• TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      You know, for someone so damn sure he’s right, you’re getting many, many, many suggestions you’re wrong. In the form of only you agreeing with yourself (by one upvote) and literally 17 people telling you ‘you’re off base here’. Maybe you should LISTEN to that.

      Rupert Murdoch is most definitely a Russian Stooge. Let’s not forget what that means:

      He, like the Russians, wants to live in a country that:

      • Makes religion part of the ruling class of the country.
      • Shits on people who are not part of the established religion from the last point.
      • Shits on gays.
      • Shits on minorities.
      • Rah-Rah-Rahs the military.
      • Declares lists of enemies, both inside and outside the country.
      • Dismisses the Arts.
      • Dismisses academics and scientists.

      His news agencies, world-wide, are pushing for alt-right authoritarian solutions to the problems we face. From Australia to Europe and to the US, his BS is pushing us further right. He’s not working for the Russians. He’s working with them, for the same goal, to dismantle self-determination and civil rights and replace liberal democracies (the old definition, not just Leftist) with authoritarian dictatorships, world-wide. He is also working with Xi and Kim and Netanyahu and Maduro and a host of other people who are less concerned about Capitalism vs. Communism and much, MUCH, MUCH more concerned about ending the experiment we’ve had with Democracy because it gets in the way of making a profit.

      And all your bullshit here? It’s in support of Trump, Putin, Xi, Maduro, Kim, Netanyahu, and all the other dictators trying to crush democracy and install fellow autocratic stooges in other countries. That’s why we’re calling you out on your fucking bullshit. Now fuck off already.

      • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        It’s in support of Trump, Putin, Xi, Maduro, Kim, Netanyahu, and all the other dictators trying to crush democracy and install fellow autocratic stooges in other countries.

        No, no, see he also is saying that people calling him out support Israel killing Palestinian children. So clearly he must be right since he is pointing out the obvious genocide, while lumping all of his opponents into a single, simple intentionally misrepresented category.

        /s just in case that wasn’t blatantly obvious, since there are clearly idiots amongst these comments.