From wikipedia:

3,060,000 German military personnel were taken prisoner by the USSR and that 1,094,250 died in captivity (549,360 from 1941 to April 1945; 542,911 from May 1945 to June 1950 and 1,979 from July 1950 to 1955).[4]

  • davel [he/him]
    8 days ago

    You forget that Germans were allies of Soviet Union in the beginning.

    What? No. Is this more Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact nonsene? If the USSR and Germany were allies because of a non-aggression pact, then so were many other Allied states allies of Germany. The USSR signed that pact to buy itself time to build up their war capacity, knowing that Germany was likely to eventually try to invade. The Nazis came to power as virulent anticommunists, as fascists always are, because fascist movements are always funded by the capitalist class.