"Marine Le Pen’s National Rally is set to fall well short of an absolute majority in the French legislative election on Sunday, according to projections from three polling companies,” Bloomberg reports.

“The far-right group and its allies are on course to win between 190 and 250 of the 577 seats in the National Assembly, based on the three surveys released on Wednesday and Thursday. That would be significantly below the 289 that would enable it to pass bills easily and push through its agenda.”

  • BestBouclettes@jlai.lu
    12 days ago

    I don’t think most people truly understand what the FN/RN really is. I’m pretty sure they see it as a standard hard right party, tough on crime, and the likes.
    When in reality, it’s full of actual Nazis, racists, conspiracy theorists, religious nutjobs and so on. If they get the majority (even a relative one), we are truly fucked. They will NEVER (big emphasis on that) leave power on their own.