Definition of bizarre: strikingly out of the ordinary.
Poor headline.
Definition of bizarre: strikingly out of the ordinary.
Poor headline.
I’d implore anyone who disagrees to maybe replay the MegaTon section at the beginning of Fallout 3. Bethesda haven’t evolved at all since and it’s aged badly, especially the writing.
I didn’t notice when I was 18, but that was me with 16 years less experience.
looks around for consequences
Will the EU help Ukraine do the same when USA abandons them?
Checks out tho, he just buys stuff and takes credit his entire life.
idk that’s still funny.
Yeah, that’s the damned party idealogy.
I suspect Scott being a doomsday death cult evangelical made those cuts deliberate instead of just being a standard short sighted git. Especially when he decided to take a vacation during your crises.
Utah can fuck off too. The mormons at least.
That beautiful land is wasted on them.
I’ve been losing weight all winter so far by fasting. Built a home gym out of used stuff off locals. Next is navigating that whole gun ownership thing I ignored my whole adult life thus far, and signing up for training. My mom’s friend teaches at a Canadian Tire that has a gun range.
I’m getting prepared for hard times, whatever they bring. Hopefully not the USA invades Canada scenario. We’d get rolled.
My first musical physical media purchase was Backstreet Boys, but the rest after wasn’t cringe, I swear!
At least you don’t get downvoted for saying it anymore, more progress!
It’s not terrorism if they’re MAGA as I understand.
Like I give a shit which goblin does the job at this point.
Saw him last year, my sister dragged me to one of his climate change talks. Fairly worthless to anyone except children who don’t know what’s going on yet pretty much. The Q&A section was funny because it was entirely people asking him what they should do about it, and Bill just kinda shrugging with non-answers and irrational optimism. Good talk.
If anything it’s amazing it took this long to fall apart.
Same taste, more surface area.
I’ve Irish goodbye’d a couple shitty jobs. The last time b4 current career I got the phone call at work, he asked when I could start, I said a month from now, and then just left without telling anybody.
All I need is a community repo, and a cfg edit to parallel download. That’s it, perfection.
If the RIAA can sue $100,000’s per individual mp3 file…