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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • S410@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    6 months ago

    How does burning a car improve anything? By what logic does not burning a car equal to “fucking over the next 15 generations”?
    Misdirected rage, even if it’s initially for a good reason, doesn’t help anything. If there’s a house on fire, you pour water on that house, not one two streets over. You do the latter, you end up with two destroyed houses: one burned, the other flooded.

  • I’m not talking about this case and this data. I’m talking about the take of people above on how things should be handled.

    Derpgon said “russia can be fucked” regardless of whether it’s a military or civilian target.

    Maness300 pointed out that collective punishment can easily turn into discrimination. That is, there’s a big difference between “XYZ is bad, because it’s aiding Russian military” and “XYZ is bad, because it’s Russian”

    Phoenixz points out that Russia is committing genocide, as if it’s a counter argument to the previous statement, somehow.

    I point out that just because Russia is committing genocide, it doesn’t make it right to slip into “XYZ is bad, because it’s Russian” and use that as justification to do anything you want to the country and its people.

    Maness300 is right: targeting entities of any country for the action of said country, regardless of whether the entities in question are responsible, or even capable of influencing the actions, is not a good idea. It will lead to more problems.

    I, for example, don’t support the US selling weapons to Israel. Should go and set the closest 7-eleven on fire? It’s an American company, so, clearly, it’s a valid target, right?

  • Did you add a repo for RHEL8 to your Fedora install? Please, undo that.
    Please, don’t blindly follow instructions you find online, particularly when it comes down to installing something as important as drivers.
    Installing drivers from third party sources should be done only as the last resort and only if you know exactly what you’re doing.

  • What about “if the target audience is known to not speak it” part do you not understand?

    It’s one thing to have your little community in whatever language and post there.

    It’s another to show up in a very much international community and start posting in whatever random language you want. Or, worse, start replying to comments written in English using your language. Like this guy. Just… How do you even do that? Aren’t you supposed to kind of speak English to even understand the content of a comment you’re replying to? Why not respond using it, then?

    I’m not a native English speaker. My friends aren’t either. Yet we all use it for pretty much the same reason. And if you think you can just chime in, go “你的母亲是只仓鼠,你父亲满身接骨木的气味”, and be both perfectly understood and not downvoted, you’re either a troll or an idiot.

  • It makes sense to not use English if the target audience is known to not speak it, but it is often not the case.
    English is the most commonly spoken language in the world, after all. To not use it, is to make the content less searchable and harder to understand for billions of people.
    Over a billion of those people have learned it as their second language simply to understand and be understood by each other. Is it really that weird that those who can’t be bothered to do the same get downvoted?

  • S410@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlI'm an idiot (arm)
    6 months ago

    Offtopic, but why on earth would anyone use .rar? It’s a proprietary format. The reason there’s basically no software to create or modify .rar archives is due licensing, which makes it illegal to write software that can do it.

    Looking at the rarlab’s website, it appears that only the MacOS version has an ARM build. For Linux, only x86 and x64 are listed.

    So, either use MacOS, use emulation to run the x86/x64 version or break the law.

  • They’re not wrong, though?

    Almost all information that currently exists has been created in the last century or so. Only a fraction of all that information is available to be legally acquired for use and only a fraction of that already small fraction has been explicitly licensed using permissive licenses.

    Things that we don’t even think about as “protected works” are in fact just that. Doesn’t matter what it is: napkin doodles, writings on bathrooms stall walls, letters written to friends and family. All of those things are protected, unless stated otherwise. And, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen a license notice attached to a napkin doodle.

    Now, imagine trying to raise a child while avoiding every piece of information like that; information that you aren’t licensed to use. You wouldn’t end up with a person well suited to exist in the world. They’d lack education regarding science, technology, they’d lack understanding of pop-culture, they’d know no brand names, etc.

    Machine learning models are similar. You can train them that way, sure, but they’d be basically useless for real-world applications.