We have definitely been transported to an alternate universe

  • WoahWoah@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Something smells fucky. She’s in a gerrymandered district so re-election isn’t a concerned. Presumably Trump is in too much of a froth to realize this might be a political mistake and would love the theatrically of it. It will fire up the base and keep immigration central in the election discourse.

    I don’t quite get it. But my speculation is that this is an early volley and positioning to try to get rid of Johnson soon by 1) calling him out and making him look weak, 2) forcing him to capitulate to the democrats "just like she did, and 3) or don’t, and then tie the government shutdown more directly to Johnson. Following this, I assume the crazy crew will start undermining him in the media, and then they’ll eventually vote to try to get him removed and install one of the crazy crew.

    She is absolutely to rabid to doing this for civic-minded reasons, so something has to be going on.

    • greyfox@lemmy.world
      1 day ago

      Gerrymandered districts are more in danger not less. Gerrymandering is about spreading out areas which are easy wins, and instead spreading those votes over multiple districts.

      You gain more seats, but you make every race closer.