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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Perhaps worth noting, there was a SCOTUS decision in the early 2000s (New York Times Co. v. Tasini) that held that freelance journalists whose contracts did not specifically include an electronic distribution clause were entitled to damages when those articles were subsequently released on the web and to electronic news services like Lexis/Nexis.

    Big publications like the NYT came to settlements that allowed them to pay to redistribute the older articles (by paying the original authors), but smaller publications may not have such a settlement structure in place and may not be allowed to redistribute the original articles without additional permissions.

    FYI, I have a copy of the Dragon Magazine Archive CD-ROM version that came out in 2001… only to immediately disappear off the market for this very reason!

  • This seems highly suspicious.

    Bumble laid off 37% of their workforce just 2 weeks ago:


    If you read the article, Ms. Monteleone says:

    We — since SB 8 — have seen a reduction in our Texas workforce by about a third. Those employees are choosing to move elsewhere,” she told the audience at the event. “There are a variety of laws in Texas that I think many people find incompatible with living a healthy life and being their authentic self,” added Monteleone, suggesting that not all the departures may be tied directly to this specific piece of legislation, but possibly to several other Texas laws or proposed laws that don’t sit well with Bumble’s employees.

    Not a word about their decision to cut their own workforce – some of them are surely part of that “reduction in our Texas workforce” (note how she doesn’t say they transferred to other locations, or left the company of their own free will). I guess their huge layoff happened “since SB 8”? cough

    It sounds like they are trying to do damage control, by spinning their layoffs into a narrative about TX reproductive medicine laws.

    Believe me, I’d like nothing more than to see big companies like Toyota, JP Morgan, and USAA give the finger to Texas. But I don’t think Bumble is being honest about this, and I don’t think they constitute a blip on the radar of the TX economy.