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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Oh sorry that was badly written, I compile my own kernel and run lxc on top of that, with debian base userspace otherwise.

    Then kvm on top for really different stuff.

    For my server it’s debian on the bottom with zfs file serving raidz2, and on top of that 1 kvm for debian docker containers, and 1 kvm for freebsd jails which actually hosts most of the services I care about, docker is fallback if they’re a pain to set up.

  • Dune had no good guys, none at all.

    Everyone was out for themselves or their narrow view of what was just and best for humanity from their simplistic and self-centered perspective.

    Leto 2 was the exception because he was out for his narrow view of what was best for humanity from his broad, self-centered perspective that still didn’t really lead anywhere.

    The actual point of the books is that no ideal survives the test of real time, and over time civilization tends to ossify, so we are doomed to catastrophe by our very nature.