Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The problems always boil down to money and power.

    Everyone wants to rule the world and think and believe that they can become masters of the universe.

    No one can … a few of us might be able to attain that possibility momentarily but it will never be possible to make it last.

    So the problem lies with money and wealth.

    Remove and outlaw excessive wealth. Go ahead become a millionaire with ten million, no one will stop you but you are no longer allowed to gain any more than that.

    Once excessive wealth is removed and more people are able to share wealth and power … then we can talk about world problems like adults … equal adults who have an equal chance at the benefits but also an equal share of the risks of failure.

    Right now, the few people holding the power have no risks and only stand to benefit, no matter what happens, so they have no incentive to change. The majority who have no power risk losing everything but have no power to change anything.

  • I’m Indigenous and I live in northern Ontario … and I fully support our current government for what it is and most of the people I talk to around me feel the same.

    It’s only a very loud minority of self serving conservatives with a huge bone to pick and an oversized chip on their shoulder that talk non-stop about how terrible this government is. I see stickers on trucks, ads on the internet, ads on tv, ads in paper, constant bombardment from everywhere in public ads saying how bad the government is … while most of the people I talk to have no real ill feelings against the government and only a handful of hateful, spiteful, angry conservatives who go around saying how terrible our country is and blaming it on one single person for no real reason.

    Honestly, the only message I hear from conservatives is that they hate Justin Trudeau … some knowledgeable ones and those with a decent vocabulary can describe to me why they hate Trudeau … the rest just keep telling me we are living in a communist dictatorship and they demand their freedom back.

    I agree that this isn’t a perfect government … they could be doing so much more but as they are now, they are doing fine.

    It’s the conservatives I fear the most because if they achieve power, we will regress this country back to fighting between minorities/marginalized people/people of colour/indigenous and a vocal moral minority of conservatives that think they own the country.

    This isn’t a political campaign for any kind of ideology … its just another hate campaign designed to make one group fight another because of??? just because they want to be hateful and fight … then after the fight is over, they’ll continue fighting with everyone and blaming problems on those they deem less than themselves.

  • The thing that is upsetting about American fascism is not that it exists.

    It’s the fact that everyone is debating it like an argument about what kind of chairs you want at a wedding.

    It’s the same scenario that played our in 1930s Germany and the rise of Nazism … everyone kept arguing that it wouldn’t happen, it’s not like that, it isn’t that bad, they have good points, we can control it, we won’t let them go too far, everyone obeys the rule of law, we have morals …

    … then we all had to literally break the entire world in order to fix the problem.

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.caOPtoCanada@lemmy.caHappy Canada Day
    2 days ago

    My mom and dad were born and raised in the wilderness and my family on all sides has been part of this land for thousands of years … even with all the trouble we suffered from colonialism and racism, my dad always reminded us that life was better now than it was a generation ago … years ago I thought that was kind of dumb but as I grow older I’ve come to understand what he meant … it isn’t perfect by any means but it is still good and its up to all of us to make sure it doesn’t regress but only moves forward, not just for one segment or small group of people … but for everyone who was born here, came here, were forced here or had to be here.

    I’m happy to be part of this land with you … kitchi-meegwetch doodem … it means ‘thanks very much, my friend’ in Ojibway/Cree from northern Ontario.

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.caOPtoCanada@lemmy.caHappy Canada Day
    2 days ago and if you ever want to go full Native Canadian … go camping, take a day picking wild berries, make some bannock on a roasting stick over a fire, boil your berries in some water with a bit of sugar or honey … dip your roasted bannock in with the wild berry jam straight from the pot and have a wild dessert while admiring this beautiful wild country … while you’re at it, boil some water, make some strong tea, skim the dead mosquitoes from your drink with your finger and enjoy a hot beverage with your bannock

  • Any change no matter if is too late or too inconvenient would be a better change for the DNC than to allow Biden at the top position. Seriously, any other DNC politician would be better than Biden even if they changed right now or in the next few months. All you need is some politician who is about 50 years old to fight Trump every day until the election and the orange menace would suffer a heart attack trying to keep up.

    This is insane … it’s almost as if the powers that be want Trump to win and the only way they can ensure that is to put him up against an 80 year old competitor because it is the only candidate he could possibly beat.