A judge ordered Planned Parenthood to hand records of transgender care over to Andrew Bailey.

A St. Louis judge has ruled that Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is entitled to Planned Parenthood’s transgender care records, ordering the nonprofit to turn over some of its most sensitive files to the man who has built his unelected political career on restricting health care access for trans people.

In his Thursday decision, Circuit Judge Michael Stelzer wrote that Bailey can collect documents under Missouri’s consumer protection statute that aren’t protected under federal mandate, namely the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, better known as HIPAA.

“It is clear from the statute that the Defendant has the broad investigative powers when the consumer is in possible need of protection and there is no dispute in this matter,” wrote Stelzer. “Therefore, the Defendant is entitled to some of the requested documents within his [Civil Investigative Demand].”

Bailey, who last year attempted to implement a ban on gender-affirming care for people of all ages, was quick to celebrate the decision, calling it a “big day” for the state.

    • Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org
      3 months ago

      Yeah, I stopped with that line of thought ages ago. Regardless of whether it’s true for any percentage of cases, they’re still monsters causing massive amounts of damage and trauma to people just trying to exist. They’ve also shown us time and time again that hypocrisy is no barrier for them.

      • MrVilliam@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        This is why they insist that being gay is a choice. They themselves are gay and they have chosen to just live in the closet. Now that it’s so much more accepted, they’re spitefully trying to force others to endure the hardship they live every day. Their misery is lonely.

        • UnculturedSwine@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          “Being gay is a choice” is something I had impressed on me by my mother. In a way she was right. For some of us, it’s a choice between life and death.

  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    But it’s not exactly clear yet which documents Bailey will be able to access or that sensitive medical records are completely off the table, as legal experts warn that HIPAA operates with a fairly narrow scope.

    Does anyone here with any experience in this field know what sort of information he could access that would be damaging to patients?

    • IamSparticles@lemmy.zip
      3 months ago

      It mostly depends on what he does with the information. Any personally identifiable information that becomes public puts someone at serious risk of being persecuted or physically threatened.

    • Apytele@sh.itjust.works
      3 months ago

      Tbh just names and addresses is bad enough. Find a way to make it public record and we’re screwed. My guess is they’ll start adding trans people to the sex offender registry, but I’m open to hearing other horrifying predictions about where this shit is going.

      I grew up in a relatively conservative family, and this is exactly the kind of shit that would make perfect sense to my parents. My mother in particular bought every single damn dumb rumor she heard from rainbow parties, drugs in candy, jelly bracelet colors being what sex acts you’ve done. There were so damn many she managed to give me anxiety, only for me to find out like 15-20 years later that most of them were just retooled racism and/or homophobia. Figuring it out did not fix the anxiety.

      For more of a work anecdote we once had someone call demanding to speak to a patient, and making various threats towards the secretary when she wouldn’t confirm the patient’s presence without their password (psychiatry, vulnerable population/stigma means an extra need for privacy). We found this person’s interaction kinda sus and asked the patient about it and they said it was probably their ex and were vehement that this person not be allowed in or to even know they were there, which is fine because that’s the default policy anyway (for a reason!).

      Next night they call back sweet as pie and ask if the patient has been discharged. Our secretary that night didn’t even know the background but is an absolute detail oriented queen that we all stan and said the exact same thing she would say if they were still there, no password no info. Which is good, because could you imagine if your domestic abuser knew you’d just left the nice safe locked and restricted unit? This patient was in and right back out faster than I could blink so I know so little about their actual specific story but it could also leak over into other areas of life other than direct safety, how about if they know you stayed at all and try to drag your mental health history into a custody agreement? Now think about what the government can do with info like that.

      • Fire Witch@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        3 months ago

        Republicans have recently been trying to push for the following two policies:

        • Making sex offenses punishable by death
        • Marking trans people as sex offenders

        It’s easy to see where this is going. This is one of MANY reasons the country won’t survive another 4 years of Trump.

    • Aviandelight @mander.xyz
      3 months ago

      Technically this is a grey area and they are blatantly misusing the exception for court order/warrant rule. HIPAA just states that records must be turned over but doesn’t get into details concerning how much or how little should be provided. I really can’t believe the judge allowed this but I suspect (hopeful anyway)that this will get kicked up to a federal court since federal law supercedes state laws.

      • CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        3 months ago

        There needs to be a stay of enforcement if it’s going to be appealed.

        Though I fully suspect that if it gets to SCOTUS, there isn’t going to be much hope.

        • jkrtn@lemmy.ml
          3 months ago

          Doesn’t that precedent make it possible for medical records covering abortions to be used in the same way? Repubs would never allow that, they have too much to lose by having people find out what they’ve done.

          • CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            3 months ago

            Republicans would absolutely allow that. They are willing to bite their own noses off just to spit in their enemies faces.

            How it would play out is selective prosecution where only democrats poor people or non-whites get charged.

            White Christians would get a pass at best. Or blackmailed at worst.

            • jkrtn@lemmy.ml
              3 months ago

              Yeah, true. Their voters have zero integrity or consistency. And their propaganda networks will be pretending that voter fraud is happening as a cover so they’ll never know in the first place.

    • elrik@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      The statement from Planned Parenthood includes:

      Despite the Attorney General’s demand that PPSLR turn over all patient medical records related to gender-affirming care, the court ruled that individual patient records remain protected — a major victory for patients’ privacy rights.

      I suspect this means the AG may receive de-identified records including procedure or diagnosis information, but not including any patient identifying information such as patient or billing account, name, address, social, date of birth, date of service, etc.

      It could also include aggregate information about providers and facilities, especially if records are obtained under the guise of a fraud investigation, allowing the AG to target locations and providers where patients frequently obtain specific services. That route might be the most harmful to patients, for ex. if they’re unable to continue receiving care because of harassment of the providers.

  • RizzRustbolt@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Little shit never leaves his enclave either.

    He knows what will happen if he ever shows his face in KC or St. Louis.

  • Demdaru@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Funniest part of reading this all is that I am repulsed by trans folk. Sorry, that’s just that. However I do believe that they should have the right to be. Like, just be - happy, yourself, who cares what others think/feel, they aren’t kidnapping anyone to turn them trans, they are doing stuff to themselves only. Sheesh.

    But I do still perceive myself in negative light due to that repulsion. And then I see news what happens in USA and I am like, whaaaa. Cuz even if I did act upon that repulsion, that’s going weird way. Like, there’s no any try at helping. It’s not “Ew, unnatural, we need to fix their psyche” (WHICH IS EVIL) or “Ew, they need reaffirmation about their sex!” (…which is barely better). No, straight up “Trans should go on without any kind of help”. Why? Wtf. xD

    Edit: Hell, even worse. Trans should be persecuted for having feelings/perceptions not dependent on their own volition. Yay. Wtf is wrong with people.

    • mzesumzira@leminal.space
      3 months ago

      I kind of appreciate the “I don’t need to understand or like you to support” attitude, but repulsion is a strong reaction.

      Have you ever reflected upon the why?

      Especially if you don’t like that reaction in yourself in the first place, as you say, maybe it would be worth working on it?

      • beaxingu@kbin.run
        3 months ago

        Have you ever reflected upon the why? but you seem above that kind of thing. there are a lot of things in nature you are naturally repulsed by just because its strong does not mean its not a natural even uncontrollable reaction. but i guess framing the question fits you well. the whole repulsion is a strong reaction so it must just be you very bad person is just stupid.

        • mzesumzira@leminal.space
          3 months ago

          I’ve never said you were a bad person for it.

          You seem busy defending yourself from yourself, I’ll leave you to it.

        • mzesumzira@leminal.space
          3 months ago

          I’m not sure why I’m bothering, since you attacked me out of nowhere and presumed a lot. I’m curious, I suppose.

          Have I reflected upon the why of what? I reflected upon a lot, both about myself and others. I’m never repulsed by people, I sometimes get weirded out but I’m aware it’s on me and try to adjust. I’m repulsed by behaviours, when they’re actively hateful or violent, but I try my best to stay kind. I’m human, so sometimes I fail at that. I’m severely annoyed by anything illogical, as many neurodivergent people are, and again I’m aware it’s on me and try to manage. I’m not above anything human, no one is.

          I’m aware emotional reactions are not entirely controllable, and that’s fine as long as you’re aware and don’t let them control you, which the person I actually was talking to seems to be doing fine.

          Is that what you wanted to know? What about what I said triggered you so much you actually invented what I meant? Repulsion is indeed a strong reaction, it just is, there’s no inherent judgement about who feels it in recognising that.

          • beaxingu@kbin.run
            3 months ago

            attacked you its a reply on the internet. and you seem to have no problem with it yourself i don’t really care its just text but it does make things more interesting. yes its what i wanted to know its very good. the whole repulsion is a strong reaction thing but hey i got a reply.

      • Demdaru@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Hah, I tried, yes. I feel it as unnatural and wrong, not sure why, can’t really track it to my enviro or anything so I just gave up on it. Especially that in the end it does harm to no one. It’s funny though seeing all the dislikes. Also, just in case - person that replied to you earlier wasn’t me.

        • mzesumzira@leminal.space
          3 months ago

          I’m sorry I didn’t notice it wasn’t you, I must have been tired. Glad you got I wasn’t trying to judge, I’m neurodivergent and sometimes my communication is a bit off.

          Since you’re aware of it and actually try not to let it sway you towards hate, I suppose it’s not that big of a deal, though I’m not trans so I could easily miss something here. I’m sorry about the dislikes too, though I understand why people have no patience in this regard, it gets tiresome to always fight and having to justify existing. Most possibly stopped reading at repulsed.

          I would be majorly annoyed in your place, which is part of the reason I asked, but I’m quite obsessive in figuring out my internal working.

          Mind if I ask some more? I’m also obsessed with understanding how people in general work, but I don’t mean to bother and I apologize if this comes off as pushy.

          If I understand correctly, you feel it unnatural as a concept. Have you ever actually met trans people? Often you can’t even tell, but I suppose I sort of understand it can be confusing when you can. I would like to understand how it gets from confusing to repulsive though. Maybe something about the general climate more than your specific environment? It got quite violent recently, maybe you’re sensitive to it? I get you don’t know yourself, and again if this bothers you I apologize and I’ll stop.

          • Demdaru@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            Not a problem at all, written medium and Lemmy likes to shove a buttload of characters in header so it’s actually quite hard to notice who you are responding to. ^^

            And meh. I knew what I was getting into when I wrote my comment. Wanted to see if it’s gonna go reddit way or some other way. Sad to see it going reddit way, but people are people I guess.

            Well, I can pretty much tell you that I most probably didn’t meet any IRL. My country is…let’s say a little old timey in that regard. I think, alas I may be wrong, that if I meet and befriended some my strong reaction may lessen, though I think it wouldn’t entirely dissapear. And again, I cannot track it to outside variables - wasn’t raised in hateful enviro towards trans, didn’t participate in community that hates trans, and I am not a right winger sooo…yeah. Lack of vectors that would be responsible of repulsion, at least outside ones. Now, inside ones…I observed I do have tendency of sticking to the rules and "should"s a little too much, so it may come from applying that to sex - gender connection. Especially that in my native language there isn’t different word for gender - both sex and gender are the same word. So yeah. I am not confused about them however. There’s nothing confusing there. They were born as sex X, but feel as gender Y, so they are distressed. And hell, most of them can be cured by physically altering sex. Nothing to be confused about. Still, for my emotional part at least, it’s unnatural and repulsive.

            I think you can notice that I do actually slightly obsess about knowing myself too lol. How else I am to move forward if not by learning what makes me tick, eh? ^^

            • mzesumzira@leminal.space
              3 months ago

              I think you can notice that I do actually slightly obsess about knowing myself too lol. How else I am to move forward if not by learning what makes me tick, eh? ^^

              Preach, friend.

              I think I can start to see a picture here.

              Your direct environment may not have been hateful, but from your description the entire cultural setting, from language to customs, implanted some bias toward what is right and acceptable, or natural. It’s a strong influence, and it frames the entire reality unless one goes out of their way to challenge it, as you did. Kudos for that.

              I agree that rationally nothing is confusing, but if you grow up with a substructure that implies things should be a specific way, your emotions will follow that framework.

              I see that in my country as well, and in myself still sometimes, as much as I try to counter it.

              I agree that meeting and getting to know a trans person would probably help in that, especially since consciously you already know how things work. It may be difficult for the trans person though, even if you don’t intend it to be. I’m sure you already know.

              Thank you for your answer, and good luck in your slight obsession :)

        • beaxingu@kbin.run
          3 months ago

          you can really pick out the redditers they really like pressing those arrows. its just a circle jerk its people who really like to jerk themself off.

  • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    There is no such thing as a good conservative alive today. Conservatives bring only oppression and death. They are the enemy of humanity.

  • affa@startrek.website
    3 months ago

    Bailey, who last year attempted to implement a ban on gender-affirming care for people of all ages

    I’m not a fan of giving it to children, but adults should be able to do what they want with their bodies as long as they are not hurting anyone else.

    • Ashe@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      3 months ago

      Hi, you can believe what you want to believe, but I wish I pursued care when I was younger (began questioning at the onset of puberty) rather than transitioning at 25.

      The most commonly used model is puberty blockers with parental consent up until 16 and then HRT only with parental consent at 16.

      Forcing a child to undergo a puberty that they do not want, is cruel!

      Children do not choose to transition because they think it’s cool to do so. They still get bullied for it. At least set them up to have a more stable adulthood.