• 113 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You know both Hezbollah & Hamas exist today because of Israel. If Israel had found a solution to peacefully co-exist with their neighbors, we wouldn’t be here today commenting on this article. Israel has historically used disproportionate measures toward, anyone who opposes it. Just look at the graph of rockets fired by Hezbollah or Hamas vs those fired by Israel, and mind you none of them have an iron dome to protect their civilians and still Israel is playing the victimhood card.

    The only way to bring long-lasting peace would be for Israel to grant Palestinians civil rights, and start treating them fairly, and not build plenty of checkpoints, and walls, and evict them, practically making their lives miserable. It is kind of sad, that all this is coming from a nation that was oppressed so much during the years, but yes, they seem to have learned nothing from their own history.

  • In a way WWI fueled the dissatisfaction of regular Germans and led to the rise of the Nazi party. Without the treaty of Versailles, most likely WWII would have never happened. So yes, you always need to consider the context.

    And yes, the normal reaction of human beings of their struggles caused by others is to create resistance movements, so in a way, if you remove those struggles, the terrorism and resistance movements will die down. Because there is not a single prosperous country with an active and strong terrorist organisation. And yes, people inherently are the same, everywhere in the world.

    And our goal as humanity is to preserve the humane part.

  • According to Israel every adult male is a terrorist. Remember they are even using AI to target them. And if I remember correctly around 20K are the kids and women killed. So I hardly doubt that the number of Hamas fighters is so high.

    You know we will never know what their ratio is, because Israel can claim whatever they want without providing proof that those killed were indeed terrorists. You remember them killing their own hostages or the FCK? This simply shows how indiscriminate they are in the killings and how little they care about civilian casualties.

    And remind me if any of their soldiers actually get an effective sentence for committing a grave offence.

  • But there is a very interesting titbit in Wikipedia. He wanted to go to Jordan to study, but his visa application was declined by the Israeli authorities and only then he turned into terrorism.

    The most successful way to fight terrorism is to provide those people some future, some prosperity, some hope. People turn to terrorism when they are struggling, when they don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.

  • So you are trying to tell me that if you were on the other side of the fence you would be happy if some colonial Western countries gave your land on a silver platter to an ethnic group, consisting of new emigrants who were not even living there before 1900.

    I have all the compassion for the Jews and what they experienced in WWII. But this doesn’t also give them a carte blanche to expel people from their own homes and declare Israel as an ethno state.

    The reality is that Israel has killed and destroyed a lot more civilians and their infrastructure compared to any of their proclaimed terrorist neighbours. And then it is just logical to ask who is actually worse, the so-called terrorist organisation, or the state of Israel of their indiscriminate killings. And believe me, through the years Israel committed well documented plenty of human rights violations, war crimes, etc.

    You know if you disregard international law so blatantly, you are creating a dangerous precedent and other countries would do the same. The whole idea of those international laws is to prevent large scale conflicts and to minimise the civilian casualties. But nowadays no one bats an eye if Israel breaks another one.

    And this double standard, is infuriating. Because if you are a war criminal, you should be put into jail, no matter your country of origin, skin colour, religion, etc.

    And the same applies to Hamas and Putin, of course.

    Instead we have Israel trying to sabotage the international criminal court, tapping phones, blackmailing prosecutors and on top of everything else the US is considering sanctioning the prosecutors just because they dared to issue an arrest warrant for Bibi and Gallant. That’s how rotten our world is.