Something I’ve experienced traveling around the state is that there is a palpable fear of even letting your friends know you are a Democrat, or even in line with what Democratic politicians are doing. There’s vandalism that takes place here, and people are scared of that. Having your yard sign stolen or your flag taken down is one thing, but having your car keyed or trash left in your yard, that’s another. I know people who have been harassed after they are outed as a Democrat, and then people give them trouble. People hear those stories. They’re not fake. They’re not made up. I’ve seen and heard some really ugly language.

I’m not a Dem (I’m a Leftists), but this pretty much sums it up. The Right plays dirty. They aren’t bound by any sense of decency. I’d say the only way we can beat them is to respond with our own violence (which I, personally, detest). I don’t see us beating them because they don’t believe in rules of engagement. Sorry to be so demoralizing in this post.

    7 months ago

    There is no such thing as “creating an environment”. That is milquetoast loser liberal talk.

    The “impolite” voices are louder because people cower and allow it. There is no other reason.

    Unruly children are punished; not rewarded or passively tolerated.

    The only reasonable response is greater violence and louder voices. There is no example anywhere in history of fascism going away because you were nice to them. Standing ypur ground is not enough.

      7 months ago

      Our actions create the environment. No such thing?

      because people cower and allow it

      That’s creating an environment where impolite voices are louder.

      Unruly children are punished; not rewarded or passively tolerated.

      That’s creating an environment.

      The only reasonable response is greater violence and louder voices.

      That’s creating an environment. You know, for someone so angry, you sure do have a lot of milquetoast loser liberal suggestions.

      Also, I’m not suggesting anyone be nice. Being nice is what has created the environment we have.

      But I will argue with you that standing your ground is not enough. There are examples of nonviolent rebellion against fascism. I’m not even advocating nonviolence in this case, I just know it can work.

      No, I’m saying that we need to reject the idea that it’s not safe to call bullshit. We need to speak out against disinformation and fascism, even if it means some narrow-minded neighbors and family members might get unreasonably angry.