I, just wanna stop feeling anything. Never had friends but I could live with that, but I just want someone to embrace, someone that feels something for me, even if doesn’t last. Better than 0 for the rest of my life. This situation is slowly killing me.

The only thing that gives me some relief is gaming… (I read the post of like a week ago here that several dudes met their partner thanks to a videogame and I felt even sadder, why that wasn’t me? I’ve been gaming for 30 years now).

  • HexesofVexes@lemmy.world
    1 month ago
    1. Employment - you currently have 0 social encumbrance. It’s a good time to job hop and move around, you meet a lot of people and learn a lot of social cues. Also better job gives more money for gaming.

    2. Stop looking; the dating world post 30 is absolutely horrific, and it will destroy your mental health. The people in there are not all that bad, but the online dating scene brings out the worst in everyone. Time to explore the wilds and visit local cafes (worst comes to worst, you get good tea/coffee).

    3. The type of people you meet varies with the type of game you play. If it has “more tits than a birdwatcher’s photobook”, you’re not going to meet many women. If it’s a wholesome online farming sim that ratio changes, but it’s still rough as a guy. Games are great for meeting people, but not for meeting lovers.

    4. At the end of the day, when the loneliness bites hard, don’t be afraid to call a hotline for help.

    5. Ok, ready for the big one? Stop looking for a partner and start looking for friends - the kind of people you can sit in a cafe with, or complain about work with. Guys, girls or those in between; doesn’t matter. The thing that helped me most was making a few good friends who I still travel over a hundred miles to meet monthly, and who I game with weekly online.

    Edit - pressed submit early