He definitely doesn’t know what deduplicated means…
Aw, you’re turning English.
The St George Cross flag basically gets trotted out for football and racism. That’s it.
If I see one on somebody’s house and it’s not Euros or World Cup season, then I automatically assume they’re seething because they heard somebody have a phone conversation in a foreign language on the bus three weeks ago and that they should bring back smoking in pubs.
I can see the golf course now, wasting more water than Nestle just to keep the greens in shape.
☐ Genocide and things stay pretty much the same
☐ Extra genocide and things get worse
☐ Waste vote (get extra genocide anyway)
I’m going to guess that person’s TV has a Fox News logo burned into the bottom corner.
That man will be doing to same thing to important shit right now.
It’s spent like a decade in a rainy landfill in Wales.
Even if he finds it, it’s fucked.
“Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal”
– Richard Nixon, 1977.
You’ve had 47 years to do something about this, to be able to hold your leaders accountable, and apparently it wasn’t worth the effort.
I guess the upside is you won’t have to worry about all that wasteful election spending any more. 👍
Video showing ads on dashboard.
Video itself starts with a QR code ad embedded into it. And it’s on Youtube so who knows how many ads I skipped with uBlock…
I swear there’s a weird fetish going around Redmond where their only release is to get you to run SFC /scannow
Well you can prevent it on Steam. And I don’t think Epic really have an ad network to abuse for this either.
If you see Google launch a “free game only” store for PC, get worried. Although Google being Google, it will be deleted within two years anyway.
Mate, they practically invented them.
A good move. Nip that shit in the bud right now.
The mobile stores are fucking unusable, a sea of ad-ridden garbage.
Sure, it’s like JPG.
It may not be the newest or best compression ratio, but it works, and even the shittiest old hardware supports it. And I know it won’t whine about licences being missing or some shit.
Plus there’s the electronic opening mechanisms that fail in the event of a fire. This is on most Teslas iirc. Even if the doors are intact, you’re stuck.
There’s ways to open them, but good luck with this shit when you’re concussed from an accident, and sat in a burning vehicle.
The issue is the people in charge have a different definition of “behave properly” to the rest of us.
Top of the line in utility sports.
Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts.
When it comes to EVs, the US is on the wrong side of history. Tesla may be there, but the US main export is oil and has been for at least 15 years.
Tesla is valuable because they’re looking to put taxi drivers out of a job forever.
China on the other hand has hardly any oil. Same with most of Europe. On this issue at least, we should be allies.
Between them the US, Russia and Saudi Arabia will still boil the Earth, but at least we won’t be fuelling their war machines while they do.
In the early years fo Reddit, those wouldn’t exist either. You have to start with bigger groups (NFL, NHL, etc) and split them if they ever get big enough.