I have autism and this fact has disturbed me greatly for some time, to the point its led me to some dark paths. I just want to know if I can actually live a normal life with it or am I doomed to be a weirdo forever?

  • voracitude@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Yes, it’s very possible to live a normal life, and even to be happy. You can learn to appreciate yourself for the things you’re good at. I’ve been lucky in several aspects, sure, but I’ve managed to shape my life around my needs. I found a partner as weird as I am, I have a remote job mostly working with computers, and I have a few very good very close friends.

    I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety my whole life, without medication as I don’t want to rely on anything I can’t make for myself. I feel like I’m constantly falling forwards and only barely catching myself before I hit the ground, some days. But life is good. I enjoy walks in the sun and playing games with my friends and making my partner giggle. I didn’t get handed these things, I found them after years and years of looking. You can too, just don’t give up. It is worth it.