• LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.worksOP
    5 months ago

    Basically, the entire case against Willis rests on the testimony of one former employee who only left because she was given the option of leaving or being fired for subpar performance. No evidence supports any impropriety, the whole thing was essentially an excuse for a character assassination flimsily supported entirely by the unsubstantiated testimony of a disgruntled ex-employee.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      They’re also claiming it’s a conflict of interest for her to have a romantic relationship with someone who would be on the same side of the case she’s on.

      And people are falling for it.

          • Late2TheParty@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            I don’t know if that can/should/whatever be used against him as it appears Mr. Barro (for some reason I’m tickled pink I get to type a Downton Abbey character’s name) has become critical of the Republican party and aligns more with the Democrat’s platform.

            • LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              Tried to look him up, got 2 seconds in and saw that he said homosexuals “need to be stamped out”

              That was all it took to decide any other thing he states should be looked upon as extremely bias and coming from an extremist.

              • Late2TheParty@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                The only context I have for that is a 2014 tweet where he said, “Anti-LGBT attitudes are terrible for people in all sorts of communities. They linger and oppress, and we need to stamp them out, ruthlessly.” Do you have that other link?


                I’ve read he is homosexual and married to a man. Not knowing much about the fella, is it possible, as a younger man, he only aligned with the fiscal conservatism of the Republican party (hence why he interned for a Republican), but could no longer support them as that party grew more into what we know now?

                • LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  No upon looking back at that source they chopped his wording making it look like he said that about homosexuals and not anti-lgbt views. I deleted the comment after reviewing what you said.

                  • Late2TheParty@lemmy.world
                    5 months ago

                    Man, sometimes “news” sources bum me the fuck out with their editing.

                    I’ve learned SO much about this dude over the last few hours. Like, none of it will be useful in my real life. 🤣🤣

    • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      No evidence supports any impropriety

      No need for evidence any longer, since we have their testimony, which supports impropriety…

      A complete fucking disaster. Like shockingly bad judgment by Fani. What the fuck did she think was going to happen?

      • LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.worksOP
        5 months ago

        Yes there absolutely is a need for evidence, specifically under the applicable Georgia statues, as you’d already be aware if you’d bothered to read the article.

        It’s worth repeating that the law in Georgia requires that an actual conflict of interest exist for disqualification of a prosecuting attorney. The conflict cannot be theoretical or speculative.

        No such evidence of a conflict of interest was ever brought forward, only the testimony of one noncredible ex-employee.

        • jpreston2005@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          I think there is a clear conflict of interest? she’s supposed to be prosecuting one of the nations most important trials, and instead of erring on the side of professionalism, she hired her fucking boyfriend. I want to see trump in prison, and unprofessional dumbassery like this is what’s going to let him off the hook.

          All she had to do was not fuck her legal team.

          • LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.worksOP
            5 months ago

            She hired him before the relationship began, and the relationship ended before the trial began. The relationship she had with him is not an actual conflict of interest, there was no benefit at any point she gained by his position.

            • jpreston2005@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              from the AP

              Robin Yeartie, a former friend and co-worker of Willis, testified earlier Thursday that she saw Willis and Wade hugging and kissing before he was hired as special prosecutor in November 2021. Wade and Willis both testified that they didn’t start dating until 2022, and that their relationship ended months ago.

              During personal and uncomfortable testimony that spanned hours, Wade also admitted to having sex with Willis during his separation from his estranged wife, even though he had claimed in a divorce filing that wasn’t the case.

              Here’s the prosecutor, in her hands we’ve put the fate of American democracy. and she hires her ol’ fuck buddy.

              Her recusing herself, allowing for another professional to step up, will not lose the case.

              But her grandstanding about her right to sleep with her legal team and face zero repercussions will absolutely lose this case.

              Just like with Bill Clintons infamous blowjob, it wasn’t the sexual act that everyone’s mad about, it’s the bullshitting about it afterwards.

              • LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.worksOP
                5 months ago

                If you read the article at all, you’d know that this person’s unsubstantiated testimony is literally all that Trump’s team has to support their contention. And this person is an ex-employee who only left because she was going to be fired for subpar performance. She has a grudge and zero credibility, and there is no evidence to support her claims.

                Willis and Wade both testified under oath that their relationship did not start until well later, after he was hired, and other witnesses testified in support of this.

                This is nothing more than a distraction and delaying tactic by Trump’s team.

                • jpreston2005@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  if you read the article at all


                  Did YOU read the article, or the quote I posted from that article? that Wade had to walk back his previous statement.

                  During personal and uncomfortable testimony that spanned hours, Wade also admitted to having sex with Willis during his separation from his estranged wife, even though he had claimed in a divorce filing that wasn’t the case.

                  • LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.worksOP
                    5 months ago

                    The existence of Willis and Wade’s relationship is not in question, both have stated they were in a relationship at one time. That relationship began after Willis hired Wade, and ended before the trial against Trump. It has no bearing on the case.

                    It is Trump’s team who is alleging that the relationship began before Wade was hired, and alleging a conflict of interest. Their sole support is the unsubstantiated testimony of one discredited ex-employee with an axe to grind.

        • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          I mean, what Georgia state law says is really secondary here.

          What matters is what people perceive, and what Fani did was a shockingly stupid at multiple levels.

          First off, Wade is not a RICO or constitutional law lawyer. He’s a personal injury lawyer. He’s completely unqualified to be lead on this case.

          Second, having personal relationship that could in-any way compromise what is likely the most important trial in US history, is like, so fucking stupid I can’t even find words. Hiring your buddy that isn’t even the right kind of lawyer is one thing, but because you are banging them? Bruh. This is the ONLY trial that Trump is involved in that literally can’t find its way to a compromised supreme court. If Fani would have just played this straight down the middle, or hell, hired any of the RICO lawyers she’s using on other cases, this would be a non-issue. SHe’s got literally 3 other RICO cases going right now. Guess what? Specialized RICO firms in each one.

          Third, Fani doesn’t see this as an issue, when its so obviously a conflict of interest. As soon as this came out she should have stepped or brought someone in to resolve the conflict of interest.

          Her actions are indefensible. Its a complete fucking disaster. Trump will skate because of all this.

          • LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.worksOP
            5 months ago

            No it is not secondary. In order for Willis to be disqualified, an actual conflict of interest needs to be proved. Trump’s team is trying to remove her, alleging a conflict of interest. There is no evidence of any such conflict of interest.

            Willis and Wade both testified under oath that their relationship began in Spring of 2022, and that she had not profited in any way from Wade’s appointment or position. The only thing Trump’s team have to contest this is the testimony of a single noncredible ex-employee. There is no evidence whatever to corroborate this, evidence which is required in order to achieve the outcome Trump’s team is pushing for.

            Your disagreement with the District Attorney’s hiring standards, or those of her choice in relationship partners, have zero bearing on whether or not there is a case to disqualify her. There isn’t. Evidence is needed to prove an actual conflict of interest exists, and no such evidence exists, period.

            • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              No it is not secondary. In order for Willis to be disqualified, an actual conflict of interest needs to be proved. Trump’s team is trying to remove her, alleging a conflict of interest. There is no evidence of any such conflict of interest.

              Law is secondary to public perception. I’m sorry its the way it is, but I’m not going to deny the way things are.

              If the public ‘perceives’ there to be a conflict of interest, thats what matters. The fact that its even gone this far is more than enough reason for Fani to have recused herself.

              She’s put the entirety of justice being served to the people of GA on the line so she could be buddy buddy with an attorney who was utterly unqualified for the position she handed him.

              Its indefensible and the entirety of the rest of this process will be marred by the decisions Fani made.

              • El Barto@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                Law is secondary to public perception. I’m sorry its the way it is, but I’m not going to deny the way things are.


              • LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.worksOP
                5 months ago

                No, law is not secondary to public perception in a motion in a court of law to disqualify the prosecuting attorney for a conflict of interest. That is purely a matter of law, and what the public thinks about it is utterly irrelevant. The outcome of the motion to disqualify her will be adjudicated on the evidentiary standards in the law, not on the feelings and perceptions of the public.

                • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  If you don’t think this is trial is going to be impacted by what people think of it… you have missed the past 40 years of high profile trials.

                  How it is conducted matters. You should write justice off in this case. Fani screwed the pooch.

                  • LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.worksOP
                    5 months ago

                    Your hunch and feelings about Fani Willis are just as irrelevant. The law provides the answer for the standards which need to be met to disqualify her, and they weren’t met. End of story.