• 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2024


  • God, I remember how when I was like 8 years old I infected the home computer with a super annoying Adware.

    I have no idea how it got in, if I was just hanging out on the Cartoon Network site playing games, but it happened, it was horrible. Every time I turned on the computer it played a video of a woman talking in a strange language and advertising something I don’t remember what it was. I think in the end they had to format the hard drive, that’s how insidious that shit was.

    Another vaguely related event is when I supposedly messed up my mother’s first laptop by downloading music from Ares. I say “supposedly” because I doubt it was because of that, but because I was taking a bath while I was handling it. My mother loves to talk about it every time she hears the phrase “Computer Virus”.

  • I’ve been “learning” programming for about 10 years in a self-taught way. I don’t even know why I started, but it was with C, but I quit soon after when I realized I didn’t understand anything. I was jumping between C#, Javascript, and other languages until I landed on Python, mainly because I wanted to learn how to use Godot, and in the documentation of the Engine it said that its language, GDScript, was very similar to Python, and my reasoning was “Ah, ok. Then if I learn Python it will be easier for me to learn GDScript”. So I started learning Python and was able to create my first programs, but after a while I lost interest and forgot why I was learning it in the first place.

    When the controversy with Unity happened, I don’t know what happened to me but I felt a kind of wake-up call, like that was the moment to go back to Godot, and that’s what I did. And while I was making my first game suddenly everything I had learned the previous years made sense, now I really enjoy programming.

  • I have tried Apple products before (2 iPods as gifts). All the good memories I have are from pirating them, the bad ones are from the base operation of the products. An Apple product on its own is a terrible experience. Only together with other products of the same brand is it worth it. But to achieve that you have to pawn your whole life and almost join a cult.

    Besides, I’m not willing to pay a crazy amount of money for a device that does what my current phone already does but better (for my needs).

  • We were told from the beginning that any mistakes we made would have to be paid for, and that the work was “informal” (unregistered), so my ex-employers, in their words, “could do whatever they wanted with us”. That and the fact that in general the whole business was poorly run from the beginning were among the reasons for my resignation.

    “But why did you take such a job in the first place?” Simple, I “needed” the money.

  • I worked for an online money exchange company. On one occasion I made a wrong operation: I chose the wrong bank and although the account did belong to the client, it was blocked and there was no possibility (supposedly) of reactivating it. I ended up making the company lose the equivalent of 3 times my salary (the equivalent in, say, Dollars is not much, but here in Venezuela it was more money than I ever had in my whole life). After paying half of the debt (since the other half was charged to my supervisor, even though I proposed that I would assume the entire debt) I resigned immediately, I did not want to deal with the stress of making such a mistake again and that it would get worse.