Just an ordinary German guy.

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I won’t get any bonus points but maybe a little 2D platformer? I made this tiny prototype with Godot a while ago, but didn’t have time/stamina to continue. Maybe thats something for you? The Idea was that you are a space explorer and you send tiny robot drones on planet surfaces to find and mark resources. You then sell the coordinates to some shitty megacorp and buy upgrades for your robo Buddys. Your robots have to survive against the elements, anomalies and possibly alien creatures. If you run out of robots, it’s game over. Maybe I’ll come back to it sometime.

  • I wrote it here some time ago. Tried Linux Mint with the intention of finally switching from windows on my notebook. Bricked one partition that I forgot I had set to dynamic, Headphone jacks didn’t work even after fiddling around with arcane parameters in the cli. If you mainly need the command line to set your system up and stuff doesn’t work out of the box people don’t have the nerve to switch and learn all that. Love Linux, great on steamdeck, have a couple of Virtual Machines to play around with on my old Poweredge server but it’s not ready for me, the average user. That and I’ve to use windows for my cad work at my job anyways. I’ll take the downvotes but you’ll have to realize you are tech savvy people who have fun learning all that. Most people don’t.

  • Oh, that’s a hard one. It really depends on what you want to learn. While I can recommend each and every of the smaller Teubner books, they can be quite pricey since the new edition is not as good as the older ones (on the upper shelve). However, the big Teubner “Deutsche Küche” and "Küchenpraxis (lowest shelve) are wonderful too, and you can get them relatively inexpensive on eBay. If I had to choose just one, I’d go with “Küchenpraxis” since it’s the most comprehensive for Wares, Produce, Procedures and an assortment of recipes.

  • IMHO scallops should be dived for, not dredged or trawled. Obviously diving will reflect in the scallop price, as it should, since they are a delicacy. This isn’t sustainable. I’ve seen the bottom of the Baltic sea (3D sonar) it is has miles and miles of groves from the trawlers. Sure this might not be comparable as the Baltic isn’t the most diverse ecosystem, but it has seagrass meadows and quite a number of smaller animals. This goes for all food sources, no harm in eating something special occasionally of sustainable origin. Edit: oh and quotas based on population, obviously.