Reddit refugee

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I tried it when the first one I tried didn’t work out.

    Ctrl+C hard locked it instantly every time I pushed it. I could right-click and choose “Copy”, but pushing Ctrl-C just froze whatever image was on screen. No response at all after that. Plus it was giving me a headache trying to get Nvidia drivers installed.

    So then I moved to Pop since the correct driver was baked in, and it’s been mostly smooth since.

  • Halo 1 was the first game I ever played online. I played a lot of it.

    But I was a very different person then, and replaying it now reminds me of how stupid I was (because I got into a clan that was very based on that kind of person) and the internal ick just his a fever pitch and ruined the game for me.

    I never played 2 since that was on Vista and I never went back to it after finally getting Win 7.

    After that the series just felt tainted to me. When I first tried it on a console it was really weird with the control setup. I was very used to hundreds of hours on Perfect Dark with the default controls. Having a second stick and rearranging what hand controlled what bent my mind in knots for a while. But it ended up making more sense that way (as you can easily tell by how much it caught on- not saying Halo pioneered it, but it was my first experience with it).

  • The requirement was always listed on the page.

    It not being enforced seemed to make people think that now they have a right to be mad about it.

    I just don’t see a case for this upset. What am I missing? The requirement was spelled out the whole time.

    All I see is people not reading the not-fine-at-all print and then being upset when the rule starts being enforced.

    I honestly don’t understand the problem here.

    Now why it was offered for sale in regions that can’t use PSN is a mystery. Those accounts should definitely be refunded beyond the “normal” refund window and Steam needs to pay attention to that kind of thing a lot better than this. They wouldn’t have necessarily known that the account wasn’t possible for them, so that’s totally understandable.

    But for those who are in a country that can get the account, I just don’t see a leg for them to stand on here.

    If I’m missing something here please tell me. I love using my pitchfork. But I just don’t see justification here specifically.

  • Too relatable.

    I made an account to browse neighborhood news. If someone loses a cat or dog, I do want to be on the lookout. Haven’t added a single friend there. I’m just there to observe and potentially help save a pet. But it’s very “boomer” there, and in my experience (having lived here my whole life) every boomer is a Trump fan until proven otherwise. Every boomer goes to church every Sunday. They’re all the literal stereotype, and almost half are the same person as the ones you see interviewed at rallies by liberal-leaning journalists.

  • If that’s what it takes for them to stop pretending that anyone wants to pay that much, then great. Alcohol prices are obscene.

    And that’s coming from someone that absolutely hates alcohol’s mere existence as a beverage type. I won’t go into that here, but rest assured I’m not losing any sleep over anything that makes it more obvious it’s a bad choice.

    I’ve always said that I am ok with almost everything that makes cigarettes and/or alcohol less convenient/more expensive/less desirable.

    I’m willing to admit part of it is a “stop looking what I don’t like”, but I REALLY hate both of these things, and will rejoice any time something “terrible” happens to those industries or the people who benefit from them.

    I’m the monster that sees a smoker get lung cancer and just don’t feel bad for them. You literally chose that. Sorry but you did.