• Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Huh. So the Jeff Bezos Trump attacked regularly for being an ultra-left liberal pinko commie red not only moved to Florida, but move to Florida so he wouldn’t have to pay as much tax.

    That doesn’t make much sense… unless Trump’s assessment of him was wrong. But how likely is that?

  • Apeman42@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    So it’s all been leading up to We Have Lex Luthor At Home taking over the mantle of Florida Man?

    • capital@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I want higher taxes on people like this too but are you trying to argue he shouldn’t be able to move?

      Or that he should be subject to taxes in a state which he doesn’t live in anymore?

        • capital@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          So, theft is moving states and no longer being subject to the previous state’s taxes?

          Is that a fact?

          I’ve got a buddy who moved from MD to TX. Is he stealing from MD because he no longer pays taxes there?

          • ZephyrXero@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            If most of someone’s weath was acquired in another state, why should their new state of residence be entitled to it? A weath tax could help fix this

            • capital@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              I don’t really see the significance of where he acquired it.

              Amazon, maybe more than any company, has/had customers all over the world. That money came from literally everywhere.

              When someone says “they shouldn’t be able to do that!” My question is, do what?

              Move? Not pay taxes in states they don’t live in?

              As I said at the outset, I also think he should pay more taxes but as long as states can decide what taxes they collect, this particular issue isn’t going anywhere.

              That or force people not to be able to move or force people to pay taxes in any state they ever lived in.

              But I’ve made the mistake of bringing logic to an emotional thread.

              • SatanicNotMessianic@lemmy.ml
                5 months ago

                Yup, and they successfully argued for years that their non-physical presence in a state meant they should not pay sales taxes in that state, effectively forcing states to subsidize Amazon at the expense of local businesses.

                So what you seem to be arguing is that logic dictates that anyone with the economic power to ensure or prevent the passage of laws is necessarily correct, and that the only definition for a term like “theft” is the legal interpretation that you, as a non-lawyer, decide to apply. You’re saying that, despite centuries and millennia of colloquial usages of the term, both predating and concurrently used with the very restricted legal definition, any dictionary or other usage-derived definition is invalid.

                That doesn’t sound like logic to me, Mr. Spork.

                • capital@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  Boy, that was a ton of words you just put in my mouth.

                  You knocked the absolute shit outta that straw man.

    • m-p{3}@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      If the law allows it, it’s not theft though…

      I’d blame the lawmakers for leaving these gaping loopholes and not acting upon them, Bezos is just going for the optimal path for his finance.

      • SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        Does the word theft need a legal definition to exist?

        Outside of any legislative bodies jurisprudence, so the open sea, or Antarctica, on the moon or in open space perpendicular to our ecliptic, is theft wrong based off a legality? Or is theft considered wrong based off a morality?

        Legal≠right, ≠fair, ≠justice, ≠moral

        What is legal is entirely it’s own thing. And even at that, if someone breaks the law, but then no one applies the consequences of breaking that law against them, is that even a law then?

        When the law is arbitrarily applied, like how the rich tend to not be charged with first offenses and just get warnings, then that teaches the privileged to not worry about the law, to move fast and break things, to ask forgiveness rather than permission. But when the winning class doesn’t respect the law and every class under them is constantly looking up for cues on how to rise, weeeeeell…

        The law applied unequally results in no one respecting the law. And that’s the rational response. Corruption kills communities. Corrupted leaders are effectively undermining our society, regardless of their title, be that Senator, General, Judge, et al, they’re sappers, undertakers, saboteurs

      • n2burns@lemmy.ca
        5 months ago

        Yup, it’s tax avoidance, not tax evasion. It’s morally wrong especially because he has the power to influence the system, but it’s not legally wrong.

        • EnderMB@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          It’s not morally wrong. In the same way that some of us avoid taxes through donating to charity, or putting money into a pension, is that morally wrong?

          Painting it as a moral question relies on the morals of one of the most ruthless businessmen of the last two decades. Paint it as a legal question instead, and push for legislation to stop billionaires from avoiding enough tax to feed hundreds of families for years…

          • n2burns@lemmy.ca
            5 months ago

            Governments allow tax deductions or credits for activities they want to encourage, like the ones you listed. Using those is not tax avoidance at all. In this case, he’s changing jurisdictions to avoid taxes, a completely different situation.

            • EnderMB@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              This isn’t a new thing. Many countries have tax havens or areas where rich people are told to “base” themselves in order to move wealth.

              It is 100% tax avoidance, and it exists because governments/states allow it, and publicise the ability to move funds while not actually “being” in that place.

              But the same goes for what we all do with retirement funds/giving money to charity. Saying it isn’t is just pushing semantics to separate what normies do as opposed to the rich.

              • n2burns@lemmy.ca
                5 months ago

                Those are two very different things, which I think you’re failing to see. At least where I am in Canada, donating to charity doesn’t eliminate the tax on that income but only reduces it. Retirement contributions are deducted now but will be taxed when they’re withdrawn. This encourages people to support themselves in retirement instead of being seniors on welfare.

                The big difference is tax havens are generally encouraging people to move their wealth after earning it elsewhere. The only benefit they gain is increasing their tax base by undercutting other jurisdictions.

                Charity & Retirement contributions are assumed to be on income earned in the jurisdiction and encourage good behaviour. Some other tax mechanisms (like preferring dividend income over employment income) are harder to defend but are still trying to an encourage behaviour (like investment of wealth to grow the economy instead of simply hording it/spending it frivolously). While there might be cons to these mechanisms, both the pros and the cons stay within the jurisdiction. Tax havens internalize the benefits while externalizing the harms.

            • EnderMB@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              I don’t think you (or others in this thread) get the point. I don’t know if it’s an age or a naivety thing, but shit, even Reddit of all places understands this shit…

              Telling a billionaire cunt that happily destroys industries and treats his own employees like shit to act “morally” will do nothing. Bezos saving millions is probably news to him too, because he’s not moving tens of zeroes around his online banking account like us plebs. He’s got people managing his money, and they’re just doing what they’re paid to do - manage wealth optimally.

              Painting it as a moral problem is exactly what right-wing politicians want. We’ve seen it plenty of times in the UK where people get called out for dodging taxes by politicians, using the loopholes they allow, create, and promote.

              If you want to stop this kind of practice, you need to close these opportunities. Joke all you want, but when you put money into a retirement fund, you’re probably avoiding tax too. Is that a moral failing on your part? While it’s in no way equivalent to Bezos, it does point to the fact that tax avoidance schemes exist because the powers that be put them there. They are dedicated systems that should be scrutinised instead.

    • Coreidan@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Not trying to defend this shit bag, but looks aren’t everything.

      If the only quality your wife has is “being hot” then I am afraid you lost.

    • lobut@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      I thought his previous wife was far more attractive than his current partner. Obviously I don’t know their personalities and such though.

    • sab@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      At least he’s dating someone roughly his own age. He could probably do like Musk and date a series of women in their 30s, but he opted for a different strategy.

      I hate everything about Jeff Bezos, especially his very existence, but this is the one thing I think it’s dumb to criticise him for.

  • TotalSonic@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Get rid of income taxes and do a national Land Value Tax on all business properties instead, like Henry George talked 145 years ago, problem solved.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Okay, but Bezos makes the bulk of his money on intellectual property and service fees, not physical real estate.

      What you’re proposing is still, fundamentally, a tax cut for Tech guys and a big tax hike on the agricultural / mineral / business real estate sectors. It also sets up this very fluid goalpost of “What is an acre of land worth?”

      We play this game in Texas, and there’s an enormous incentive for regional economic interests to decide who the Texas Comptroller and Texas Railroad Commissioner is, because these two get to functionally dictate how much tax will be collected on land assets. By contrast, the head of the IRS taxes all dollars equally.

      • TotalSonic@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        You make some really good points here. I’m a Texas resident as well, so I’ve seen the f’ery the State gov does in favor of the politically connected cronies first hand too (e.g. the 5000+ uncapped nat gas wellheads that the tax payers are stuck with health and clean up costs on instead of the companies that profited on them). But the thing with a nationally applied tax is not subjected to the cheaply bought corruption of the State and local officials (although I will agree that on a Federal level even more f’ery can happen, which is why the Federal income tax is being turned ever more into a penalty on so called “middle class” earners, rather than a tax solely on the wealthiest among us, which is how it was done when it was first introduced in 1913).
        The thing is that income can easily be hidden, moved or not reported, and it takes lots of resources at both the business and bureaucratic level to track and account for it. And it’s way easier for the uber-wealthy to hide their assets, or to use political influence to create income tax loopholes, than it is for to do that for those that live from paycheck to paycheck. Where as it’s a lot easier to know who owns a property and what they are doing with it. And a nationally applied tax can’t be avoided simply by moving to another State.

        As for “What is an acre of land worth?” - with a Land Value Tax you are basing that on the market value of solely the “unimproved” plot of land in an area, so that someone with an empty lot pays the same tax as someone with a huge apartment tower on the plot next door. That way, the LVT does not discourage developing, farming, mining or building in the way a standard property tax (which charges more based on what is on top of the land) does.

        As far as exemptions to the LVT goes, I’d say no one should ever be forced to pay rent to the government in perpetuity on their actual home, so a homestead exemption for primary residences should be put in place for sure. Multi-million vacation homes and air bnb’s, seem to me should be paying a national LVT though. But buildings that are all apartments seem to me should also receive exemptions, so that housing development is not discouraged by implementing the tax. Another positive thing with putting the LVT on office buildings is that it incentivises allowing remote working for businesses.

        Also - on an ethical level, I’d say by default people are entitled to the entire fruits of their justly engaged in labors, and that taxes are optimally applied via “pigouvian” paradigms, where those that are creating “negative externalities” have to pay the rest of society for the damages in health, clean up and congestion costs they are putting onto others. In other words, in a better world we would just tax polluters rather than wage earners. I will grant that creating a purely pigouvian taxation system has some big issues in how it is assessed and applied though, so that’s where the LVT can help as alternative.

        I can also grant that completely replacing the massive revenues that come from income tax with an LVT might shift too much taxation onto some - in which case I’d say a good transition to try would be replacing the payroll tax (for which the Federal gov takes in over $1 Trillion in revenue a year) with the LVT. Payroll taxes to me seem to be the most evil tax, as they penalize both those who are earning wages as well as burdening businesses that are employing people.

        Anyway - not holding my breath for any of these proposed changes, just playing wish upon a star, trying to think of better ways of funding needed services without descending into enabling blatant governmental theft and corruption.

      • TotalSonic@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Basically I think the Land Value Tax should apply to any land that isn’t under either a primary residence, or isn’t under a building that solely provides primary residences for others. So that way developing housing is not discouraged, and people aren’t paying rent into perpetuity to the gov for their actual home. In that way, yes, second and vacation homes would be taxed, But the thing to understand is that an LVT is different from standard property tax, in that you don’t charged more tax depending on what is built on the land, you are only assessed based the value of the unimproved land.

  • ExfilBravo@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    How good is this dudes security detail? We talking Secret service level dudes or just regular paid security goons? Asking for a friend.

  • GiddyGap@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Imagine how many people could be enrolled in healthcare for that money.

    What an ass.

  • EinatYahav@lemmy.today
    5 months ago

    Do billionaires actually save money with such moves? After purchasing a new mansion, new staff/relocations, still having to travel to “librul” cities for their fine arts/entertainment, seems it just about cancels out.

    • iegod@lemm.ee
      5 months ago

      If you value that kind of move at $600 million I’m happy to let you know I’m offering the services for a discount this week for only $580 million. Hit me up.