• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I parents owned a cockapoo while growing up, and my siblings and I didn’t like it because it was aggressive as hell and my mother treated it like an actual factual babby.

    Once my sister was eating a hot pocket, and the dog wanted it, so it mauled her badly. It jumped up on the table randomly and mauled her face. It took several surgeries to get her face back to normal. My mother lied and told the police she had it destroyed.

    About 3 years later, it became paralyzed from the waist down after it attacked me. It jumped for my face and landed wrong. It didn’t die, and my mother blames me for the incident to this day, 30 or so years later.

    It would piss and shit all over everything until it died of old age about a decade later. All the while, my mother treated it more and more like a baby because it couldn’t get away, and it wore diapers when my mother wasn’t too lazy.

    I’m sure most of my issues with the dog were due to the owner being a shitty person.

    Though after it ate part of my sister’s face, I’m convinced that it saw everyone but my mother as “meat,” which is why I couldn’t get along with the dog. I mostly tolerated it until I emancipated myself early.

  • I’d rather remain comfortable not buying games from Ubisoft and EA.

    I refuse to waste a single dollar on every game from both companies, since we were all bent over and continue to get bent over because they just don’t care about anything but making more money.

    A good example from Ubisoft is the handling of the Driver series. They kept on releasing the games in the series in a near unplayable state before when most people had dial up.

    A good example with EA was the failed DRM with Spore. They only let you install the game 3 times, which glitched out to the point where people had to turn to piracy (warez and crackz) to play a game they paid for.

    We vote with every dollar spent, which gives me hope when people rally around good companies that do the right thing.

  • He’s one of the few people that you can openly hate on the internet, where half of the fandom will readily agree.

    One of the open secrets about people like Mattpat and other personalities is that the personalities are not real. What we see is an act.

    I firmly believe that he would be in a much better place if he stuck to brand building, where a lot of his hard-earned talent lays.

  • Random computer quirks always fascinate me. The strangest one I had involved a computer that shouldn’t have existed.

    One time in the early aughts I had a patchwork computer that I put together from the junk pile of a local computer store that a buddy of mine ran.

    It was barely holding together in a rusty frame, with zip ties and wood glue.

    Its modem was temperamental as hell. It would only stay online so long as it was pinging a website via command prompt. It was only some websites, too. Like I could ping Geocities, but not livejournel.

    I remember many weekends doing Mephisto runs in Diablo II, praying that my command prompt doesn’t bug out anytime I’d get anything worthwhile.

  • This is the truth. I was being abused by a boss of mine, with him demanding to know the whole of my medical history. He also demanded doctor excuses go directly to him, and not HR as I was told,

    Needless to say, HR shared that I was bitching about him and he messed up my desk, breaking an ornament and a knickknack that was precious to me at the time (I got it on honeymoon). I took photos, and HR even saw him near my desk at the time of all of that happened

    It took a major civil suit to get the video, but after the judge saw it ‘my case was won’ according to the judge. It was so obvious of evidence of him breaking stuff, spitting on my chair, snapping my laptop.

    I even got special consideration because my boss then gave me a laptop that was so old that I couldn’t load the required VPN software.

    I’m glad I got out of a corporate run tech field. It’ll eat your soul without you noticing until it’s too late…