There was a whole shitstorm about it.
There was a whole shitstorm about it.
That’s a wonderful mental image I feel like I understand high ranking streamers without watching them now
Also I searched Ukraine out of curiosity and he actually reacted to an HBO doc made by a rapist and an obvious fed military journalist 👁️👄👁️
I don’t know what to do with this info. Probably fed to him to promote. Gaming streamers becoming political commentators to find a way out of esports is so fucking weird to me still.
I talk like xQc
Just looked up this guy and this seems obvious, is the inverse of literacy and coherence. Stop fucking gaming and watching streams.
I completely diagree, the conscious part of the universe is the most important. We also have a terrible responsibility to guard it. We can’t give ourselves up to personal satisfaction or serenity while most of humanity suffers. It’s gleaming light completely overshadowed by pain.
Dawg why the fuck are you lecturing me about Orbán like that has anything to do with the Ukraine War we were originally talking about? Do you think I support Orbán? Are you stoned? I thought by orphans you meant the White House claiming Putin is stealing Ukrainian kids (literally evacuating children from a war zone) to indoctrinate them. Was really not clear, maybe my bad?
I am aware Hungary is fucked up, and I would be totally happy to listen to whatever details you have on the elite child rapists there. Seriously. But you’re turning this into some QAnon shit that won’t even deal with the problem.
The thing is USA, Japan, Belgium, the UK, and Ukraine (like the entire NATO side) are all child rape capitals of the world as well. Look up Marc Dutroux! If you want to get rid of corrupt politicians in your country, conspiracy theories about how defeating Russia (you can’t) will make them crumble to dust and solve all your problems are not helping. Don’t you see why Orbán and the far right get more support when their only opposition is people like you who are pro-war? Fix your fucking problems at home and stop blaming Russia for everything.
People like Orbán and Trump don’t even care about Russia they only use their politican instincts to realize the war is unpopular and they can grandstand about it. Neither one of them will actually help Russia.
You literally only use White House approved sources. I don’t approve of anything you are talking about because it is made up to justify the West supporting neonazis. This is a narrative you have no actual evidence for. All of your ideas come from the state department and from Kiev. They’re liars. They even told you they were winning the war moron.
Dumbasses like you are why the Ukrainian population is paying for your mistakes
The funny thing is the Baltoids actually believe this will be good for Linux. They genuinely have no idea what they have done.
The wager isn’t whether countries have “far-right elements”. The wager is which country has a government that openly venerates a man who slaughtered Jews and Poles for sport. Maybe someday you will understand what happened here.
What in the reddit are these comments
That’s really not true brother. 😅 You have so much more to lose. Don’t say you weren’t warned. You begged for the Western financial class to enact more punitive measures that you just acknowledged are contributing to an energy and cost of living crisis in Europe. You can lose so much more than cheap heating in the winter. So much more.
Slava Ukraini. Oh no, I just jokingly repeated the words of fascists. 🤣
Tumblr ass melodrama game music was good at parts though
I wish I was a gas cloud with a dim awareness beyond mortal comprehension or a little bug that lives on a cactus flower. Something allowed to be ignorant and still fulfil its role in the universe. Unfortunately that wish is evil because we have to climb the chain of being forever.
The Russian oligarchs actually really wanted to chill and trade titanium through Ukraine. None of this NATO think tank narrative makes sense.
Maybe the dems should have done something to actually reform how the electoral system works at any point they had power post-Bush which was quite frequently BTW. This didn’t happen because the democratic party makes money off devouring its base and loves losing so much it will even send money to republican candidates in areas where they have totally lost any presence.
Let me make a really strange analogy here. Education and vocational schooling are actually effective tools when there is a problem with terrorists or militias robbing people, or cultlike groups and gangs organizing, moreso than just ramping up military or police security for communities and businesses and transports etc. You have to solve the source of the alienated disenfranchised young men who become these aggressors, there is no way to ever catch up to it.
What I am saying here is you shouldn’t focus on correcting yourself or beating yourself up, but finding education and assistance. If people who fought with ISIS or Boko Haram can be rehabilitated after a time, so can you!
I don’t see a single reference to A Scanner Darkly in the comment section and I am pretty sure RFK lifted the idea from it. Then again forcing vulnerable people to do farm labor to “help” them is at least as old as fucking native boarding schools 🤮 die worm man die
The Pentagon has repeatedly said they have no proof North Korean soldiers are in Ukraine.
A world war would be reserved for “great powers” once again fighting each other. Since WWII, the US has been the world’s only great power, facing little opposition from the supplicated Europe and Japan. When some combination of those gang up on a perpheral nation, that is not a world war.
When a country is suddenly able to militarily pose a threat to this trinity, along with Canada and Australia and Sputh Korea, suddenly everyone in America with a cushy enough job to have anxiety as their main problem rather than exhausted living expenses constantly, global thermonuclear threat rises to the level of home burglary on their list of concerns. Yeah I think it’s pathetic, I got over fear of nuclear war when I was like eleven. Every country should have nuclear weapons. Keeps it honest.
File trees 100 folders deep but entirely in Downloads of course
Andrew Callaghan, not Hanrahan is the guy who was being weird at afterparties. The main Channel 5 guy who says he has persistent hallucinogenic symptoms. His fans stood by him 🤕