When your government botches an election in such a spectacular way, it is expected that the population would react in any country. I don’t know where you live, but if some protofascist steals an election e.g. Bolsonaro, we will both be out there rioting with good reason, it won’t be because the CIA paid us.
Or in other words: Potential protesters are not sitting at home like “Oh man, I so want to protest this shit, but the CIA didn’t pay me yet, so I can’t :(”
When your government botches an election in such a spectacular way, it is expected that the population would react in any country. I don’t know where you live, but if some protofascist steals an election e.g. Bolsonaro, we will both be out there rioting with good reason, it won’t be because the CIA paid us.
Or in other words: Potential protesters are not sitting at home like “Oh man, I so want to protest this shit, but the CIA didn’t pay me yet, so I can’t :(”