• 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • We aren’t talking about not killing Hamas though. We are talking about Palestinian civilians. You keep on sidestepping that. All comments I’ve seen you leave are you pretending to be this “both sides suck” person, but making no distinguishment between civilian and combatant with respect to Hamas and Palestine. You talk about Israel being justified in “getting its hands dirty to stop genocide”. You generalize Palestinian civilians as terrorists for a sentiment that Israeli civilians have confessed to feeling themselves.

    The ask has been, and always will be stop killing civilians, but there are no “civilians” on one side of the conflict to you, and that is why your sympathy isn’t worth it. I must have missed the direct address to “Burstar’s sympathy” in the article.

  • I guess I just find it real interesting the amount of doiblethink it takes to continously push that we are “terrorist sympathizers”. Or maybe I misunderstand and you’re saying that Palestinians are terrorist sympathizers because seeing you’re whole family erradicated and wanting revenge against those who did it is terrorism. I definitley don’t support Hamas, and if it is the case that wanting revenge for dead innocents is terrorism, the the IDF are a bunch of brutal hypocrite terrorists that are being funded by the US. Also, it’s kind of hard to see through “genocide” when the Lancet is putting new estimates at 8% of the population dead. I really don’t think “earning” your sympathy or the sympathy of anyone that thinks like you is worth much.

  • As I’ve said before. Quick brown fox is chill and comforting, like a pleasant autumn day at the park or perhaps a forest. Sphinx of black quartz is objectively a million times nerd shit and uncool. It tries too hard to be cool. Like a mom or dad trying to use the new slang that the kids have been throwing around. And because they don’t know how to use it, the slang is made to be out of place, uncool. Maybe if it was in the midst of some great, terrible, perilous story of bravery and heroics - a choice line said when it was most needed - it would be amongst good company. But it’s not. It’s just a sentence used to display the letters of the alphabet. So diluted and stale. Through this constant repetition, this constant exposure, it has lost potency. Venom in blood so carefuly exposed a hundred fold as to experience no symptom. But Quick Brown fox suffers no ill side effect, because it was bred for this purpose. It knows what it has been made to do and does it with pleasure.

    Thanks for reading.