lmk if you want pics of my cats :3

        • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Yeah, the dark/tortie one is Charlotte and the calico is Emily. When I adopted them, I hated their original names and they’re sisters from the same litter, so I named them after the Brontë sisters 😁

          I’m not sure if in that first pic I would pet the kitty or cover my face quickly X3

          Definitely pet her! When she’s not hiding because she’s a little guest-shy at first, Charlotte’s even more affectionate than her total snugglebug sister, so when in doubt… 😁

              • DAMN O.O thankfully mine only does that to cardboard so I just give him boxes and let him have fun with them until the tiny pieces of carboard start getting annoying X3 Isn’t there a spray thingie that u spray on a surface and it makes them not want to go there and eventually they learn not go there even without the spray? I dont know if it would work for this or how it was called but I remember using it once and it worked :3 Also my cat usually stops trying to do things when u push him away a few times, but that doesn’t always work X3

                Oh and there’s also an opposite to that spray, it sprays some sort of pheromones that they feel comfy around :3

                • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  Yeah, it took about a couple weeks to teach Emily to leave the house furniture alone, but after several months, I had to admit defeat with Charlotte lol. I later heard about those kinds of sprays, but by then it was too late lol.

                  I use the other kind of spray you mentioned to make them more comfortable with their carriers for vet visi, though, and they work pretty well 🙂

        • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Yeah, calicos are gorgeous, but they have a reputation for being total divas, as do torties (which is what Charlotte’s color pattern is called, short for tortoiseshell).

          It’s like I’m living with Beyoncé and Mariah Carey, except instead of singing, one meows a lot and the other is able to purr in two pitches simultaneously and as loud as some cats meow! I fucking love it! 😄

          Litter box situation is pretty much identical to those of the aforementioned singers, though 🤷

            • Omg my cat purrs super loudly too X3 and on top of that he meows a lot and sometimes even SCREAMS. Ye he’s a bit of an attention whore X3 That’s probably why he woke up in that pic I sent, he’s so cooperative for photos sometimes :3

        • Zyratoxx@lemm.ee
          8 months ago

          Those are bengal cats. I got them as mental support. I originally wanted to adopt mixed breeds from the shelter but my brother is allergic so we needed to take a breed that he is less likely to react to. But I’m happy with them. The male (in the front) loves to start a fight but as soon as you respond he’s got no balls at all and his sister is a bit autistic and clumsy but we love her nonetheless. :3

        • Zyratoxx@lemm.ee
          8 months ago

          Yes, I love them soo much. The fur of the one in the back is velvety soft. I’ve never petted a cat with fur that soft.