New York City Mayor Eric Adams has announced a lawsuit against 17 bus and transportation companies helping to send asylum-seekers to the city as it deals with major budget issues surrounding the crisis.

The city is seeking $708 million in the lawsuit to cover costs for caring for migrants.

“New York City has and will always do our part to manage this humanitarian crisis, but we cannot bear the costs of reckless political ploys from the state of Texas alone,” Adams said in a statement. "Today, we are taking legal action against 17 companies that have taken part in Texas Governor [Greg] Abbott’s scheme to transport tens of thousands of migrants to New York City in an attempt to overwhelm our social services system.

He continued, “These companies have violated state law by not paying the cost of caring for these migrants, and that’s why we are suing to recoup approximately $700 million already spent to care for migrants sent here in the last two years by Texas.”

    8 months ago

    I have to say that as much of a piece of shit Abbot is this is helping to make his point. If New York can’t withstand the impact of these immigrants then why is Texas expected to?

    We definitely need to fix the system to allow for more national absorption of the costs. Though ironically Texas wouldn’t go for that because, when you get down to it, the costs aren’t what they really care about…

      8 months ago

      Texas receives billions of federal dollars for border control. It’s already being absorbed nationally in that sense. New Yorkers already pay more taxes per capita than Texas does.

      This is politically motivated hate theater. Texas is a fascist state, and they want to make sure everyone suffers for it.

      8 months ago

      Two things here. One is that you are confusing New York and New York City. I absolutely do believe an entire state can manage better than a city. The second thing is that Texas and other border states do receive federal funds for managing the border. Not as much as maybe they require but they do get federal help.

        8 months ago

        If it helps, I’m laughing at you because you are like a million years old and wasting time trolling on the internet.

        The Boomer generation, ladies and gentlemen.