• peopleproblems@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Nope. In the intellectual circles of Germany Hitler was considered a rambling idiot. A lot of his supporters thought they could control him because of this, and prevent him from doing anything too stupid. They were wrong of course, because weaponized stupidity is very dangerous.

    Many times he didn’t like the way things were getting done, and against the suggestions of his advisors, would take control and order things that had pretty bad consequences.

    This is evident in the actual way the allies won the war. The Axis was starved of fuel.

    Hitler famously demanded that his armor battalions were the key to the success of Germany. Unfortunately for him, the routing of funds away from air power to armor led the allies to prove that a single bomber could be far more devastating than several tanks.

    He sent orders to betray the Soviet Union at the wrong time. The Soviet Union had heavy losses, sure, but now they had a war on two fronts. He was absolutely certain that the Nazi War Machine was unstoppable, and he would be the one to guide it… Right into the allies hands.

    World War II was complex, but an actual competent individual wouldnt have made so many mistakes for the sake of doing things his way.