Didn’t upstart show up in jaunty jackalope? I don’t recall systemd being all that big back then. Also, jaunty booted in 30s to desktop on a 4200rpm spinning rust IDE drive, Intel m processor. In my book they succeeded there but yeah, the attitude they have about contributing to current projects is bullshit.
Yes, upstart was first released in 2006. systemd was released in 2010. In fact, RHEL 6 (relevant because systemd was created by Red Hat) came with upstart.
I have my own criticism of Canonical, but most of what I hear from the anti-Ubuntu crowd isn’t even grounded in reality.
My favourite one recently was that upstart was Canonical NIHing systemd.
Not Invented Here. Basically, reinventing the wheel just so they can have full control of a project.
Not Invented Here-ing? lol
Didn’t upstart show up in jaunty jackalope? I don’t recall systemd being all that big back then. Also, jaunty booted in 30s to desktop on a 4200rpm spinning rust IDE drive, Intel m processor. In my book they succeeded there but yeah, the attitude they have about contributing to current projects is bullshit.
Yes, upstart was first released in 2006. systemd was released in 2010. In fact, RHEL 6 (relevant because systemd was created by Red Hat) came with upstart.