• Ross_audio@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    If you are generally morbidly curious about odds.

    And assuming speculation is right that it’s bowel cancer



    Depends on what stage, but odds are given the level of care Royals get they’ve probably caught it at stage 1.

    That’s a 55% chance he’s got 9 or 10 years for something else to get there first.

    His father lived to 99 and he’s currently 75.

    A very old friend at 89 told me they had cancer a week before his 90th. They then laughed and said it was too late to the party.

    They were right in the end, it was his heart a few years later. Thankfully he was still pretty active and living life until the last couple of weeks. Great guy, genuinely kind and wise. The phrase he gave for his memorial was “It’s only sad to die if you haven’t lived. I’ve lived.”