I didn’t have a car for a few years and the one I had was 2003 (with a slight stint from a similarly-aged car during a couple-month time I had to drive). I now have a car again and I HATE that my heat/air and such are all flat against the panel (not a touch screen, though). I literally can’t adjust anything without looking in my current car. Thankfully, I avoid driving it whenever possible.
Unfortunately for my sanity over here in UTC+9, I can’t just sleep through the whole thing. I’m hopeful that work will be busy enough tomorrow that I won’t have time to think about it. What I also know is that it’s most likely going to get drawn out longer, so I won’t likely be specifically watching anywhere, but just picking up occasional US news somewhat accidentally along the way (either here or via fark). I voted as soon as I could print my overseas ballot and get it in the mail so I’ve done all I can do.