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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • It’s almost like the billionaire-owned media was busy manufacturing consent and it was going somewhat well for some time.

    I mean Biden has had a series of the senility moments caught on tape, but before the presidential debate the billionaire-owned media successfully manufactured consent by telling the voters to ignore their lying eyes. Not all the senior moments were equally bad, so plenty of plausible sounding excuses were generated.

    After the presidential debate the reality of Biden’s condition was so blatantly exposed, the consent-making machine panicked and started furiously backtracking.

    This situation isn’t a joke because a lot of the billionaires will be negatively affected once Trump becomes King in November. With his King powers Trump can make CNN and MSNBC cease to exist. CNN and MSNBC don’t give two hoots about journalism or about holding power to account (they’d have to hold their own billionaire owners to account then), but they do care massively about their own safety. They are scared now because they no longer believe Biden has a chance.

    And all this insanity happened because none of the players in this story trust the democratic process. None of them trust the American people. None of the involved players respect the voters. They all believe they know what’s best for us.

    If we had a real open and democratic primary none of this would be happening.

  • Getting paid shills to rep your interests for you is sleazy when not done transparently, but I would not say it’s malice. It’s manipulation. Manipulation in the world of politics is as common as air, and if manipulation is malice all of politics is malice.

    Of course we don’t want to be manipulated. Just like no boxer wants to be knocked out. But if a boxer gets knocked out, that’s just how boxing works and it’s not malicious. Politics is a contact sport like boxing. Politics is dirty. It will always be dirty.

  • I thought that increasing wages for working people was a good thing

    Imagine you have a patient with body temperature at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The environment is at -20F. You increase the heat around the hypothermic patient by a massive amount to +50F. Is that good enough? If you stop here and have no further plans, is that good or bad if saving a life is your goal? But it’s a massive movement in the right direction!

    Now imagine that all the workers got a 20% raise. All the landlords read the same news as everyone else and raise their rents by 30%. Your wages increased massively but your ability to gain wealth is as bad as it ever was.

    In other words, Biden must improve people’s ability to accumulate wealth at the lowest quintile and THEN brag.

  • Do you understand that an individual with $150 billion dollars net worth (a measure of wealth) can have zero or even negative income? And that same individual can be funding election campaigns and revolving door opportunities for house reps and for senators? And give gratuities to Clarence Thomas? This could even be the reason for negative income.

    At the same time a poor working stiff could have her income doubled and still NOT be able to SAVE anything?

    And how all this is a GIANT structural political problem, and indeed a THREAT to democracy itself?