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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023

  • you want me to bend to your censorship in a post about censorship? sure thing bruv

    As a retard, legitimately having worn the label for the first two decades of my life on account of a bit o’ the 'tism, I assure you it’s you who’s being offensive, not me. That is my word and I have a right to it, given to me by all of you.

    stop borrowing things from other people’s lives so you can have something to pretend you’re righteous about. THAT is the common denominator of everything deemed “offensive” nowadays - it’s not yours, no one with the problem is making this complaint, NOBODY WITH THE PROBLEM SEES THIS AS A PROBLEM, and you’re just all virtue signalling your ridiculous asses off. That is what’s censored

  • The thing is you’re absolutely right, it’s not the fault of business that they’re allowed to run rampant and that the system is gameable. It’s kinda their fault that they’re so good at lying and then supporting those lies through lobbying for wrongheaded/poor/ignorant/laughable legislation, but it’s simply the clever thing to do in the situation.

    No, it’s the situation that needs to change. The government which allows them to govern themselves with revolving doors and without oversight is the real problem. The justices who put their own interests before their job. The stock market which eventually requires the enshittification of everything, and which does not allow the company to take the correct course. And the politicians, who either knew or had already abdicated their responsibilities, and so let them do it anyway, from plastics recycling to PFAS to climate change - it’s all lies, all the time and too little, too late.

    Let’s replace them all with AI. At least it just hallucinates. It’s not yet established itself to be reliably malevolent, and maybe if we get rid of all these shitheads pumping out bad information and bullshit simply to cover their own asses, it’ll start getting better information and hallucinate less, who knows, at least it won’t be actively trying to wipe us all out so we don’t figure out what it’s been up to.

  • By the way, this is the main argument against censorship, and the reason this society did not embrace it for hundreds of years, until the internet came along actually. All it does is make people find code words for the shitty things they say, (eg god hates flags, with the rainbow flag being held) that make it less obvious that they’re being hateful. You can miss it sometimes, not in this case but in many others.

    Whereas, without censorship and all the retardation that comes along with it, you’re in the preferable situation of knowing immediately when someone is being an asshole, rather than having to wonder and doubt yourself more, that self-doubt being the motivation for the censorship in the first place.