People who make small talk with the cashier or service person when there is a line and people who accelerate in the turn lane.
Saying that they could care less when they mean they couldn’t care less.
Like, of course anyone can care less than they currently do.
Here are my top 5:
- Being on their phone too much.
- Being willfully ignorant.
- Believing in religion.
- Using proprietary social media apps (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook).
- Using non-free BIOS firmware / non-free software.
People who say nukular instead of nuclear ☢️
It’s a joke from the Simpsons
It doesn’t even make sense.
I judge people quietly for smoking.
Or from where
Roasting a bone in a crowded theater is shitty, but I don’t care outside. If you are smoking a jay outside, more power to you. However, habitual cigarette smoking is what I find to be worthy of judgement.
I feel that way as well
It’s the most disgusting smell. I’d rather stick my nose in a dirty diaper than stand next to someone smoking.
If I told you, it wouldn’t be secret.
Why yes I am a clever little scamp!
I’m very vocal in my judgements.
Using “u”.
I’ve tried using “u” but I just can’t. “You” is only 2 more letters and “u” sounds really cringe
Talking loudly on the phone, while on public transport.
I was at the Secretary of State and this guy was playing a Switch with the volume on full blast.
For being british.
Being religious
What do you mean “secretly?” Fuck that.
Shit Parking.
If you’re driving a 2 ton metal box and can’t have the spatial awareness to fit it into a large rectangle, you shouldn’t be on the road.
I agree, I shouldn’t be on the road. I try to be as safe as I can but I hate driving.
Pronouncing the word “cache” as “cash-eh”
Or data as dada
Cashay is a stripper name.
I’m sorry, you don’t get to maul the pronunciation of loan words and then correct people when they use the correct pronunciation. The word comes from the french cache/casher which is pronounced exactly cash-eh. Where do you think the -e comes from?
From the Mirriam-Webster website:
A cache is a group of things that are hidden, and is pronounced like “cash.” Cachet can mean “prestige,” “medicine to be swallowed,” or “an official seal,” and is pronounced “cash-ay.”
Cache and cachet share a common French root – the verb cacher (“to hide”), which is pronounced \cash-AY\ – but they are pronounced differently and mean two different things
In English, yes. My point is that cache/r/t is the root of both words, the pronunciation changed in english which often happens with loan words, and it certainly is OK to use the local pronunciation – but correcting someone who uses the correct pronunciation of that word, with self-righteous indignation even, is very silly behavior.
“But we’ve been pronouncing it wrong for 300 years!”
If we said every loan word the way they were originally pronounced in their various native languages then English wouldn’t exist.
Perhaps, probably not - not my point though. My native language has a lot of English loan words with local pronunciation, which is the correct pronunciation of those words in my language according to any dictionary, however to indignantly correct someone using the original english pronunciation for saying it “wrong” would just be bizarre.
Cool story bro. How about this, you continue to say cache however you want and I’ll continue to silently judge you for it and we can all just move on with our day?
Fine by me, it’s obvious you no longer have an argument – or anything otherwise interesting – to contribute to this discussion anyway, so what would be the point?
Are you sure they aren’t saying “cachet”?
What if I pronounce the word “caché” as “cash-eh”?
Their taste in music. Sorry but if Pink Floyd is your favorite band i have to assume you’re boring
Sorry Pink Floyd is my favourite band and I totally do not feel like a boring person 😂
They’ve probably just never been in the correct head space to listen to it because they’ve been conditioned to listen to mind numbing pop chart shite.
What’s your favourite band?
It changes daily. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Thanks for asking