I have autism and this fact has disturbed me greatly for some time, to the point its led me to some dark paths. I just want to know if I can actually live a normal life with it or am I doomed to be a weirdo forever?

  • HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m living a pretty fulfilling life with a different disability (not going into it). The only trouble is how literally everyone outside my family, even my doctor, are subtly trying to convince me to kill myself. Just today my doctor kicked me out of her practice because I asked to get an early refill on a couple prescriptions (not this month, next month) to go on a trip in two months. Planning that far ahead means I’m a drug addict. Go figure. So now I’m scrambling to see if I can find a doctor in time to get the refills that run out this month, because she’s a petty bitch and won’t fill those. Yaaaaay.