Regarding not knowing what you like, I feel the same. I started doing a list this year of things I like, and now I can answer that question much better.
On the other hand, yesterday, I passed in front of a nightclub called “ice cream shop” in Portuguese. I found it a curious name and decided to find out more about the place, but it is actually impossible to Google it out.
The best part about the cartoon is that you can pass the joke at first, then send the cartoon later anyway
This reminded me of when I was hiking in Peru once and needed to pee badly. We stopped after a while, and I went to relieve myself behind some rocks. Five minutes later, much to my despair, the guide explained that the rock formation was sacred to the Incas.
Or is the barn itself that swallows
There is a business opportunity there for 0.35 inches Freedom Guns
I want to make a dictionary of expressions like these: “results-oriented person” = “someone that gets results in the shit conditions we provide”
That’s a really interesting case of autological and heterological words
It is good as a visual representation of the global, but you basically have to read each side of the triangle individually to grasp it well. The middle of the triangle means a perfectly equal distribution and the vertices mean 100% of one of the three characteristics.
Or ❤️ is a close second in all countries
Someone posted it here yesterday
And if you get only the statistically significant ones, it gets even more visible.
I actually think I developed kidney problems because of that
Mostly silly, more socializing than not, even though I would be less tired if I realized more quickly that sometimes I need to be alone.
It can be tough to break the social barrier with a group, but if it happens, then socializing becomes much easier.
Outside too, to be honest
It took me a couple of minutes to get it, but it was so worth it hahaha