Young voters overwhelmingly say they would support President Biden over former President Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up if the 2024 presidential election were held today, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the Economist/YouGov poll — conducted via web-based interviews Dec. 16-18 — more than half (53 percent) of registered voters under 30 said they would support Biden, and less than a quarter (24 percent) said they would support Trump.

Another 10 percent said they would support another candidate, 4 percent said they were not sure, and 9 percent said they wouldn’t vote.

    9 months ago

    Less young people voting is a direct result of the national DNC’s deeply infuriating tactic of promising a fuckton of stuff and then just abandoning those goals and… “compromising” with the GOP every single fucking time the chips are down. And here, “compromise” is pronounced “submit to”, because most Democrats have the neurological inability to understand that these days the GOP will betray them simply on principle, or because one GOP rep wants to tweet something so they can “troll the libs”. And then we all suffer for it.

    We all fucking understand the stakes here. The DNC is actively pushing young voters away by using such a deeply cynical strategy and then thinking we’ll forget all about that stupidity the next time an election comes around. From where a lot of young people are standing, it looks a lot like a choice between “actively bad” and “passively bad”, and it’s hard to give a fuck about that, especially if you’re already struggling with other shit in your life, like most of our generation is to one degree or another.

    Don’t get me wrong - I vote in every single election I can. But the amount of deeply, fundamentally uninspiring or even actively bad candidates I feel I’m forced to vote for, simply because they’re not a neo-Nazi or a member of the GOP is not small. And to all you vOTe fOr a ThiRD pArTY types out there: you and I both know that’s a great way to hand elections to the GOP, given how our shitty electoral system works.

      9 months ago

      The party is absolutely taking advantage of how bad their opponents have become. Democratic party leadership has regarded the left of the party with such withering contempt for so long, and then they wonder why the left resents them.

        9 months ago

        It’s super frustrating, because while I still think it’s possible to move the DNC in a more reliably progressive direction, it’s abundantly clear all the fossils in charge of the party have no intention whatsoever of going in that direction, so we either need to force them out or wait for them to die.