Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday went after Nikki Haley while referring to her by her first name, Nimarata, in the latest example of Trump using racist dog whistles to attack his GOP presidential rival.

Haley is the daughter of Indian immigrants and was born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa. She took her husband Michael Haley’s last name after they married.

Trump misspelled Nimarata as “Nimrada” as he attacked her in a new post on his social media platform Truth Social.

    8 months ago

    From The Hill earlier this week:

    Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Tuesday that the United States has never been a “racist” country, rejecting a suggestion that she might have trouble becoming the GOP presidential nominee as a woman of color.

    In an interview on “Fox & Friends,” co-host Brian Kilmeade asked Haley whether she thinks the GOP is a “racist party.”

    “No. We’re not a racist country, Brian. We’ve never been a racist country,” Haley said in response.

    . . . Drawing on her experience as “a brown girl that grew up in a small rural town in South Carolina,” Haley said she has experienced racism in the past but doesn’t want to raise her children to think they’re disadvantaged — a point she’s made before.

    “I know, I faced racism when I was growing up. But I can tell you, today is a lot better than it was then,” Haley said.

    Lol, okay. This is what it’s down to in US politics today:

    White racist runs for office on openly racist platform, non-white racist (!!!) denies racism even exists so as to crack racist’s platform and gain an edge for herself after years of downplaying her own non-white ethnicity, white racist then triples down by attacking non-white racist via old-school racist method (deliberately calling someone by their “ethnic” name while being absolutely sure to get it wrong).

    Jesus fucking christ. Like there was EVER any other way this was going to play out. And now that he’s started the audible dogwhistling and called open season on her, it will only get worse.

    My guess is that she’ll drop out in under 60 days, probably in under 30, because he has now sicced his most rabid followers on her AND done so specifically by engaging their racism. The party she’s running to represent is now fully Trump’s own personality cult, which means she will get ZERO help from the GOP, and all the misogynists among them will be glad he’s clearing her out anyway.

    If Tim Scott hadn’t dropped out he’d have gotten this as well. Good thing he’s got that girlfriend up in Canada to help him get through it, lol. And of course that other non-white racist, Vivek Ramaswamy: he would have been next up. (Whatever the GOP is, it is NOT the party of “Be yourself and shine,” lol.)

    • katy ✨
      8 months ago

      “the us has never been a racist country”, says woman who had to be pushed into taking down the confederate flag at her statehouse only after dylann roof murdered nine people at the oldest black church in south carolina

        8 months ago

        Good catch, I’d forgotten about that. She’s always been willing to turn a blind eye to it as long as she wasn’t on the receiving end.