Regardless of your opinions, it’s the truth.

Regardless if you support cops, it’s the truth.

Regardless if you think he was doing his job, it is true.

Regardless of your pride of America, it is true.

No matter how you look at it, or what your beliefs are,

it is true.

    • Snot
      7 months ago

      Pretty sure it was a two-fer.

      1. Obama, the first black President - This sent racist Boomers into a fucking fever dream that they have yet to wake from.

      2. Obama declining to prosecute obvious war crimes of previous administration - If you don’t think this attitude is part and parcel to why they were/are so reluctant to go after Trump for anything, you’re naive. Ignoring crimes of this upper echelon is Standard Operating Procedure and Trump threw a fucking monkey wrench in the works by stealing (and likely selling) state secrets.