I’ll believe it’s true A.I. when it can beat me at Tecmo Super Bowl. No one in my high school or dorm could touch me because they misunderstood the game. Lots of teams can score at any time. Getting stops and turnovers is the key. Tecmo is like Go where there’s always a counter and infinite options.
This is a scientific paper I would like to see submitted honestly. A simple game, but still with plenty of nuance…how would an AI develop a winning strategy?
I’ll believe it’s true A.I. when it can beat me at Tecmo Super Bowl. No one in my high school or dorm could touch me because they misunderstood the game. Lots of teams can score at any time. Getting stops and turnovers is the key. Tecmo is like Go where there’s always a counter and infinite options.
This is a scientific paper I would like to see submitted honestly. A simple game, but still with plenty of nuance…how would an AI develop a winning strategy?