• OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    To be honest, I already wasn’t voting for Biden because of his record of mass incarceration, support for the Iraq War, and ghoulish complicity in every major problem the country is facing today. The fact that he’s fully and unwaveringly supporting Israel’s genocide is entirely on brand and just makes the decision even easier than before. Four years ago, those concerns were the ones liberals were saying you had to hold your nose and look past, now they’re not even on the radar anymore and it’s moved on to significantly worse things. It’s a perfect example of how the democrats move discourse to the right.

    The US political system is truly vile in how it effectively brainwashes people into supporting genocide. Even in this thread you can see people defending Israel and saying it’s “necessary” for the US to support them, not even sticking to their lesser evilist line but just openly saying it’s a good thing for Biden to support them. Once people choose a camp they just end up knee-jerk defending their decision and adopting positions of their candidate to simplify their cognitive dissonance. In some ways, it’s worse than a straight up autocracy because of how it manipulates people while still not allowing people any meaningful voice.

    Of course the lapdogs of the empire are more than happy to not only adjust their own beliefs into whatever the elites want, but to then browbeat anyone trying to stand against it. Because to them, the positions of our rulers are completely immutable while the moral convictions of voters are up for debate.

    What liberals like OP will never understand is that no matter how real the threat of violence towards me is, it will never be enough to convince me to endorse genocide. At least I can go to my grave with a clean conscience, and that’s not worth much but it’s worth a hell of a lot more than anything Biden would do for me.

      • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
        2 months ago

        “As a voter, I have no power and my choices don’t reflect on me at all, but these all-powerful candidates who mysteriously no one supports, certainly not a majority of voters, THEY’RE the ones who are to blame for everything! BTW, Trump and Biden are just as bad, don’t @ me with your whining about ‘minorities’ or whatever, no war but class war!”

        • archomrade [he/him]@midwest.social
          2 months ago

          As a voter, I have no power and my [available] choices don’t reflect on me at all

          You’re actually not that far off. A liberal democracy will never provide choices that undermine its own ideological supremacy. Leftists have always known that true progress is borne outside of the electoral system, not from within it. If that weren’t the case then we wouldn’t have such a deep and rich history of violent and non-violent protest.

          • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
            2 months ago

            A liberal democracy will never provide choices that undermine its own ideological supremacy.

            Yes, the evil liberal democracy is tainting everyone’s vote, scribbling it in with sharpie. It definitely couldn’t be that most people are attached to the status quo in every system. No, it’s the LIBERAL CONSPIRACY.

            Leftists have always known that true progress is borne outside of the electoral system, not from within it. If that weren’t the case then we wouldn’t have such a deep and rich history of violent and non-violent protest.

            I’m sure who’s elected doesn’t have any effect on the viability of violent or non-violent protests. Both sides, right? :)

            • archomrade [he/him]@midwest.social
              2 months ago

              No, it’s the LIBERAL CONSPIRACY.

              I think you’ve missed the point there, bud. Systems of power don’t require a conspiracy of individuals to maintain it, they organize themselves.

              most people are attached to the status quo in every system

              You’re so close. Systems of power organize around the distribution of material resources. But you’re right - that’s true with most systems.

              • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
                2 months ago

                Ah, so we’re back to “Democracy Bad, the proles don’t know what they want”, great. The Party Line will never lead us astray, though!

                • archomrade [he/him]@midwest.social
                  2 months ago

                  I didn’t say ‘democracy bad’. I said systems of power do not provide the tools for its own subversion.

                  If a system of power grows from the influence of private wealth over a democratic institution, that institution isn’t going to spontaneously provide an option to rid itself of that influence. A democratic institution will always need extrademocratic force in order to keep corrupting influences out.

                  • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
                    2 months ago

                    A democratic institution will always need extrademocratic force in order to keep corrupting influences out.

                    I’m just gonna sit here for a bit. Maybe take up alcoholism.

    • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      What liberals like OP will never understand is that no matter how real the threat of violence towards me is, it will never be enough to convince me to endorse genocide. At least I can go to my grave with a clean conscience, and that’s not worth much but it’s worth a hell of a lot more than anything Biden would do for me.

      Cool, you can go to the grave knowing you’ve assisted in the murder as many people as possible. Good job!

      • young_broccoli@fedia.io
        2 months ago

        Why does the blame for the results of a democratic farce that allows authoritarianism to rise falls on those not participating in said farce? If anything, is those participating in it, advocating for it and validating it that should be blamed when the system they enabled inevitably puts in power an authoritarian idiot like trump. (not my way of thinking, but if we are gonna point fingers…)

        Who would you blame if Biden wins the popular vote and your “very democratic” electoral college gives the win to trump? Like it happened to Clinton.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          Why does the blame for the results of a democratic farce that allows authoritarianism to rise falls on those not participating in said farce?

          Why do I think people who don’t even bother to do the bare minimum to keep a fascist from gaining the highest office in the land share blame in letting a fascist gain the highest office in the land?

          I wonder.

          If anything, is those participating in it, advocating for it and validating it that should be blamed when the system they enabled inevitably puts in power an authoritarian idiot like trump. (not my way of thinking, but if we are gonna point fingers…)

          Offering non-cooperation without alternatives isn’t anything except enabling fascism through passivity. You want to delegitimize the system? Go ahead. But you better have a fucking plan that gets real fucking rolling before inauguration day, or else I will regard it as the work of a dumb fuck fascist enabler.

          Otherwise? Vote with the rest of us who aren’t fascists or their useful idiots and avert fascism a little longer so we have the ability to make such plans, should we desire.

          Who would you blame if Biden wins the popular vote and your “very democratic” electoral college gives the win to trump?

          Whatever dumb fuck swing state was closest. And every Republican voter, of course.

          • young_broccoli@fedia.io
            2 months ago

            Why do I think people who don’t even bother to do the bare minimum to keep a fascist from gaining the highest office in the land share blame in letting a fascist gain the highest office in the land?

            I wonder.

            Demanding a more democratic system that will actually give power to the voice of the people and make it harder for fascism/authoritarianism to rise seems like a better option to me than pretending the current system that allows people like trump into power, with ease and against the democratic consensus, will someday fix itself. Im not sure about this but I think most dictators and authoritarians around the world were “democratically” elected.

            Also, a little bit hypocritical/naive, tbh, considering the US has its far share of fascism already. Theres no arguing that trump/republicans are the worst option with almost immediate consequences for the US but if the objective is to “fight against fascism”, perpetuating the democrats in power as is wont do you any favours either. In terms of fascism/authoritarianism Trump is cyanide and Biden is mercury. Both will kill you but one will take much longer.

            Offering non-cooperation without alternatives isn’t anything except enabling fascism through passivity. You want to delegitimize the system? Go ahead. But you better have a fucking plan that gets real fucking rolling before inauguration day…

            Thats very unrealistic, theres no “solution” that will guarantee Trump wont get into power. Not even voting. However, if a change wanted to be made, protest and denunciation of the problem would be a good start; Election boycott and abstentionism are part of it. Its a shame that it is now that people is voicing their discontent now instead of when trump was undemocratically elected but thats how this things go. I still dont believe that you can honestly blame the people not participating (nor those who do) for the results of an undemocratic and rigged system. But you do you.

            And why is it that “we” have to come up with a magical solution that wil erradicate fascism in a few months when what you are advocating for not only cant prevent authoritarianism from getting into power but it enables it, encourages it and rewards it.

            … or else I will regard it as the work of a dumb fuck fascist enabler.

            “Insults are the arguments of those who are wrong”

      • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        If not doing anything for someone counts as assistance, then rest assured that Biden will have my assistance.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          Standing by and doing nothing when you could do something is assisting the end result. So if Trump wins, you can pop some champagne and celebrate how many additional Palestinians you’ve helped murder so you could indulge in a masturbatory excuse for civic participation.

          • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            Sorry, I’m having trouble understanding you with that boot so far down your throat.

            I think what you just said is something along the lines of, our ruler, who is actively arming and supporting a genocide that he has the power to stop, is completely blameless, while I, having no power and doing nothing with it, am somehow responsible for the genocide. That the gist of it?

            • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
              2 months ago

              I think what you just said is something along the lines of, our ruler, who is actively arming and supporting a genocide that he has the power to stop, is completely blameless, while I, having no power and doing nothing with it, am somehow responsible for the genocide. That the gist of it?


              No, but maybe if you take a remedial English class, you can come back in a few years and actually parse what was said.

                • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
                  2 months ago

                  Oh no, there’s fault with Biden, but you’ll have blood aplenty on your hands if Trump wins.

                  • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
                    2 months ago

                    I’m simply obeying what my conscience dictates and I’ve already accepted all that could entail. No matter what happens, I won’t feel guilty about my decision to not support genocide. I hope someday you too can recognize that supporting genocide is wrong, but I’m not holding my breath.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          “I can’t believe that most people don’t want my first OR second choice, even as a compromise position! This isn’t REAL democracy!”

            • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
              2 months ago

              You can vote for whoever you prefer, just know that you’re responsible for the outcome. And if you can bear being responsible, in part, for a fascist dictatorship and the murder of countless minorities, well, that’s… that’s a choice. I mean, it’s the kind of choice that marks someone as a fascist piece of shit, but it’s a choice.

              • whoreticulture@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                2 months ago

                Hm, it’s almost like we already live in a fascist dictatorship with the largest prison population in the world (proportionally), that is sending weapons to support a genocide, that is working to supress free speech. Hmmm. Wow if I had more than two brain cells I’d be able to figure out that voting for Biden is voting for fascism but gee I’ve only got the two.