Let’s hear some stories from the thready-verse about how you guys met your significant other.

For me it was during the first year of COVID, my company asked who from Europe (I was living in Sweden) wanted to go for a three month business trip to coach a big Korean automotive supplier on how to do modern software development. Most of the other people had families and especially during COVID nobody wanted to travel. I said I could do it, even though I never coached before. But because nobody else volunteered they sent me and and another guy who also was single without a family, etc.

I was convinced that the other guy would have good game with the women here, and thought that there is no harm in installing some international dating app and to try my own luck. During COVID I just lost a ton of weight and found new confidence and it was far away from home and what happens in Korea stays in Korea and so on :D

Anyway, to my surprise during the first two weeks I got some matches and I hit it off with one of them. We met and started dating and very quickly fell for each other. Then when the 3 months were over, I asked the company if the customer would still have some use for my skills and they said yes and send me for 3 more months. I had to go back to Sweden to get a new Visa and spent another 2 weeks in quarantine (as the first time). But then the second tree months were over too and I asked again for more. By that time I was really sick of all the time in quarantine and asked if they could move me from the Swedish office to the Korean office and they agreed.

I went back to Sweden, threw away most of my stuff and put the most valuable things up on a friends attic and moved to Korea with one suitcase. I stayed at AirBnB’s for two more months and then we found an apartment and moved in together.

She has a daughter from a previous marriage and we now have a 1.5 year old son together and we still live in Korea :D

  • Doxatek@mander.xyz
    2 months ago

    Tinder. Really happy, now my wife baby coming soon. Those shitty awful apps can work sometimes

  • irish_link@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    In a bar instead of online like NORMAL PEOPLE.

    All jokes and sarcasm aside, I met my wife in a bar as her and her friend were trying to avoid a guy who seemed to be bothering them. Offered to buy the all a round of drinks and said we are at a table over in the corner if they wanted to join. My future wife and her friend said yeah lets go the guy had a sour look on his face and said no thanks but I will take the beer.

    Had a wonderfully late night talking and laughing with her and fell in love shortly after.

  • Apeman42@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    OKCupid. And given what I hear about the state of dating apps today, it feels like we caught the last chopper out of 'Nam.

  • JoeyHarrington@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    Met on irc a hundred years ago. Moved to a different state to be together. Got married, had kids, still together livin’ the dream. No regerts. Ragerts. Whatever.

    • Skunk@jlai.lu
      2 months ago

      Ah another IRC couple! My story is also on this thread and started on IRC as well.

      That was a nice time, I regret those chatrooms and the dumb things we said over there.

  • henfredemars@infosec.pub
    2 months ago

    At risk of repeating an answer to a similar question some weeks or months ago:

    My wife and I met as users on a porn site who caught feelings and had to meet IRL.

    Well, it was not exactly porn but more a popular “adult fanfiction” (almost the same thing) site where we went from cooperative creative writing to something much more intimate. I flew out to meet her and now we’ve been married for about a decade.

    I still say we met because of porn. My first message to her contained a detailed, descriptive, unaffectionate as it was unambiguous list of preferences but it seems to be working out so far.

    • garbagebagel@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      My first message to her contained a detailed, descriptive, as unceremonious as it was unambiguous list of preferences but it seems to be working out so far.

      Sounds like the foundation for great communication to me.

    • Gerudo@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      That’s the way it should be. 1st date…what are you in to?

      Probably save a lot of time on both parties.

      • henfredemars@infosec.pub
        2 months ago

        To be fair, that was the idea behind my first message! Let’s get that squared away so we can get writing, or not without wasting anyone’s time.

  • theatomictruth@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I was joining the crew of a ship that I had worked on before. When I met the mate in the tender to bring me aboard I requested to be moved into a specific cabin (to avoid being put in the one that shares a bulkhead with the engine room water tight door which is clanged loudly every half hour for safety checks). That cabin was already occupied by my future wife.

  • FauxPseudo @lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    She was dating my ex girlfriend. They split. My ex recommended she ask me out because she thought we might be a good fit. It’s been 14 years.

    Having a previous significant partner that I split with on good terms has always been a great strategy for getting a new partner.

    • v_krishna@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      My wife and I also met on there. Like 99% match (which in hindsight is funny, our personality types and such are very different but quite complementary, however our core beliefs and interests are very similar). I had 2 kids from a previous girlfriend, she had 1 (which makes dating really hard in the SF bay area esp in your 20s, people here often dont have kids until their 40s). 11 years later we’ve been married for 5 and probably happier than ever.

  • ceiphas@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Long time ago i was an actor and a cook at a medieval market. it was Beltane and my best friend said “I’ll get you a wife tonight”. It didn’t work, and she was very upset about it. I had some sausages on the fire when some girls walked past, and i cried out loud "i’m giving a sausage in a bun for a virgin, anyone interested?. One girl was interested, but very annoying, but her friend was cute. So now i’m married with two children with her.

  • jordanlund@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    She posted song lyrics online from Rush asking if anyone knew who it was.

    I replied that I didn’t, and was too proud to Google and say that I did. But the meter was close to “Yellow Rose of Texas” so maybe Emily Dickinson?

    One thing led to another and we just had our 13th wedding anniversary this year.

  • Hitmonchad@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I caught her cheating off my test in a gen-ed health class in my freshman year of college. I am normally a pretty strict rule follower, but this class sucked so much that I didn’t care. After that, we started talking a bit after each class.

    The next semester, we worked together on the groundskeeping crew for the school, and she got to see me do a classic Looney Tunes self-injury when I threw something heavy down on one end of a shovel lying next to me. The wooden end flew up, knocking my glasses clear off and giving me a black eye, and she rushed over to make sure I was okay.

    We’ve been married for 5 years now!

  • helmet91@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Do you remember 9gag? Some of you certainly do. Anyway, during those times they created another app called 9chat, later renamed it to Cookie, and later renamed it back to 9chat again.

    Well, we met there, on 9chat/Cookie.

    There weren’t an insanely huge amount of people there, and there was a section for newcomers to upload their selfie and/or introduce themselves. And I found this gorgeous girl there, started to text her, and to my surprise, she actually replied and didn’t even ghost me.

    We had a nice conversation there, and we continued on WhatsApp, and three months later we met in real life too. This was 7 years ago, and sadly we’re still in LDR, but the most important thing is, we have each other.