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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Il avait un programme politique exceptionnel, mais il était au PS avec Hollande, et il s’est poignardé dans le dos par l’aile droite du PS qui est parti soutenir macron. C’était pas vraiment que c’était pas le bon moment, c’était plutôt le pire contexte pour proposer ce programme. Le PS 1vait son étiquette de traître, et il ne s’en est pas désolidarisé. Beaucoup se souvenaient encore de Hollande qui prétendait que son ennemi était la finance…

  • C’est tout à fait vrai. C’est ce qui justifie une déstitution d’ailleurs, mais comme indiqué elle n’aboutira pas.

    Après, foutu c’est un grand mot. Y aura des points d’étape de la montée vers la dictature. Le premier sera le budget. Mais y a des outils pour passer outre ce problème. Le second, ce sera dans un an quand macron pourra redissoudre et nous expliquer qu’il faudra mieux voter cette fois. Le troisième, ce sera la présidentielle dans 3 ans.

  • It’s a slippery slope. First it’s either a community they can share anything with, or it is a subject dear to them that they see people give solution to. Then, slowly, one idea at a time, they get litteraly corrupted. Ideas are imprinted through repetition, values are suggested. Then, or before, you imprint the idea that the others are lying. This is key because it seed doubt in everything, but as he is closer from this group, this group get to imprint its own ideas through repetition alone. Distance is built with relatives so that the group is the only group he has. Then if he starts to disagree, he will be kicked, sometimes also punished, and he’ll be left alone, or at least he must be convinced of it. Once there radicalisation is a process that’s hard to stop.

    Doubt, distrust, and a group to be with are the key ingredients. Liberalism is a fertile ground for this because it promotes individualism when humans are social creatures. So it’s very easy to find people in need of a social group that gives belonging. And racism makes the easiest pretense : you belong because of your blood, or because you’re born here.

    For sexism, it’s mostly a reactionary backlash, and secondly this liberalism problem of promoting individualism to humans who seek belonging. Feminism did won, and the old way of treating women is being addressed. But it is a process, and while we know what’s bad, we don’t have much new examples to follow. Yet most people have been trained in the old way, so now they are at lost. It’s not the first reason why they’re alone, liberalism has this place, but it is far easier to blame it on women and feminism than to try to build a new society. And also, it again gives them belonging with men like them that understands them and give explanations and solutions to their problems. Not good ones, but that’s not the point.