Recently, Mr. Bush has been allowed to rehabilitate his image, particularly on Reddit. My belief is that this is happening because of younger generations commenting in a contrarian way on his presidency, perhaps some of which is influenced by the absolute state of the Republican Party today.

For most of those of us who lived through his presidency, it was always clear that Bush was a religious and sexual bigot, but not a racial one.

It was always clear that the evidence for invading Iraq was scant at best. The war was protested by the biggest international collaboration of protesters ever.

Days after 9/11, there were plenty of us ACLU types decrying the USA PATRIOT Act. Many of us felt that Pelosi, Clinton, etc. had few inviolable beliefs about civil rights at that time. Russ Feingold and Bernie Sanders voted against it.

Bush was the worst possible president, so I had thought.

    1 month ago

    Didn’t the war in Iraq have overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress? Bush was guilty of acting on bad intelligence, but the country as a whole was guilty of succumbing to bloodlust and misdirected vengeance. The Patriot act also had strong bipartisan support. Gay marriage was so unpopular at the time that even Obama had to feign opposition to it when he first ran in 2008. Bush was a bad president IMO, but it’s hard not to be a little sympathetic when you consider the context of these decisions. The one good thing I’ll say about Bush is that he never seemed self-serving, so for that reason alone I don’t doubt his sincerity over the regret he seems to show for some of these things.

      1 month ago

      Bush and his admin lied to the American people. We were misled into supporting his war, our grief was taken advantage of.

        1 month ago

        That’s true, but you could still tell it was bullshit if you were paying attention.

        Al-Qaeda is in Afghanistan!

        So let’s invade Iraq!

        wat. (<-- my reaction at the time, let alone in hindsight)