Wake me up when any party in USA is held properly accountable for all the crimes against humanity they commit.
Wake me up when any party in USA is held properly accountable for all the crimes against humanity they commit.
What a fucking great deal!
Somehow it’s always like that when some country get to serve as US proxy.
Also supported mass murders in Indonesia.
Zelensky himself claimed it’s more than half, though he tried to shift the blame from himself and Ukraine. Though i guess it’s not even impossible he’s completely right and he ands his cronies only then helped themselves to significant part of remaining half.
All they demanded was basically a lip service and they didn’t get even that
Yeah i like the genre because it’s an unashamed epic power trips. I blame the western fantasy which degenerated to shitty gritty dark low fantasy and/or pointless strings of long action scenes and keeps at it for over 30 years.
Btw i recognized the nickname because i currently read the Eternal Supreme :)
Fellow xianxia enjoyer?
In current Polish sejm there is 17 parties and 42 indpendents (on 460 seats). But every single one of them is procapitalist, proimperialist, pro USA, anticommunist. Alternative voting methods do literally nothing by itself.
Captain Ancap in Argentina.
And note not even he wants to do crypto
EU and countries that desperately want to be EU (like Albania, they want it so bad they even became the only muslim majority country that joined US on Xinjiang propaganda) licking US boot.
I mean look Poland of all places, that lost 6 million people to the nazis and entire nation was in the extermination queue, voting like this is extremely gross.
Seriously, I assume there’s a bill to “Denounce” facism too right?
No problem, i also very much appreciate your efforts in educating libs and other lurkers, your patience is incredible
As a Pole, yes, we were all literally saved by the Soviets so you can take your genocide denial and stuff it in your nazi whitewashing ass.
I am not ignoring collectivization. I am noting that it ended famine in a country that had regular famines. I believe collectivization could have been done better, but industrialization of farming had to be done to stop famine regardless, be it Capitalist or Socialist.
Interestingly enough, what caused Soviet agriculture to produce at first less food than pre-WW1 was (except WW1 and Civil War losses of course) the land reform and thus lack of collectivisation. Of course the land reform was absolutely necessary to forge and maintain the worker-peasant alliance and thus indispensable to revolution, but it lowered the efficiency by parcelation of big organised estates into small plots and by allowing kulaks to exist. Lenin was explaining many times that collectivisation and not individual farming is effective and necessary and Stalin explains in “Problems of Leninism” more indepth that in the 20’s the agriculture was slowly begin to improve by collectivisation and even at the end of decade the individual farming remain ineffective and kulaks still provide major part of food. So the famine struck in the time when Soviet agriculture still wasn’t even very Soviet and in vulnerable transition.
So i wouldn’t really agree with how collectivisation was “botched” (though the problems did arise of course as expected by such huge unprecedented transformation of major part of economy), since the main problem was that they didn’t do it earlier, but again it was probably impossible due to post-civil war fragility of agriculture and necessity of maintaining peasant support.
Actually, similar thing happened in Poland after 1945 - collectivisation of agriculture was impossible due to peasants being in literal slavery for over 300 years and disenfranchised for next 100, the land reform was strictly necessary to build socialism. Difference was, Poland try to collectivise by more slow means which was, well, slow, and would need around of century to collectivise the agriculture. Result was creation of strong rural petty bourgeoisie class that was needed to be constantly placated by privileges and 1989 completely undid any collectivisation by privatisation of PGR’s and plunging the collectivised peasants into abject poverty.
That would probably be some ultras, they are very desperate to be recognized by liberals as “true communists” unlike those “fake authoritarians”. Liberals of course don’t give a shit and immediately labeled ultras as tankies as well.
It’s not much different with France too nowadays, unless police crackdown at New Caledonia be considered especially fang-y
USA have absolutely abysmal records of upholding nuclear disarmament so IF it is even a serious proposition, the reason for it it’s the quickly incoming time when Minutemen missiles will have to be decomissioned while its replacement is so much overbudget and overtime that it seriously risk scrapping of entire project. Meaning the perspective USA will lose main part of its strategic armament is real.
Also you never, ever trust USA on any nuclear deals.