A spokesperson for the Russian government clarified that it has rejected requests to interview Vladimir Putin from reputable media outlets

The Kremlin’s first public response to Tucker Carlson’s announcement that he’s landed an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin was to fact-check the former Fox News host.

On Wednesday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Carlson had indeed interviewed Putin, but took issue with Carlson’s claim that “not a single Western journalist has bothered” to interview Russia’s president throughout the nation’s war with Ukraine, which has raged for more than two years.

  • Lianodel@ttrpg.network
    5 months ago

    Peskov claimed on Wednesday that Carlson’s position on the conflict with Ukraine is “not pro-Russian by any means, and it’s not pro-Ukrainian; rather, it’s pro-American. But at least it stands in clear contrast to the position of the traditional Anglo-Saxon media.”

    Pffft hahaha, what a fucking racist dork. That’s some 4chan-level shit.

    Also, while I think it’s overall a good article, I think calling Tucker a useful idiot is unfair. When I think of a useful idiot, I think of someone who means well, but is on the wrong side without realizing it. Tucker’s not a smart man, but he knows what he’s doing. If you ever watch his shit (which I only recommend to verify his grift), he’s not just disconnected from reality, but actively contrary to it. He’s trying to poison the well, while inoculating his viewers to reality and any argument based on it. He’s not simply wrong, he’s lying. He knows what he’s doing is wrong, but he’s doing it anyway, for his own benefit.