Trust me, I know she definitely told them. It’s kinda obvious. But you’re right, I don’t know for certain. I’m just starting to feel like this is all too much for me, I have to study for my certifications for my next job, I don’t have that much time to learn Spanish right now… If she hadn’t told basically everyone, I would’ve learned for her.
Yeah, sure. The point is if she tells everyone someone will eventually find out and I feel like I will get in trouble. Workplace relationships are not allowed here and she doesn’t seem to understand we have to keep it lowkey. Now that everyone knows, I feel like this is a missed opputunity for something.
I want to use it, but it requires Javascript in order to view the webpage. I’m wondering if there’s a utility that would allow me to download the webpage over Tor, with all the sites functions (audio, elements, etc.)
Wget could work, I’ll give it a try soon. Thank you! (I don’t necessarily need the audio, but it would be nice to have)
Yes, but I would need to enable Javascript, completely blocks access if Javascript is disabled. Thank you for the tip though! I did not know of that feature.
Edward Snowden next please!
CEO of our company asked me for help with his computer, opened Outlook, and I saw in the search results he searched for “sex.” He was sitting right next to me.
Yeah, fuck the CCP for spying on Americans. The US Government would never do such a thing!
Sorry for the really late reply, no I am not in enterprise IT. I did this solely to help the community use Libreboot more, I want to see it become mainstream. I also was just planning on reselling most of these models, but I haven’t got to it yet.
Meh, I mean Arch includes non-free software as well so I don’t really understand. As a Trisquel user, you all are dead to me.
I provided testing and funding (not as a developer) for computers like the 9020, 9010, 7010, and 780 OptiPlex, as well as the E4300 Latitude and T1700 Precision. All it takes is some collaboration with others in the community to make it possible!
I’m concerned because there are a lot of employees that are using this one program and I’m worried about them accidentally installing something down the line. Thanks for your response btw.
I did use procmon and saw that it was creating/closing a file in the C: directory. I gave access to the other folders it was trying to access (e.g. C:\Users\Public\CameraSoftware) but it’s still asking for admin privelleges. I tried doing the Task Scheduler method as well, did not work for me unfortunaely. Thanks for your response btw!
Proprietary software.
Fighting tryanny with tryanny isn’t the answer.
I own plenty of Libreboot computers without Intel Management Engine (2006-2009 era). For the average user in today’s world, I don’t see many people using them unless definitive proof came out that the government uses the IME to spy on them. These 2006-2009 era desktops/laptops can have the entire IME firmware removed, along with a 100% free BIOS. I collect as many as I can.
Then the main question would be, do you care about using proprietary software or not?
I figured out how to use virt-manager when I was 15 years old, it’s not as hard as it seems.
VirtualBox includes non-free drivers for some features. I’d recommend using QEMU/KVM with Virt-Manager instead, since it is entirely free and open-source.
I agree. If it’s not libre from the start, we should not trust it. The term “open source” is ambiguous; they could just put it under some restrictive open-source license and then revert to closed source later. If it’s put under a free software license like the GPL, then I’ll feel better.