lived if Biden had stopped them, I’m not gonna keep him in power.

            It’s up to the DNC to act according to the will of their voters. Voting now for Biden will send exactly what message, that he can get away with facilitating a genocide and that our lives are unimportant compared to the bigger picture? And for the record, I don’t know anyone who’d vote for trump. People will simply stay at home or vote third party.

            Everyone would have wanted a different outcome, but it’s just impossible to ask me or anyone to put a cross for the murderer of our families.

      • Topipolous@lemmy.ml
        3 months ago

        So you’re not gonna answer anymore huh? I can only assume that you’re a second generation immigrant and you’re not capable of actually speaking, let alone reading or writing in Arabic. If you’re indeed Palestinian go ask your parents what I wrote lmao. Machine translation is not gonna help you.

        Assuming that YOU indeed are who you claim, let me tell you something. Unlike you I actually grew up in Palestine and I’m Palestinian first. You seem to be first of all American and this whole Palestine thing is more of a thing where in high school you bring some Hommos and celebrate diversity. But we’re not some illusion of your assumed identity. We are real people living real lives, and we’re dying and being oppressed right now. This is happening at the hands of a genocidal maniac armed and supported by the current president Joe Biden. Many of my relatives and friends have died, my family has been displaced and lives in diaspora.

        Since you’re mainly American you won’t understand this, but if Biden isn’t willing to give up his die hard Zionist stance, we’re not gonna vote for him. If Trump wins the election and the US becomes a dictatorship, we will go somewhere else. We have left our lives behind and we’re prepared to do it again. And we’re not going to sacrifice ourselves because people like you are too afraid to give up their cushy American lifestyle.

      • Maggoty@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        It’s not just about you guys. If we let this slide then our laws about not supporting human rights violations are a dead letter. We have important domestic reasons for holding Biden’s feet to the fire.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Oh good, our laws about not supporting human rights violations will TOTALLY be stronger with Trump in office. Thanks.

          • Maggoty@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            They aren’t going to stay strong if we don’t defend them either though. They can become a dead letter under the Democrats too.

            • PugJesus@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              Yeah, forgive me for not seeing “Well, if we contribute to Biden’s defeat, MAYBE next time, after the Trumpist genocide here in the States is done and if we get a democracy again, we won’t tolerate genocide abroad, because THIS time there will be PRECIDENT for giving power to fascism if the politicians don’t listen to less than half of their own party on foreign policy!” as a particularly appealing line of reasoning.

  • tearsintherain@leminal.space
    3 months ago

    Clinton is one of the worst. The party went, can’t beat 'em, might as well join em.

    Clinton essentially fulfilled some of the great Republican dreams of deregulation. See Glass-Stegall how he joined hands with Republicans. Which you can then fast forward to the banking and financial crisis that hit the world and screwed economies and brought austerity programs worldwide.

    Dare ya to read up on all the congressional stock trading from not just Repubs but very much Dems as well.

    The party went fully corporate with Clinton.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      3 months ago

      Clinton ushered in the era of the neoliberal democrats, after a series of genuinely good ones like JFK and Carter, and ones like LBJ that might have been murderers abroad but at least were aggressively progressive at home. (I know, JFK killed a bunch of people too)

      I’m not saying Clinton was bad necessarily; he was certainly better than more Republicans, but he wasn’t a mostly affirmatively good thing like Obama or Biden have been. The pre-internet picture of the world that most voters had was radically more conservative than today’s view (in a way that’s honestly hard to remember now that non-establishment news is a normal thing). I think as a result of that blinkered view, candidates too far on the left were just getting their ass kicked in the election over and over again, so maybe it was the right thing for him to do to move to the right. But even some of the stuff on that list of achievements is sinister neoliberal shenanigans (more police, less people on welfare after welfare-to-work, etc). Income at the top went up, but income inequality continued to skyrocket under Clinton’s economic policies pretty much exactly as it had under Reagan’s.

    • aidan@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      The democratic governor in my state recently succeeded in a years long endeavor to legalize gambling. That’s deregulation too

        • aidan@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Well… Why not? How is it different? Deregulation generally refers to smaller loosenings(and smaller legalizations) rather than outright legalization- but that’s a kinda arbitrary distinction

          • IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            Legalization:- whether or not it’s legal to do something.

            Deregulation:- removing rules and enforcement around something that’s already legal.

            Like I said, it’s subtle.

  • Patapon Enjoyer@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Bush: More money for rich People, killing a bunch of brown people, try to be be even more of a global disaster as dear old dad (was close but too incompetent to do it)

    Obama: More money for rich people, killing a bunch of brown people

    Trump: More money for rich people, killing a bunch of brown people, destroying democracy, treason, try to be even more of a global disaster as Reagan (was close but too incompetent to do it, there’s always next time)

    Biden: More money for rich people, killing a bunch of brown people

  • DaBabyAteMaDingo@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I’m convinced that Lemmy is riddled with Russian bot farms trying to stir up shit. I’m mostly democrat and believe Biden is a net good over Trump, but I won’t delude myself into thinking they care about me personally. How-fucking-ever, Trump is a literal threat to our democracy and if we can’t rally against him by rallying for Biden, we’re absolutely fucked. And you morons are just giving into this extreme lefty rhetoric because of people like Hasan? That mother fucker is a millionaire and lives like one too.

    Lemmy is a worse echo chamber than reddit. I was proud when I came here during the API-bullshit and supported Sync for Lemmy but I can’t do this shit any more. I’m actually embarrassed to come here and read all this anti Biden shit while you guys complain about roe v wade being overturned, billionaires (which trump made the biggest tax cuts in history to), Israel (which is somehow Biden’s fault? 🤣).

    I believe this post, OP. Whether you’re trolling or not. Everyone else can go fuck yourselves. Go ahead and ban this one too, mods. Since we’re not living in an echo chamber.

  • jordanlund@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    You forgot:

    Johnson: Eliminate Poverty
    Nixon: Burglary and coverup
    Ford: Swine Flu vaccination
    Carter: Egypt/Israel peace agreement