It’s happening: Idiocracy (2006)
Idiocracy would be an improvement at this point.
I might be at fault. I unironically wear Crocs because they are cheap, durable, and easy to clean.
I am genuinely disgusted at how this could even happen like this. He got the popular vote? By 5 million?
Many terrible things are coming, but my heart is aching for Ukraine this morning…
Remember to vote in all local elections. The more sensible people you get into office the more change you create. Look up all the candidates, even for things like education, water treatment, family court judges.
These are all offices that we vote (or not) into office.
When I went to look at who to vote for in the shitty midwest state I am from, (I am an expat. ) sometimes the choice wasn’t clear. Some had no party affiliation, but those who seek positions of power often move on to other positions of power. Starting at the bottom we must vote in good people.
So I looked up their campaign websites or facebook pages, and made my choice from there. Do I want the girl with little background in the subject who has republican affiliations supporting her campaign for the office?
Or maybe the guy who runs free name change clinics for people who need it and works at the local food bank.
The choice was clear to me.
I am sorry fellow Americans. This was an outcome I had greatly feared.
Don’t give up.
I’ve voted in every election in the last 24 years despite giving up hope after 2000.
It’s nice to see a sane comment that isn’t completely gloom and doom. Thank you for this small comfort friend.
Dean Phillips would have won
Hell, I think even Witmer would have won
We’re a racist country, to a lesser degree sexist
If George Clooney was the democratic nominee, he would have won easily.
You and me both farnsworth
I’ve never agreed with the professor more than I do now. At least he actually has the option!
Whatever you do, don’t blame voters though. The only people who could possibly be at fault here are Democrats. Because voters are perfect little angels. Who can blame them for their strong desire for fascism? That’s just human nature after all
It wasn’t the voters that once again generalized half the population negatively. It’s now 3/3 on comments doing that ending with a loss.
Is this English? The words are familiar but I literally cannot extract meaning from this.
Whether you have binders full of women, baskets of deplorables, or garbage, it ends badly for you.
pfft ok
I get it, everyone is upset that Trump won (including myself). But the voters are not solely to blame here.
Democrats put forward a candidate who lost to fascism. What does that say about your policies, your messaging, how the voters feel about you when you tell them “You have to vote for me because I’m not the other guy!”
Y’all need to accept that 1. The Democrats can grasp defeat from the jaws of victory like no one else, and 2. The American people want change, they want progress, they have had enough of the status quo system that isn’t working for them anymore.
They spent the last four years living under Biden, and despite all the screeching about how well the economy was doing, Americans don’t feel it. And instead of addressing that, or doing anything about it, Biden and the Democrat establishment would just point the finger at Republicans and say, “No, no, they’re worse, trust us, they’re worse, they’re worse.”
They’ve spent a year telling Americans, despite everything they’re seeing and hearing from Palestine, that Israel needs this unconditional support, while the world votes to hold Israel accountable and the US vetos it, under a Democrat administration. Multiple times, while refusing to let any Palestinians on stage at the DNC to speak, but parading Republican after Republican because they finished licking Trump’s ass and decided to give Kamala’s a go. Arab and Muslim Americans organized a protest vote, over 100,000 strong in Michigan alone (which she’s projected to lose, btw), and the Democrats sent Bill Clinton to lecture them on how Israel is only doing what’s necessary to defend themselves.
So we’ve had four years of milquetoast progress at best from a candidate the Democrat’s constituency already didn’t like. He dropped out but didn’t leave enough time for a new primary, so the Democrat Party pushed Kamala on us, and then had her run on a centrist, return-to-the-status-quo platform, while refusing to take any meaningful stand on Palestine, with their biggest policy being, “Hey, you have to vote for us because we’re not fascist.”
If the American people, people in general, don’t feel like they’re being represented, why would the feel like voting? This is a failure on the Democrats, 100%, for running platform policies and candidates that don’t drive people to the polls. Say what you want about Trump, and there’s plenty to say about the absolute piece of shit of a human being he is.
But he makes his voters feel listened to and heard, and Democrats may consider it regression, but Republicans get their policies done, and they show progress to their constituents. Democrats get nothing done, usually due to Republican fuckery, but the Republicans don’t face similar fuckery, so the average voter doesn’t care, they just see one wide getting their agenda accomplished and the other not.
So now I pose this question to you, and I’m genuinely asking, this isn’t an “I gotcha, I am so smart!”
If a person doesn’t feel represented by their government regardless of who’s in power, and your life doesn’t drastically improve under either candidate, well… What difference does it make which form of government is fucking you over?
You can say this but when a republican policy is “drill for more oil” and a democratic policy is “focus on clean energy,” one is easier, cheapens prices, and has readily apparent effects. Many democrat policies are long term goals that people won’t notice, and might even hurt them in the short term, but they need to be done. Medicare will increase taxes, supporting Ukraine and not taking Russian oil increases prices, and most people agree these policies are good things. Yet what is the biggest complaint under Biden? Skyrocketing inflation, because the average voter doesn’t care about policy they just care how it affects their lives.
You’re asking for an impossible solution if you want the party of “this is a hard decision but will benefit us all in the future” to have the same draw as “here’s cheaper prices NOW, we’ll ignore the future.” Not to mention as you already said republicans will block any and all attempts at real change. It’s completely unfair that even if 90% of a democrat candidate’s platform is beneficial, that’s not good enough since they don’t have the short-term effects to wow people with. If democratic policies reduced prices and republican policies increased them (say, swap the stances on oil and climate), we could have a literal potato as the candidate and people would run to vote for it.
I’ve written a lot of comments this morning, and I don’t remember which one’s I’ve said what in, so I apologize if I’m repeating something.
I understand what you’re saying, it’s not fair that the Democrats have an unrealistic standard compared to the Republicans. But the Democrats have to figure that out and get over it, and they’re just not.
I’m seeing a lot of polls now showing the biggest factor for Americans voting was the economy. The economy has, verifiably, improved under Biden, and I will not argue against that.
But polls also consistently show that, despite the improved economy, Americans don’t feel it. And that’s the problem: the Dems were presented this information (Americans don’t feel better under this economy), and just kept doubling down, spouting metrics that mean nothing to the average American.
I think in response to the economy polling, Harris trotted out the $15/hr minimum wage increase. In our political hellscape, that’s a progressive policy. But it’s 10 years too late… Minimum wage should be around $26/hr if it was (and should be) tied to inflation, the magic buzzword everyone has on their mind. But they’re not campaigning on $26/hr, they’re barely campaigning on $15/hr.
Someone in another thread pointed out bodily autonomy and how much worse it would get under Trump. Fair enough, but what has Biden shown the American people he’s done about bodily autonomy in the last 4 years? Why wasn’t it enshrined into law at any point during the decades since the initial Roe ruling? Why should voters believe Democrats are actually going to do it this time and not continue using abortion as a campaign tool?
You and I both know the answers to all of the questions above are not black and white, their answers range from the complexity of different administrations to the limited power within the executive branch to Democrats lacking a political majority outside of a few months every couple decades, etc. I get that, but even I’m tired of it being an excuse, and the average American doesn’t even consider the excuse. They just don’t care: they see their money worth less, their paycheck barely increasing to match inflation most years, and laws not being passed.
On the flip side, Trump got a lot done in his first four years, regardless of whatever legal obstacles got in his way. This flies in the face of our constitution and the very rule of law and is a direct threat to our democracy…
… But he got things done. No one can deny that, Trump got things done, and he did things his base wanted him to. As much as Trump hates his base, he at least panders to them, and if he doesn’t support them, he shows faux support, which is good enough. He represents the worst of humanity, is a serial rapist, convicted felon, racist, misogynist, sexist, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic orange shit stain on the annals of history…
But he got things done, and in the eyes if the average American, Biden didn’t, and Harris promised 4 more years of the same. So voters stayed home, and it is 100% the Democrats fault.
You’ve said a lot here that I agree with, but ultimately the responsibility is on the voters to be competent, critical thinkers that at least attempt to be informed. And they (we) are not. But unfortunately this just appears to be an entropy point built into our current system. And it facilitates one party over the other. Republicans are an ideologically unified authoritarian block that denies critical and strategic thinking in its platform and is structured only to identify problems but not sustainable solutions. They’ve always been this. The current Democratic party, otoh, is a big tent party focused on long term solution plans to nuanced problems and has many stakeholders that are ideologically opposed such that actual compromise may be fundamentally impossible. I honestly don’t know if this CAN be overcome. It’s a tough spot to be in. What i do know is that the next 4 years, at a minimum, are going to be mad dash of regulatory capture and federal collapse the likes we haven’t seen since the 20s.
but ultimately the responsibility is on the voters to be competent, critical thinkers that at least attempt to be informed.
I disagree, it’s a politicians job during a campaign to convince people to vote for them. I agree that voters should be informed, but if someone chooses not to vote, I view that as a failure of the candidate, not the voter.
You have the right to vote, you don’t have the obligation (some countries do, and I wish we did, but we do not). And no candidate is entitled to a vote simply for existing.
Beyond that… Yeah, you and I are basically on the same page. I appreciate that you’ve been civil about this, and I want to reiterate: I do believe the Democrats are the lesser of two evils, by a long shot. I do believe they should have gotten more support, and I really wish they had turned out the vote.
But they didn’t, and I don’t think it’s fair to blame apathetic voters when the worst option was “fascism,” but the lesser evil was “status quo that you’re drowning under, with a touch of genocide.” Trump supporters? Yeah, they’re… Everything they want the world to believe they are, they have no excuse for gladly marching into fascism.
But I don’t blame apathetic voters for not wanting to participate in a system they don’t feel represented in, and aren’t inspired by either candidate to vote in.
Why though? Isnt part of living in a democracy an obligation to be well informed and making the correct choice, depending on whatever your ideological beliefs might be?
If inflation is hurting my family, isn’t the proper course of action for me to figure out what the causes and possible short and long term solutions are? Why is the onus on the politician to wow me with buzzwords in a 10 second tiktok, which ultimately will be half truth at best? If anything I need to follow up with more rigor and view their platforms and their past records.
I get it, its too much work. I get it, the Democrats did horrible messaging on multiple fronts. Kamala was definitely reserved and filtered in all her appearances and facing an uneven playing field.
But to absolve 80 million voters (a second time) by saying “theyre just angry you see, they dont know any better where to direct this anger to” is unfair.
But to absolve 80 million voters (a second time) by saying “theyre just angry you see, they dont know any better where to direct this anger to” is unfair.
Ah, see, the general vibe on Lemmy has been to criticize and shame people who didn’t vote, and that’s where I thought your debate was coming from. I cast no blame on anyone who either didn’t vote or voted third party.
If we’re talking the 80 million who voted for Trump a second time? Oh yeah, absolutely, fair game on that front. The only defense I have for them, which I think is important to understand for Democrats to maybe start winning, is that they want change.
And Trump, as shitty as he and his cohorts are, showed them they can change things dramatically during the course of a single presidency. It’s shitty change, and many of them don’t live in reality, so I’ve just been discounting them entirely. But it’s still observable change that usually aligns with what they want.
Biden/the Democrats have made change, but it’s not… Flashy enough? It’s not enough, the status quo isn’t enough for the voting base they need, and they need to adjust their platform accordingly.
So yeah, if you’re criticism is of those who voted for Trump, I agree completely, I’m as angry and disappointed as you are (though not surprised). I just don’t think it’s fair to blame non-voters and third party for the Democrats failing to convince them they’re worth voting for.
You’ve probably seen this but this video is basically exactly why this is the case. I suppose the only path forward is for democrats to exploit anything they can and go even lower (like increasing the number of justices so you get a majority) and then both parties race to see who can exploit the constitution more. I think no democrat wants to do this because it would be insanity, but the Republicans have been doing it for years so there really aren’t many options left.
Since the idea up top is “voters aren’t to blame” I’m out
Proving my point as to why Democrats can’t seem to win, keep winning people over to the party there, champ.
Yes you’re so smart. We should have done anything you say and also fuck Democrats because voters aren’t responsible for anything ever
Voters will get what they voted for, whether they intended it or not. It’s the bedrock fundamental of political reality. A party can meet them where they are, convince them to come over to the leadership position, or lose. Those are the options
Right, we should all robotically accept that people are garbage
They’re not all garbage. But they are selfish and short-sighted. Our garbage culture is the problem. Our worship of money and disdain for the poor.
The Democrats ran on an uninspiring platform, and then wondered why the voting base was uninspired.
And I didn’t realize “listen to your constituents” was the same as “do anything I say and also fuck you.”
Yes if only we had inspired America the right way we would’ve stopped being fascist because gEnOcIdE
Throws your tantrum all you want, the Dems didn’t get the votes they needed, and it’s their lackluster campaigning that lost them the election.
The voters don’t owe candidates shit, especially when they’re being promised four more years of Biden, but a pinch more progressive.
nuance won’t hurt you I promise
Lol yeah that’s what it is. Electing trump and then blaming Democrats is NuAnCe
What difference does it make which form of government is fucking you over?
Democrats wanted to incrementally improve things. Republicans wanted to round us up into camps.
Voters had an opportunity to prevent a christo-fascist dictatorship and they didn’t take it. Moving things to the left in this country has always involved voting. Losing our democracy doesn’t improve the Democratic Party. If there is another election, which we can’t count on, Democrats are going to learn that they need to move further to the right to pick up votes. They’ve done it before, and they will do it again. They will look at the conservatives who voted and tailor a party platform for them.
Democrats could not care less about appealing to nonvoters or third party voters. They only care about winning, which is probably part of why they suck at it.
Voting should be a mechanical choice during elections. If people want better candidates, organize, and do the work to get grassroots movements off the ground between elections.
Instead of picking a strategy based on a subjective morality people should consider analyzing strategies based on their utility.
If a strategy advances a goal it’s useful. If it doesn’t, it’s not. Voting for the Democrats demonstrates a wider voting base for them to move to the left. Moving Democrats to the left is the goal so this strategy is useful. Protest voting takes votes away from the Democrats so they look for voters on the right. This accomplishes the opposite of the goal so this strategy is not useful.
Democrats wanted to incrementally improve things.
They’ve had four years to, and to the average American, they didn’t. They improved things, but not enough for the average American to notice, or care.
In comparison, regardless of how he did it, Trump got things done that his base wanted.
Democrats are going to learn that they need to move further to the right to pick up votes. They’ve done it before, and they will do it again. They will look at the conservatives who voted and tailor a party platform for them.
They did that this time and lost. They did it in 2016 and lost. The Democrats want a return to the status quo, and nothing else. Americans want change, the status quo is not working for them, but the Democrat party will not try to rally the vote. They scream about Republicans and voter suppression, but where’s the law mandating voting? Or making it a federal holiday? Or requiring paid time off to vote for essential employees?
You’re talking about strategy, well, progressives want to align with the Democrats, right? The FPTP system only allows for two viable parties, right, because winner takes all, and third parties can’t compete? Therefore, progressive third party candidates, under the current system, can’t gain any political power because the system is broken, right?
Ok, so let’s work within the system we have. Republicans are fascist, not very progressive, guess that leaves the Democrats. And they seem open to it! But they keep telling us no, now’s not the right time for XYZ, we don’t have the support, we have to stop/prevent XYZ. We keep voicing concerns and want our issues addressed, and we keep being ignored, told we have to get back to normal before we can move forward, condescended to, or outright dismissed.
You keep saying the Democrats will just keep moving right, and that’s exactly the point I’m making, and the reason people didn’t go out in droves for Harris. You keep saying the Democrats will just try to keep stealing Republican voters, well, then they deserve to lose. 37% of eligible voters vote, and instead of trying to garner that other 63% of the voters to come out, they’ll cut off their nose to spite their face and refuse to adopt progressive, populist policies?
You’re basically telling me the Democrat’s strategy is, “Do what we say or we’ll become more like the fascists.” Cool, so delayed fascism versus fascism… Hence “what difference does it make if our wants don’t matter.”
No, voting is part of how we move the Overton window to the left. If we don’t vote, it moves to the right.
The parties are not the same. Democrats passed the infrastructure bill, cancelled student load debt, and appointed judges to the courts that uphold our rights. They did those things in response to pressure from grassroots movements that showed the viability of progressive causes. Republicans separated immigrant families, took reproductive freedom away from Americans, and led an insurrection against our country. People who aren’t watching Fox News or otherwise trapped in right-wing information silo can tell them apart.
There’s no way to argue you out of a con. You’ve been duped and we need people like you to realize it. Or things will not get better. The people who sold you the both sides narrative are gone. They spread their misinformation, tanked American democracy, and now you are still parroting their talking points.
I am begging you. You have been fooled. Please believe me. Again, it is not possible for me to argue you out of this. You have to trust someone. If you can’t trust me or any of the other people on lemmy saying the same thing, find someone irl you can trust. That’s the only way you can get better.
First of all, do not tell me that I’ve been “duped” or don’t understand the situation, because I could say the exact same of you thinking the parties are not the same. And to be clear, I did not claim they’re both the same side, in fact, if you go back and look at a lot of my comments from the last week (excluding today), I actually explicitly point out that I encourage everyone to vote for Harris.
But she is not a progressive candidate, and she never ran as a progressice candidate. Everyone here is always screaming about “When someone shows you who they are, believe them” about Trump and his ilk, but none of you will apply the same scrutiny to the Democrats and their party leadership.
As the campaign went on, Harris moved further to the right, and that is evident by her adopting some of Biden’s policies (Biden, btw, is still detaining immigrants at the border and doing all of the things we criticize the Republicans for, in fact, his administration actually helped pass a more strict immigration policy for the border). She garnered as much former Republican support as she could (no Palestinians were allowed to speak at the DNC, but they had how many Republicans parade across the stage).
I am begging you. You have been fooled. Please believe me. Again, it is not possible for me to argue you out of this. You have to trust someone. If you can’t trust me or any of the other people on lemmy saying the same thing, find someone irl you can trust. That’s the only way you can get better.
This is the kind of shit I would expect to hear from a cult, not someone trying to have a rational discussion about the failings of a political party. She showed us she cared more about garnering the votes of Republicans than she did trying to win over progressive non-voters within her own party. Biden has shown us he’s made progress, but not to the average American, and not in any meaningful way.
And y’all need to stop acting like Harris got on stage and by virtue of not being Trump was going to save this country. She’s a career centrist Democrat who ran on a centrist platform, promising a centrist return to the status quo that centrist Joe Biden has been leading us through for four years.
Y’all keep trying to get your party on board with incremental change while they witness landfall change coming from the other party. Maybe the Democrats need to adopt more progressive policies and run candidates voters want to vote for for fucking once, instead of counting in someone to vote against.
Or they can keep screaming that our voices, concerns, and wants don’t matter, and they can keep trying to pander votes from a demographic (Republicans) that will never fucking support them. And, just like in 2016, they care more about the support of people who would never support them.
They lost because of it, and that’s on them. The Democrats need to win voters to their party, and this bullshit Republican-lite “we’re not fascist and we totally promise this time we’ll actually make progress for realsies” isn’t working anymore. I hope they choose to go progressive, but looks more like the Democrats will just shift further right, alienating more progressive voters and giving fascism a stronger foothold next election (assuming we have one).
Kamala was a neoliberal, who would improve things incrementally, running against a fascist. We all knew she wasn’t an ideal candidate and told people that. I know I did. We know the Democrats are neoliberals, a right leaning political position. We needed to delay fascism four more years to get a progressive or socialist candidate in the next Democratic primary. We failed.
It’s over. We lost the election. You were had. I’m sorry that happened. It can happen to anyone.
Take a break, when you feel better, come back. People will be organizing to fight back against fascists. This time, please join them instead of arguing against them. Saying ‘both sides’ isn’t helping.
You were had.
It’s people like you that just prove my point.
I voted for Harris. I wasn’t “had.”
We needed to delay fascism four more years to get a progressive or socialist candidate in the next Democratic primary.
Yeah, I’m fucking tired of hearing this. Y’know what could’ve delayed fascism and turned out the vote? Any measurable progress for the average American over the last four years.
You’re so oblivious to it, and you act like you’re the only one who actually gets it. You think Biden’s mental acuity dropped overnight in July?
The DNC was well aware of his declining mental health well before that, well before the primaries. And they hid it, and actively chose to hide it from the country, all while acting like all was completely fine. Then they waited for the debate, saw it went disastrously, and then decided it’d be best to run another candidate. Except, le gasp, there is not enough time to run a full primary! Oh no! What do we do?!
Eh, we’ll just run the VP, and we’ll run her on a centrist platform to try and win over Republicans. Yeah, yeah… That’ll do it.
Where was Bernie in that discussion? Or better yet, how did it go trying to get Bernie as the candidate in 2016? I distinctly remember the DNC acting completely above board the entire time, listening to their constituents, and running a progressive campaign tha-
Oh, wait, no, that’s all a lie. Historically, factually, it was a lie. The DNC has made it clear they will not, ever, support a progressive candidate. They showed us that in 2016, they showed us in 2020, and even when faced with fucking fascism, they refused to run a progressive platform in 2024.
This time, please join them instead of arguing against them. Saying ‘both sides’ isn’t helping.
Oh go fuck yourself. Playing the “Just four more years of centrism, we promise for realz this time, 100%” is not helping.
Speaking to people on here like they’re some misguided child who spilled a glass of milk is “not helping.”
Trying to distance the Democrats from the conservative party they are and continue to show themselves to be “isn’t helping.”
Fuck you.
You’re basically telling me the Democrat’s strategy is, “Do what we say or we’ll become more like the fascists.”
It’s not much different than all of you saying, “Do what we say or we will allow democracy to die. All because of a single issue in a country we didn’t know existed a year ago!”
Oh and also, “Do as we say, or the LGBTQ, and women in America will suffer! We don’t really give a shit about the hardships they’ll now face because you didn’t cave in and do shit we don’t even understand!”
It’s not much different than all of you saying
Wow… So the constituents of a political party wanting their concerns and issues addressed and taken seriously, otherwise they just won’t vote for a party that doesn’t represent them…
Is the same thing as the political party, who is supposed to represent the interests of their constituents, telling their constituents to tow the line or they’ll become more fascist.
Constituents: We want our concerns addressed and progress made for the working people.
Democrats: Support us unconditionally or we’ll just become more like the fascists to win their support, since our actions show winning is all that matters.
You: These are literally the same argument, but the constituents are the wronger ones.
All because of a single issue in a country we didn’t know existed a year ago!”
This right here is what I’ve been pointing out for the last week: Democrats lose because the party is condescending, dismissive, and insulting to anyone who dares voice criticism. So those 100,000 protest votes organized by Muslim and Arab Americans, the same amount that Harris is currently losing Michigan by, yeah, that’s just a single issue voter who hasn’t even heard of Palestine until a year ago.
How incredibly insulting to people you’re supposedly trying to win over while completely dismissing their concerns. Would you like to join the Palestinian speakers at the DNC on stage so you can insult them to their faces? Just kidding, the DNC chose to parade a bunch of Republicans across the stage rather than let a Palestinian speak.
We don’t really give a shit
The DNC to every progressive voter every voting day.
about the hardships they’ll now face because you didn’t cave in and do shit we don’t even understand!”
What shit were Democrat voters asking for that they didn’t understand? Seriously, I want you to explain that to me, because from my understanding:
- They wanted positive climate initiatives, and two weeks into the campaign Harris went pro-fracking despite initially being anti-fracking.
- They want the Palestinian genocide to stop, Biden has put no contingencies on weapons transfers to Israel, Harris signalled she only wanted to stop the war. Again, the DNC completely ignored the Arab/Muslim voices protesting this entire election
- They want progress that is actually meaningful and impactful, not these half-assed decades-late measures like the $15/hr minimum wage (should he $26/hr now with inflation), or only expanding Medicare for specific services rather than Medicare4All
- They want an economy that actually reflects their struggles instead of being fed the same metrics that only effect millionaires
- They wanted a candidate they could see positive change in, and Harris returned to the typical Status-Quo Democrat playbook that keeps costing them elections
Those don’t seem like things Americans don’t understand, maybe you and the Democratic leadership need to get off your high horses and maybe acknowledge that people want to see actionable change and not just election cycle after election cycle of excuses and empty promises.
And just a reminder, Democrats had decades to enshrine Roe into law, and didn’t do so the few opportunities they had because it was more useful as a campaign device.
Yeah… I’m not reading all of that. Enjoy your victory. You certainly earned it!
Nail on the head.
Amazingly well said. This is on party Democrats. Don’t let people convince you otherwise.
under a Democrat administration.
Dude, just admit that you’re a Trump voter. The election is over and it doesn’t matter anymore anyway.
I voted Harris, and my state went to Harris. Voted Democrat down ballot.
Guess that makes me a Trump voter. 🤷♀️
Your usage of subtle Republican grammar like “Democrat” where “Democratic” would obviously be more correct gives you away.
Y’know what… I started writing a whole thing out, and you’re not worth it.
Fucking “Democrat” versus “Democratic,” for fuck’s sake, no wonder we lost.
Yeah, “we” lost. 🙄
You’re so edgy, oh my gawdddddddddddddd
Uh, I’d say “vote Democrat” here too. Democrat is the noun, Democratic is the adjectival.
In the sentence “Voted Democrat down ballot,” Democrat is acting as a noun. Now if they had said “Voted for Democrat candidates down ballot,” you’d have more of a point.
Democratic administration sounds more correct than Democrat administration unless you’re severely Fox News brained. I haven’t ever heard anyone calling it a “Republic administration” which would sound just as wrong (and the wrongness is absolutely intentional IMO).
Yes, Democratic Administration makes sense, because “Democratic” is acting as an adjective to “Administration”. In this example you do want to use Democratic.
But “Voted Democrat down ballot” still sounds fine to me.
Well, you will find out what difference it makes.
Yep, we will.
It’s of the upmost importance that we don’t hold power to account and assure them they’ve done nothing wrong. They are powerful after all. What wrong could they have done?
Right?! My whole philosophy is why do more than one thing? That’s bad. What we need to do is scream into the void on lemmy about democrats and swat away any hint of voter responsibility. That’ll teach the voters the right lesson: they could never possibly have done no wrong no matter what!
I know. I figure they haven’t been listening about how bad they are this entire time, the solution is to do it harder and louder. BAD FASCISTS. ALL OF YOU. NOW VOTE FOR US.
Kind of like how talking shit every time the color blue is mentioned completely changed democrats platform! Fucking goddamned brilliant as fuck!
Agreed. You are so smart. I’m surprised everyone here hasn’t generated you in you genius insights. It’s kind of amazing. But I’m glad I was the first. Everyone else is so fucking stupid. I cant believe it’s EVERYONE ELSE WHOSE STUPID… And definitely not you. Definitely not.
No, YOU are the smart one! All we have to do is get mad at democrats and this time they will 100% reverse course! I mean the only other thing we need to do is suck the dicks of people voted for Trump!! Wait no I forgot, that violates the sacred “one thing is allowed to be done” law.
Oh no… I am just a humble servant of you are so wise and intelligent. You have a grand strategy that simple mind can’t see at all. I am no one you are amazing. I would like to be just like but know that that’s impossible. We must shame the weak who disagreed with you. I don’t really get& it, but I am not wise. Shame has well … Never gotten me to join the side that shamed me. But what do I know. You are so smart. And since the only other choice is to suck their dicks, we definitely don’t want that. Dick suck or shake… Clever.
Asteroid - Yellowstone Supervolcano 2028
God that sounds nice fight now.
Least it will be quick.
If you didn’t read The Parable of the Sower and The Parable of Talents by Octavia Butler in/before 2016, now is a good time to do so.
We save us, because nobody else is.
(I know this is from a different account, but I’m OP) - I’m familiar with biblical parables, I don’t have too much time to read these days, can you give me summary?
They’re not really biblical in the sense that they’re about the Christian Bible, although they’re certainly religious (in the sense that the main character is developing a new religion focused on long term survival of humanity). They’re sci-fi books set in the near future of the US, basically during end stage capitalism. It’s hard to give an exact summary because those books are about a lot, but I would say primarily they’re about the importance of empathy and community.
Thanks. I’ll check them out. I do have to add, though, that knowing the biblical parables has my head spinning with curiosity at this point!
Octavia Butler was an absolute artist with story telling, they didn’t just name part of the Los Angeles Central Library after her because she’s from here! You’re in for a treat.
This is what believing in elections does. Complacent on victory, depressed in defeat. Disregard elections and take direct action. Nobody can take that away from you.
What direct action will get me the testosterone I need to not kill myself in the event Trump bans all gender affirming care?
The risk of of civil disobedience and procurement through mutual aid networks I’d guess
I hate to say it… but DIY. There are resources for help. I am hesitant to post direct links, but know help is there!
Estrogen is kinda fine, testosterone being a controlled substance makes DIY much more illegal for me.
Is it available on the dark web? It’s absurd but you might need to buy health care as if it’s an illegal drug.
Hearing this is morally reprehensible for me. Shit, here people can just buy testosterone from shady TV ads - gas stations even! Here’s hoping you can find your way, and know that there’s a lot of us on Lemmy that will help where we can <3
Voted as an attempt at harm reduction. But i had mail-in so it took me 2 minutes.
Believe in them or not, they’re not for change. You’re right insofar as popular direct action creates tangible change in the world.
People keep insisting how little time it takes them when the argument against electoralism is toward the massive amount of volunteer work wasted around it and the show of support to the concept itself.
Yeah but we can see from liberalism that a “show of support” means jack shit. The ballot is a tool to quell the masses against revolt. Participation there doesn’t mean you accept it as the whole of your political voice.
The volunteer work is a bullshit aspect. It certainly means the majority of electoral workers are those with the ability to volunteer. Hence, lead poisoned boomers.
I know this is from a different account, but fml. I’m sure you are aware of how depressing things are as a fellow anarchist. I have to go vote, because I try to give a shit.
It’s because I give a shit that I try to point people should not give up hope because the electoral system didn’t go “their way”. If you’re already doing direct action, just keep doing it. Nothing changes and your direct actions actually changes things. If you’re not doing it, why not?
I think I needed to hear this. Thanks.
Elections are how we achieve a peaceful transfer of power. Hopefully fascist incompetence will so fully debilitate this Trump administration that we manage to hold another one. We can’t count on it though. We need to organize in the meantime.
This rings particularly tone deaf to me, given that the reason it happened again was low voter turnout.
The reason it happened was because the Dems supported unpopular policies like genocide
Single issue voters are the death of democracy.
On both sides.
Ah yes, that old chestnut. Well I’m glad we solved that problem. Good job team.
It sure sounds like you learned nothing, so I guess you’ll continue getting fascists for the foreseeable future until your society collapses.
We did a fascist but your reason is wrong. The reason is voter suppression and a lost culture war. It is in the interest of capitalists to push narratives that insight racism, transphobia and xenophobia in order to divide the working class and further their political capture.
Unfortunately it seems to be incredibly effective especially in times of unrest.
What are you gonna do about it? Vote harder?
and volunteer in my community, same as I did all along. What are you going to do, play right into their hand harder?
well this sure showed the dems didn’t it. sure there’ll be some acceptable losses under trump. but thats ok if get the chance to do what exactly? watch the genocide get less media attention as it continues? watch violent crackdowns on any protests? make a convincing graph showing the increase in queer kids not doing the alive thing anymore? whats the grand plan? bitch about the dems in the mod terms if they still happen?
What’s your grand plan to fight against all that? Bitch on lemmy? Were you doing anything against the very real scenario of all these coming to pass instead of clearly ineffectual electoralism?
Fuck was your plan to stop the genocide in Palestine asshole, go kill Net with the brassy swinging of your massive balls? Go fuck yourself, you ain’t helping anyone, Palestinian or otherwise.
Not propping up the system causing genocides is a good start. You can’t expect to keep doing all the actions that sustain and show endorsement to the status quo for decades, but then want to stop one single thing caused by that system immediately.
been a little busy up to this morning trying to talk friends and family on the left into participating in the thing. my plan didn’t work. the protest voters and unmotivated who wont be harmed by any of this won. comgrats. now we have still have to do all the plans too? no plan for after the protest votes got dreamed up? i’m shocked. i’ll be busy for the next few weeks now talking my queer friends and family out of their very real panic and making sure their mental health is ok. then theres still a perfectly good political party sitting there i’d like to get back to hijacking please. it’s right fucking there. why do we all keep acting like we need to burn it down and start over. just take their toys.
You can’t change the system from within. “Take their toys” doesn’t work and has never worked.
it’s literally what mega just got done doing.
Well, time to pack up my bags. Netherlands here I come.
We elected a party that’s barely any better on social policy and just as bad on foreign policy with a talking head that’s Dutch Trump
My family is trying to sort out which European country to move too and it seems like so many of them are electing some sort of Trump.
For me Europe is still a better option than the US for two primary reasons.
First, most countries are so far ahead of America in terms of social progress even if a PM/president/whatever leader takes a country back 30 years it’ll still be way ahead of the US.
Second, most European countries have a much better voting system that will make it easier to oust the Trumpian leader and fix the stuff they messed up in the future.
Are you talking about that Geert Wilders guy?
In addition, we also have Thierry Baudet jf you wanna see even Trumpism.
Believe in people. All we have is each other. And we all need each other now.
Didn’t people vote for Trump?
Seems the people have abandoned us.We’re on our own.
The fascists are the minority of this country.
The fascist dictator in waiting is literally leading the in the popular vote. Even if that changes in the coming weeks, it’s gonna be a very large minority…
70 million people isn’t a majority of 340 million people. And not all of the 70 million people are fascists.
If you didn’t vote against the fascist then i have bad news for you…
I voted for Kamala. Fascists don’t care who you voted for. They only care about skull measurements and skin color. They will happily deport or kill all the minorities who foolishly or knowingly voted them into power.
“You” as-in “a voter/someone”.
Not you as-in you specifically, obviously.You’re conflating assholes here.
Fascists absolutely care who you voted for. They put party (and then country) above everything else. The word you were looking for is racists. They care about skull sizes and skin color.
These groups are not mutually inclusive, but there is a whole lot of overlap.
This is emphatically true, however, the majority of this country is silent. They don’t vote.
This is how democracy dies, and this is how evil wins.
He won the popular vote…
There are over 340 million people in this country. 70 million people isn’t a majority. And not even all of those people are fascists.
Yes, but how many are of voting age, though, and how many of those are eligible? 340 million includes everyone, including those who can’t.
The worst case estimate has it at 11 million people are fascists in the US. This is from 2018, but it gives a good ball park number for today. edit: 2018 not 2016
161 million registered voters in 2024. ~140 million votes cast.
If you vote for a fascist, you’re a fascist.
Also, if you fail to vote against a fascist… 😬
Only 64 million people and still counting voted for Harris. This strategy would have us turn against everyone else in the US and allow the fascists to outnumber us by our own hands. It is a useless strategy. Organizing with everyone we can against fascists is how we win. We outnumber them.
This. Fucking this. We can only win next time if we let them know now that they are terrible people who made terrible choices. That will definitely lead to victory.
Not everyone did so knowingly. There are people who did knowingly vote for fascists of course. But there are plenty of people who got brainwashed by Fox News. It’s not useful to create millions of enemies when we already outnumber the fascists.
Fox News brainwashed my Grandma and Mom. They’re both Jewish. My Grandmother didn’t live to see this. She was the kindest person I’ve ever met. She would never hurt anyone.
My Mom’s an asshole, but she’s still my Mom and I lover her despite the fact she is brainwashed and misgenders me because my peace of mind makes her insecure. You think the fascists are going to care that she voted for them? As far as the fascists are concerned, she’s one more person they get to kill.
“I didn’t think the leopards world eat my face”, cried person who voted for the Leopards Eating Faces Party
I have to agree here. My father was a very well educated man. He has parts that he designed and manufactured by himself in the Smithsonian Aeronautical Museum, as well as parts that he designed and manufactured in the Hubble.
In the end, the fall of this intelligent man was Fox News. It is a brain worm. I loved him dearly, but the combination of conspiracy and hatred consumed him in the end. The last time I saw him, he asked to see his son. I will never recover from this.
Yeah, we all know people like this… People who should care, but they don’t. Most are older folks in my experience.
On the bright side, Trump is very old and unhealthy. I’m not sure he can make it another 4 years. His mind is already going, it’s very clear to anyone not drinking the Kool Aid.
Belief can be a source of hope during dark times but the Nazis weren’t stopped with good intentions and a pat on the shoulder. They were fought back with blood, steel and a fuckton of bombs.
Defend yourself against fascists.