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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • OMG! I’m so relieved that I’m not the only one. Some of the replies I’ve received in other conversations when I respond out of context have been so demeaning as if I’m making up excuses.

    Replying from the inbox is terrible.

    Thank you for validating my experience, although it also sucks for you. I appreciate you commenting

  • Mudface@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMurdoch never saw it coming
    10 months ago

    The actual baby boomers were the weak men created by the good times.

    The strong men created by hard times were their parents who fought in wwi and wwii

    My generation (millennial/gen x) is also weak.

    My children’s generation, unfortunately, might be the ones who grow to be strong, if we don’t turn around this disaster

  • It’s super frustrating, I would like to know why someone said “good luck with your wish then” before I respond to them, but I can’t find the post in the thread lol

    I’d feel bad just responding randomly, and sometimes I get it wrong and respond out of context to people, which must be super frustrating for them.

    It doesn’t help that most things I comment get a ton of replies, I understand why they do (a lot of people here disagree with me and want to tell me how horrible and stupid I am)

  • Mudface@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMurdoch never saw it coming
    10 months ago

    Where the fuck are you hearing that? Every conversation I have with my conservative friends revolves around how much immigration is reasonably doable and what number is too much strain on the system.

    There’s never a racist undertone to the conversation. Immigrants can come from Africa, or Mexico, or Poland. No one I know gives a shit about who they are, just what the policy around it is

  • Mudface@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlWhy must we be done this way?
    10 months ago

    It’s just hyperbole to illustrate a point. I don’t know why people are so literal online.

    I’m not just talking about 11th graders lol

    I’m saying that the time to need emotional support from your teachers happens much younger. When you’re 14-18 you’re learning to be an adult. If you don’t learn how to manage yourself emotionally, or provide your own means of motivations, etc you’re not developing into adulthood on a pace that should be expected of you.

    If your emotional development is too far delayed, it’s likely to cause you suffering the longer you take to learn it.

  • Mudface@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMurdoch never saw it coming
    10 months ago

    What you’re describing is really just western civilization, just in a really cynical way.

    I get it, you and people like you hate western civilization. That’s why those of us who love it stamp out any communist bullshit when we see it. Because we know, we know what the point of the ‘revolution’ is, it’s to destroy the western countries.

    It’s not something you’re likely to come out and admit, but when you say something like the ‘tradition of hierarchy’ well ya. What exactly is wrong with that? Dominance isn’t a well defined term, supremacy is a loaded word, I don’t know what a Protestant work ethic is in comparison to any other type of work ethic, but of course I value some kind of work ethic.

    Yes there should be hierarchy. Of course.

    ‘Deference to authority’, is this some anarchy argument? That’s what it sounds like.

    So if I break down all of what you’re saying, remove hierarchy, remove capitalism, remove competition and authority.

    Okay, I take all that in and I think “hm. He wants to destroy everything that western civilization has built”.

    This is why I’ll always oppose this kind of bullshit, because it’s disgusting. What you mean, if you got your way, would cause so much more death and suffering and you’re cowering behind this visage of saintly goodness. It’s gross, honestly.

    And most people who argue for this I usually just assuming are misinformed dreamers hoping for a utopia that’ll never come. But then there are others, the ones who know what they’re asking for and willing to go the distance to achieve it.

    Those ones are, I think, ones like you. Probably in here spreading anarchocommunist propaganda for your cause online to impressionable and well meaning kids.

    People like that, know they’re trying to destroy the country and rebuild it in their own anarcho-communist image.

  • Mudface@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlWhy must we be done this way?
    10 months ago

    Bro, that’s good advice man.

    If kids are already breaking because they don’t have support to hold their hands through 11th grade history class, if it’s too hard to get up and get to school everyday, pay attention, do your homework, etc without special attention from adults …. I mean …. Life is really gonna kick your ass later

  • Mudface@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMurdoch never saw it coming
    10 months ago


    Lol this is the kind of thing that shows up in my inbox over and over and over again

    I just told you, I click on the reply and it takes me to some random part of the thread. When replies start getting nested and there’s a lot of comments I can’t find the posts. And I don’t really care that much to spend the time searching, when my inbox keeps filling up with messages like the one I linked.

    Conservation of tradition is what conservatives usually aim to do. Nothing about established elite, but values, institutions, traditions, etc. that’s the context of ‘conserve’ in the name.

    Of course there’s a lot more to it than that.

  • Mudface@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMurdoch never saw it coming
    10 months ago

    All of the political tests I’ve ever taken have named me a ‘classic liberal’. There are so many subdivision of political leanings that it gets pretty confusing.

    I call myself a conservative because I believe in the family unit being the backbone of our society. The most important thing in the world. I believe in small government, I believe in free market capitalism, I think taxes should be minimal and government should be responsible with balancing the budget.

    Im not overly religious, but I think religion has a lot of good lessons to teach. I think the Bible creates fences around issues and asks us to do our best not to cross them, but those fences are far enough away from the real issue that we need to avoid to mean it’s not a huge deal if we step over the odd one here or there. I don’t take the Bible 100% literally.

    As for social topics, I’m much more liberal than where I am with governing. This is why I voted for Justin Trudeau back in like, 2015.

    I believe drugs should be legal, sex work should be legal, I think we should have less laws in general. I respect the idea of the police, but I realize a lot of them are just losers from highschool who got picked on and now they have a gun and a badge.

    I had a long soul searching introspective moment on abortion when my wife became pregnant with our first child and we were talking to the doctor about testing for Down’s syndrome.

    I realized that for me, I am against it. But I’m not so quick to say it should be banned. I do think there should be common sense restrictions though.

    Does that all make sense?