Rocky linux is definitely for desktop too. It was designed as a successor of Centos, which was widely used in medium and big companies. We currently use Rocky 8 where I work. It works fine.
Rocky linux is definitely for desktop too. It was designed as a successor of Centos, which was widely used in medium and big companies. We currently use Rocky 8 where I work. It works fine.
100 is a bit much, a good ebike can cost several thousands. IMHO the main driver for adoption is the availability of dedicated infrastructure. I can afford an EV but chose to use a bike because the infrastructure is excellent where I live and it allows me to avoid traffic and congestion.
Le gros problème d’envoyer des soldats en Ukraine c’est que ça sera très probablement pris comme une déclaration de guerre par la Russie.
Une guerre? Non non, la France n’entre pas en guerre! Nous faisons une opération spéciale pour protéger les populations francophones en Ukraine du fascisme.
Leur pass rail était déjà beaucoup moins ambitieux que le D-Ticket Allemand, qui contient en plus les transports en communs (bus, tram, métro) dans toutes les villes d’Allemagne.
Something is wrong with your distance formula by a factor of 4 (you should have D=1/2 * V_0^2 / a) . Not that it changes anything in your conclusions.
The only time I’ve seen frog legs was in biology class. I’ve never seen it on a menu anywhere. It might be a regional thing.
Looks like it’s on purpose.
Bruno, génie incompris.
Le prix de l’examen de conduite tous les 15 ans c’est négligeable par rapport à tout le reste quand tu vois combien ça coûte une bagnole.
You don’t need physical newspapers, but if you want good journalism you should definitely pay for your news.
une coalition LR/EM
Rien à voir avec ce qui s’est passé sous Bornes, un changement de stratégie complet.
Say the word “giraffe”. Don’t pronounce the ra. Wow. That simple.
I have two kids and use a bike (for ecological reasons). I realize I’m incredibly lucky my area has very good and safe biking infrastructure. Had to upgrade to a electric cargo bike when the second one came about, but I don’t regret at all, it’s more’confortable and safer for the kids. I do own an old ICE car, which I considered replacing with a new EV, but since I drive maybe a few hundreds of kilometers per year, I figured it’d make more sense to keep the old diesel than to replace it.
I don’t know where you live, but here the government doesn’t give a shit about eco-social organizations until they start to destroy costly things.
Both exists, and salt can have both. Fluor in the salt is quite specific to Germany and a few other countries though.